could someone try to do this, please?

Live forum:


10-03-2006 20:29:14

[img9a44258da6]http/" alt=""/"208/5549/[" alt=""/img9a44258da6][=http//img="][img9a44258da6]http/" alt=""/"208/5549/[" alt=""/img9a44258da6]

ok, i'm not sure if this is possible, but i'll ask anyway.

could someone who is good with photoshop take that text away and (in white text) in its place put INPUT2 (for the top left) "At a Loss" (for the bottom right)



10-03-2006 21:00:11

ok, so from what i've heard, that last one would be a little too hard. is it possible to do the same thing with this pic, though? [img646ecff295]http/" alt=""/"161/3318/[" alt=""/img646ecff295][=http//img="][img646ecff295]http/" alt=""/"161/3318/[" alt=""/img646ecff295]


10-03-2006 21:15:49

if ANYONE could do this, please pm me. thanks


10-03-2006 21:22:08

So asking once was probably enough....two was a bit pushy...and well, three, thats just an asshole move.