08-03-2006 05:07:55
Im gonna leave work early today to I can go home and play !!!! Cant wait ...
and sorry, only avvailable for the 360 at this time ...
08-03-2006 09:36:02
If only the 360 was available at a Best Buy within 30 miles of me (
08-03-2006 15:30:54
Seriously or Freepay got me one roll (
08-03-2006 15:33:03
[quote6fcaedaff8="MiamiTJ"]Im gonna leave work early today to I can go home and play !!!! Cant wait ...
and sorry, only avvailable for the 360 at this time ...[/quote6fcaedaff8]
Is it any good? I ordered it, and should be arriving soon.. I saw some vids and it looked bad ass... Let me know how it is..
08-03-2006 15:40:14
It looks pretty sweet. I'll probably wait until I have my new tv to get it.
08-03-2006 16:23:01
im still stuck on either ghost recon or the outfit because i hear really good things about ghost recon but the outfit demo is incredible
08-03-2006 18:55:18
[quoted010b67a2b="Chris"][quoted010b67a2b="MiamiTJ"]Im gonna leave work early today to I can go home and play !!!! Cant wait ...
and sorry, only avvailable for the 360 at this time ...[/quoted010b67a2b]
Is it any good? I ordered it, and should be arriving soon.. I saw some vids and it looked bad ass... Let me know how it is..[/quoted010b67a2b]
Never got to play it -- I just got home a little while ago -- off to sleep ...
08-03-2006 19:01:30
Gosh, I hope they get some in around me.. and at least last long enough for me to go GET one
08-03-2006 19:04:57
foolproof method. call target's 1-800 number around 6 or 7 (maybe earlier depending on what your timezone is) ask them for any targets within your zipcode that have 360s in stock and if any do head over there and wait till it opens. worked on my first try.
08-03-2006 20:00:38
It came out yesterday. P
08-03-2006 20:01:18
So is it worth the hype?
11-03-2006 10:28:07
So I got it, and played it.. It's awesome.. D
11-03-2006 10:29:52
actually its BAD ASS -- I have not stoped playing all day long ...
DarkJeeper is the tag if anyone wants to play ...
11-03-2006 10:46:52
Just to let you all know, the Xbox version is crap compared to the Xbox360 one. Unless you HAVE to play it now, I would wait to get an Xbox360 before buying GRAW....
11-03-2006 10:49:30
Im on the 360 and playing on HD 1080 --- KICKS ASS!!!
11-03-2006 11:03:52
Ahhhhhhhhhh, no Best Buy in Detroit has gotten any 360s this week.. I am getting anxious
11-03-2006 11:11:54
I think I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and get a 360 ?
11-03-2006 14:35:08
The new Ghost Recon looks awesome, but I still can't wait for Elder Scrolls of Oblivion and The Godfather.
11-03-2006 14:46:50
I still want my 360 so I can play COD2. I hope next year's Madden has all the franchise features back in or I'm going to freak out.
What kind of game is Ghost Recon?
11-03-2006 15:57:38
It's a tactical shooter, and a lot of people say it's the best game out for the 360. It looks amazing. I tried out the xbox version (for 30 cents ;)) since $60 is steep for the 360 version and I'll probably wait for the PC version.
The xbox version feels like Rainbow six lockdown with some bells and whistles. I can't play shooters on consoles anyway.
11-03-2006 17:18:31
[quote181ad995c9="Free360Games"]The new Ghost Recon looks awesome, [b181ad995c9]but I still can't wait for Elder Scrolls of Oblivion and The Godfather[/b181ad995c9].[/quote181ad995c9]
yeah I agree, these are the only games I care about for the 360 coming out anytime soon.
11-03-2006 17:26:08
[quote9be30a87af="Wolfeman"]I still want my 360 so I can play COD2. I hope next year's Madden has all the franchise features back in or I'm going to freak out.
What kind of game is Ghost Recon?[/quote9be30a87af]
COD2 is a waste of $$$$ ...
11-03-2006 17:37:26
[quotefed39122d9="justinag06"][quotefed39122d9="Free360Games"]The new Ghost Recon looks awesome, [bfed39122d9]but I still can't wait for Elder Scrolls of Oblivion and The Godfather[/bfed39122d9].[/quotefed39122d9]
yeah I agree, these are the only games I care about for the 360 coming out anytime soon.[/quotefed39122d9]

http//[" alt=""/imgfed39122d9] 8)
11-03-2006 18:12:16
wow godfather is in july now!
