Just booked our honeymoon..anyone have advice about Ireland?
16-03-2006 10:54:16
So, the hubby-to-be and I booked our honeymoon.
We're going to Ireland and have some ideas, but if anyone has been there or lived there, any information/advice would be appreciated.
We'll be staying in a 5 star hotel in Dublin and we have already planned on going on a tour through the Guiness brewery. ) Other than that, we're not really sure what's good to check out.
16-03-2006 11:02:37
On my honey moon we're going to the Bahamas or something in that area. Water so clear that I can see my feet as I'm in to my neck. Great weather, nice scenery, etc. I'd rather not see a bunch of drunk Irish people... ;)
16-03-2006 11:03:48

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/9d5435d2fb40a1349ae8ed6d9580177e.gif[" alt=""/img4b2b260da7] Awesome news! The plans are moving along!
But I've never been to Ireland so I'm no help there. We honeymooned in Cozumel.
16-03-2006 11:16:06
Dublin is great. There's a writer's museum that might appeal to you, plus some surprisingly good dining, solid nightlife, and pretty good shopping too.
But I'd actually recommend seeing as much of the countryside as possible. If you can rent a car, get out of town for a day or two. The scenery is gorgeous, and the smaller towns have a lot of character. I'd have to check my dad's travel notes (yes, he always summarizes family trips--down to what everyone had at each meal) to be more specific, but I can try to find them if you'd like.
16-03-2006 11:37:17
[quotef19cbc4dff="KeithA"]Dublin is great. There's a writer's museum that might appeal to you, plus some surprisingly good dining, solid nightlife, and pretty good shopping too.
But I'd actually recommend seeing as much of the countryside as possible. If you can rent a car, get out of town for a day or two. The scenery is gorgeous, and the smaller towns have a lot of character. I'd have to check my dad's travel notes (yes, he always summarizes family trips--down to what everyone had at each meal) to be more specific, but I can try to find them if you'd like.[/quotef19cbc4dff]
LOL I was going to say the same thing about renting a car and seeing the countryside. Dublin's great but what I remember most about Ireland is all the green outside the city.
16-03-2006 11:51:57
[quote919be7ee85="jadem"]So, the hubby-to-be and I booked our honeymoon.
We're going to Ireland and have some ideas, but if anyone has been there or lived there, any information/advice would be appreciated.
We'll be staying in a 5 star hotel in Dublin and we have already planned on going on a tour through the Guiness brewery. ) Other than that, we're not really sure what's good to check out.[/quote919be7ee85]
If you get a picture of a SWEENEY pub or anything else that says Sweeney I will love you. <3
16-03-2006 12:02:39
We thought about renting a car and such, but Brandon is worried about the whole, driving on the left side of the road thing. )
16-03-2006 12:11:36
[quote2be1234afc="jadem"]We thought about renting a car and such, but Brandon is worried about the whole, driving on the left side of the road thing. )[/quote2be1234afc]
My friends lives in Japan and when I visited we were driving and he forgot once or twice as he was making a turn and it was scary as hell. Its wierd making a lefthand turn and not swinging out wide )
16-03-2006 15:02:31
when you getting married? my uncle's getting maried end of june, and i think he's going to ireland
16-03-2006 15:10:56
Can I come with?
16-03-2006 16:19:31
[quote764de4e8c0="crazyates"]when you getting married? my uncle's getting maried end of june, and i think he's going to ireland[/quote764de4e8c0]
Mid-October. )
16-03-2006 16:19:54
[quote92e66bcd26="FreeOffersNow"]Can I come with?[/quote92e66bcd26]
Uhhhhhhh......no? That would make things a bit uncomfortable.....
16-03-2006 16:20:17
Am I invited to the wedding?
16-03-2006 16:24:14
[quote5d3feeb7f6="jadem"]We thought about renting a car and such, but Brandon is worried about the whole, driving on the left side of the road thing. )[/quote5d3feeb7f6]
I actually took a bus tour when I was there. I suggested a car because it's a little more...intimate than a bus. But I'd get out to the countryside no matter what it takes.
16-03-2006 20:48:21
You can see/kiss the Blarney Stone and see Celtic ruins (they have some Stonehenges too). )
17-03-2006 19:14:35
Definitely need to rent a car(stay away from Dan Dooley stick with Budget,thrifty, ect.)even if only for a day trip. DONT try to drive in Dublin take a taxi to airport then rent a car, its to the north just out of the city and you can take to N1 straight out of town, plus lots of signs make the airport easy to find on the way back. If you do go for a drive you must go to Achill island, for a honeymoon it is a must! However its good bit of a drive but is by fay the most beautiful and romantic part of the country and has some vary nice B&Bs if you feel the need to spend the night and most likely you will want to. http//www.flickr.com/photos/tags/achillisland/
23-03-2006 07:47:52
[quote6deceb7e58="slowdown"]Definitely need to rent a car(stay away from Dan Dooley stick with Budget,thrifty, ect.)even if only for a day trip. DONT try to drive in Dublin take a taxi to airport then rent a car, its to the north just out of the city and you can take to N1 straight out of town, plus lots of signs make the airport easy to find on the way back. If you do go for a drive you must go to Achill island, for a honeymoon it is a must! However its good bit of a drive but is by fay the most beautiful and romantic part of the country and has some vary nice B&Bs if you feel the need to spend the night and most likely you will want to. http//www.flickr.com/photos/tags/achillisland/[/quote6deceb7e58]
The problem with your last suggestion is that Brandon booked the hotel in Dublin for the entire week...and it's a 5 star hotel, so it's not cheap (basically, it would suck to spend double).
I really really want to see the country!! As for the blarney stone, ahem, my lips won't get anywhere near it if the stories I heard were true (men peeing on it?? NASTY!!).