Why do you have to turn off electronics before takeoff?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=34738


07-03-2006 12:13:35

I can understand if its something wireless that transmits and receives signals but why do I have to turn my ipod off? I have had stewardess' seriously wake me up just to turn off my ipod. Its pretty annoying. Can anybody give me a decent explanation?


07-03-2006 12:18:28

cause probably one time the electronic device interefered with the planes navigation system. and they probabaly dont know wat it was, so now to be safe they limit all electronic use. its a precautionary measure. chances are nothing will happen if it is left on but it could do something


07-03-2006 12:24:34

But I think the point Shaggy is making is that the iPod doesn't transmit any signals. Then again, the flight crew doesn't want to go around and see who has a device that has a radio in it or not.


07-03-2006 12:34:34

Actually, a lot of electronics transmits radiation unless it's completely shielded. Whiles chances are admittedly slim, there have been cases where electronics like laptops have turned off or interfered with flight navigation systems. I guess the policy is that it's better to be safe than sorry.

I'd rather be annoyed with a stewardess waking me up to turn off my ipod rather than crash landing but that's just me.


07-03-2006 12:51:14

Thats true. I just wish they would update their shit.


07-03-2006 12:52:52

[quote9276a6742a="Shaggy135"]I can understand if its something wireless that transmits and receives signals but why do I have to turn my iPod off? I have had stewardess' seriously wake me up just to turn off my iPod. Its pretty annoying. Can anybody give me a decent explanation?[/quote9276a6742a]

good question.

Like you I believe that my ipod/psps/ or whatever device will not interfere with aviation. Had a few times when stewardesses told me to shut off my ipod or psp. I gave em a strange look like wtf. They looked prettty serious so I just said ok but I never really turned em off. Figure once they make their rounds past me for takeoff they would go sit down.

Same thing with seatbelts and the long ass time they take to take off the seatbelt sign once you've clearly landed and are moving at a 3mph pace. Half of the plane gets up anyway and fetches their bags from the overhead.


07-03-2006 12:53:31

[quote546493a68c="Shaggy135"]Thats true. I just wish they would update their shit.[/quote546493a68c]

As if they can hook up a USB port and download the updated drivers, right?


07-03-2006 13:10:31

Well I just can't believe that such a tiny device such as an mp3 player is going to bring down a multi-milliion dollar airplane.


07-03-2006 13:20:09

[quote81f4edecb1="Shaggy135"]Well I just can't believe that suck a tiny device such as an mp3 player is going to bring down a multi-milliion dollar airplane.[/quote81f4edecb1]When the pilot can't see where he's going while going through a cloud (bad weather?), that tends to be a problem.


07-03-2006 13:45:40

Consumer Affairs ran a story last week about research suggesting the problem might be even worse than already thought

[quote19a58a262f="Consumer Affairs"]

Study Warns Cell Phones Could Cause Airliner Crash

March 1, 2006
Lifting the current ban on use of cell phones aboard airliners could pose the risk of a major accident, according to a new engineering study.

The study by Carnegie Mellon University researchers has found that cell phones and other portable electronic devices, like laptops and game-playing devices, can pose dangers to the normal operation of critical electronics on airplanes.

The study will be featured in an article appearing in the March issue of IEEE Spectrum.

"We found that the risk posed by these portable devices is higher than previously believed," said Bill Strauss, who recently completed his Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon.

"These devices can disrupt normal operation of key cockpit instruments, especially Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, which are increasingly vital for safe landings." Strauss is an expert in aircraft electromagnetic compatibility at the Naval Air Warfare Center in Patuxent River, Md.

With support from the Federal Aviation Administration, three major airlines and the Transportation Security Agency, researchers crisscrossed the northeast United States on commercial flights, monitoring radio emissions from passenger use of cell phones and other electronic devices.

They tracked these radio emissions via a broadband antenna attached to a compact portable spectrum analyzer that fit into an innocuous carry-on bag.

"A laptop computer controlled the system and logged the data," said researcher Granger Morgan. "While we looked primarily at wireless phones, we also discovered that emissions from other portable electronic devices were problematic."

The researchers found that on average one to four cell phone calls are typically made from every commercial flight in the northeast United States. Some of these calls are made during critical flight stages such as climb-out, or on final approach. This could cause accidents, the investigators report.

Both Strauss and Morgan, along with Carnegie Mellon researchers Jay Apt and Dan Stancil, recommend that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the FAA begin to coordinate electronic emission standards.

At the moment, there is no formal coordination between the two federal agencies. The researchers also recommend routine monitoring of on-board radio emissions by flight data recorders and deploying specially designed tools for flight crews to monitor passenger use of electronic devices during final approach.

While the FCC recently suggested that it might be appropriate to allow passengers to use cell phones and other electronic devices on airplanes, Morgan disagrees.

"We feel that passenger use of portable electronic devices on aircraft should continue to be limited for the safety of all concerned," Morgan said.[/quote19a58a262f]


07-03-2006 13:51:44

[quote86d6b17994="KeithA"]Consumer Affairs ran a story last week about research suggesting the problem might be even worse than already thought

[quote86d6b17994="Consumer Affairs"]

Study Warns Cell Phones Could Cause Airliner Crash


"We feel that passenger use of portable electronic devices on aircraft should continue to be limited for the safety of all concerned," Morgan said.[/quote86d6b17994][/quote86d6b17994]

well there you have it.

plain and simple.


07-03-2006 14:37:24

I've flown a shitload of times and I've used and have been told I can use my Camcorder. I've seen documentaries where people have been filming during take-off and landing and using different types of electronics.


07-03-2006 14:39:47

OK, now that makes sense. An actual study about it. I wouldn't think those electronics would be that sensitive. I mean we use these devices in our cars. I know some of those have GPS in them. And I have never had a problem in my car. But whatever, I'll be fine with it. Just have to try not to fall asleep so fast.


07-03-2006 14:48:27

gps is different than the thing that shows if the plain is level and things like that.


07-03-2006 15:58:42

Yeah I'm thinking the main reason is is communication interference. It's the most important part of flying such a huge aircraft, ie. avoiding mid-air collisions, rerouting, emergencies, etc. Miscommunication is probably the #1 cause of airplane crashes. Ergo, the amount of attention given to turning off potentially interfering devices. Remember, many handheld electronic devices nowadays can give off radio signals, ie. radio transmitters, WiFi electronics, etc. Like someone said....better safe than sorry.


07-03-2006 16:02:40

iPods? I don't understand why.

Cell phones, stuff with Wi-Fi built in, and other things like that? Of course, they should be disabled.


07-03-2006 16:11:24

[quote1c582b97c1="turpentinedreams"]gps is different than the thing that shows if the plain is level and things like that.[/quote1c582b97c1]

why do they care if the plain is level?

i should think they'd be more concerned about the plane..http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/206dad385e099cfe7cfd701a069c84ad.gif[" alt=""/img1c582b97c1]


07-03-2006 16:16:54

Ya I agree with the stuff that has wifi like phones and laptops and even psps, but come on, its a damn ipod.


07-03-2006 16:36:51

[quote5d41472843="Shaggy135"]Ya I agree with the stuff that has wifi like phones and laptops and even psps, but come on, its a damn iPod.[/quote5d41472843]
Some people use the ipod radio remotes which would probably mess with the frequencies and what not.