I hope i get my 360 before then
11-03-2006 19:14:17
W000000t! Nine days until Oblivion. OH YEAH!
Oh wait a sec... Where's my 360...
Hopefully Freepay can get a hold of some soon. (
11-03-2006 19:19:10
I hope Best Buy can get ahold of them soon.. I have been ready to buy one for a week now (
11-03-2006 19:58:34
wtf, June for GodFather? I been waiting for mine from CollegeStuff4Nothin.
11-03-2006 20:05:39
Have you guys seen the commercial for the Godfather? something tells me it aint going to be too good..
11-03-2006 20:19:17
[quote64eb88146a="Chris"]Have you guys seen the commercial for the Godfather? something tells me it aint going to be too good..[/quote64eb88146a]
that would suck. it is my most anticipated game of the yr behind halo3
11-03-2006 20:20:04
[quote58bfbf3771="Gigante"][quote58bfbf3771="Chris"]Have you guys seen the commercial for the Godfather? something tells me it aint going to be too good..[/quote58bfbf3771]
that would suck. it is my most anticipated game of the yr behind halo3[/quote58bfbf3771]
It looked pretty tight at E3...
11-03-2006 20:26:27
from what I have seen it's EA's answer to GTA. What intrests me is i'm a huge fan of the movies and genre in general.
plus it looked like it had some cool features and actions availible to it.
11-03-2006 20:27:13
EA's booth at last year's E3 was fucking amazing...
11-03-2006 20:27:19
[quoteefa948adb6="Wolfeman"][quoteefa948adb6="Gigante"][quoteefa948adb6="Chris"]Have you guys seen the commercial for the Godfather? something tells me it aint going to be too good..[/quoteefa948adb6]
that would suck. it is my most anticipated game of the yr behind halo3[/quoteefa948adb6]
It looked pretty tight at E3...[/quoteefa948adb6]
Yeah, it looks sweet.
Any of you folks w/ a 360 play Amped 3 yet? I've watched the video on the demo disc at Circuit City, and it seems pretty fun. I want something that my wife and I can both play. She enjoyed SSX Tricky on the Xbox.
11-03-2006 20:28:45
I still don't have a 360 ( ?
11-03-2006 20:29:18
does anyone else think halo 3 will actually come out this year? I know i've read all the comments from microsoft about it coming out against the PS3, and that makes perfect sense and all, but these game companies just love to blow smoke up our asses and I haven't even heard it annouced much less seen a screen shot of it.
11-03-2006 20:31:25
Well since the PS3 is more looking like a late fall/Christmas release, I'd say yes...
11-03-2006 20:34:32
nintendo revolution>all
because it will be fun and not so pretty
11-03-2006 20:39:12
I agree turpentine
11-03-2006 22:08:16
[quote8d38b3d58d="turpentinedreams"]nintendo revolution>all
because it will be fun and not so pretty[/quote8d38b3d58d]
I could not disagree more. But to each his own.
11-03-2006 22:49:34
[quotee676fb0bce="Free360Games"][quotee676fb0bce="turpentinedreams"]nintendo revolution>all
because it will be fun and not so pretty[/quotee676fb0bce]
I could not disagree more. But to each his own.[/quotee676fb0bce]because if a game is pretty much a movie and you have no part in it, it is way more fun than a game that is actually a game... roll
11-03-2006 22:54:42
But how many mario games can you play before you get sick of it?
12-03-2006 04:58:16
[quote0439bdef28="turpentinedreams"][quote0439bdef28="Free360Games"][quote0439bdef28="turpentinedreams"]nintendo revolution>all
because it will be fun and not so pretty[/quote0439bdef28]
I could not disagree more. But to each his own.[/quote0439bdef28]because if a game is pretty much a movie and you have no part in it, it is way more fun than a game that is actually a game... roll[/quote0439bdef28]
Ummm - I interact plenty in Ghost Recon ...
08-04-2006 18:13:56
I got this game when I got my 360 and its fucking tight. I love it )