06-03-2006 21:43:47
I was just looking at some articales, and a bunch of people are saying that like Circumcision is child abuse, and how you're taking away the males "right" to choose...
[quote4c486e774f]Whilst 85% of the world's male population enjoy a natural and intact penis, there are many millions of males who have had to suffer the indignity, humiliation, assault and battery on the most sensitive and personal part of their bodies. [/quote4c486e774f]
Anyway, what are you thoughts? I'm thinking of writing a research paper on this, seems like a contreversial topic...
maybe I should learn how to spell that word shrug
There's also a company that offers a "fake" foreskin for those of you who wish to feel what it's like to not be circumcised.
06-03-2006 21:46:09
well i think the parents should like let their kid grow up and let him decide unless for some inexplicable reason they MUST get him circumsized
06-03-2006 21:46:32
I am cut and am infinitely glad for it. And when/if I have a son, he is getting cut too. And that is how it is gonna be in my house. ) hehehe
06-03-2006 21:47:47
if your circumsized you dont have to worry about schmegma sp? nuff said
whats the number of circumzied people in america? I bet its like 75% are cut
06-03-2006 21:48:13
I agree, I think parents should be able to decide. Personally I wouldn't want a turtle neck on my penis, but maybe that's just me...
Also think about it, say you're like 12 and you realize what's going on, and you want to be circumcised....No way in hell you're going to let someone go down there and cut some flesh off your penis, so you'll be stuck with it....
If parents are going to want their kid "fresh", they should do it at birth.
schmegma - what?
06-03-2006 21:49:11
Ther are more pros than cons for it.
A. Less smegma buildup, which means less risk of infection, and lower risk of penile cancer.
B. Less sensitivity means staying erect longer, and women can't complain about that. (nor about the smegma) ;)
06-03-2006 21:49:56
smegma = cock cheese. lol
06-03-2006 21:50:23
schmegma = dick cheese basically
06-03-2006 21:50:56
Too late. ;)
06-03-2006 21:50:58
I dont know why but i got really really scared when you said penile cancer
06-03-2006 21:51:15
Yeah, I couldn't imagine having that done when you are old enough to remember it. That is what I consider cruelty. A baby can't remember that stuff. And I am so much happier that I can't remember it.
And this kid that gets to choose... Would he have to wait until he is 18 to choose? After all, that is the legal age to decide most things in most states. Such as tatoos or smoking, etc. After all, a person cannot legally make a decision for themselves if they are a minor. The parents or other legal guardians make decisions on their behalf until then. Therefore, I will decide that my son gets his weiner trimmed at birth. Done... and done.
06-03-2006 21:51:34
Increased smegma buildup has been linked to penile cancer. (IIRC)
06-03-2006 21:52:28
[quote527e020c53="Tholek"]Too late. ;)[/quote527e020c53] damn I so wanted to be the first to say dick cheese
06-03-2006 21:54:09
when you say dick cheese...
06-03-2006 21:54:37
Have you ever listened to Dick Cheese? (Lounge Against The Machine)
Funny guy.
06-03-2006 21:55:29

http//[" alt=""/imgb58463e8cf] http// [img="b58463e8cf]http//[" alt=""/imgb58463e8cf]
this is for pic ref
oh and I wouldn't listen to the text as most of it is way out of date look at when that research was done and how much technology & knowledge has advanced since then
06-03-2006 21:56:50

http//[" alt=""/img9fe8ecc197]
06-03-2006 21:59:39
That looks like a flesh-eating virus or something... Definitely not gonna get the fly honeys with that kind of dick rot... ewww....
06-03-2006 22:00:12
I knew someone would post this link. This site is biased against circumcision, and the quoted "evidence" is collected from far afield. Just ask your doctor, and he'll set you straight.
Smegma = bad.
06-03-2006 22:03:48
Also cut and really glad for it. Don't have to worry about hygene, etc. Plus I think the penis looks more natural w/o some weird tube covering on it....not saying I've seen many penises ? My sons will be the same way.
06-03-2006 22:16:12
This is by far one of the oddest threads I have ever read.
I'm cut and proud of it. All my children(If I have any) will not have the choice...fuck that. They will be cut!Lol.
Don't know why the hell I clicked the link, but I was eating and just about hurled all over my laptop. Dickcheese!
06-03-2006 22:18:54
now this is truly off-topic, ah yes.
06-03-2006 22:27:06
uncircumsized people are just grody. P
i'm cut, my sons will be cut.
also.. supposedly if you're circumsized you have a less risk of getting penis cancer.
07-03-2006 06:25:15
Your poll could be missing an answer, what if someone thinks parents shouldn't have a choice, it should just be cut?
I am uncircumcised and my son will also be.
The amount of pain that is caused by this procedure is only forgotten because of the young age at which it is done.
Try getting circumcised at the age of 18 and see if you will condone it for anyone else....
The whole penile cancer thing is a bit of propaganda. Anything and everything can give you cancer nowadays.
07-03-2006 06:27:28
I'm circumsized... and I love the look of my penis. O
07-03-2006 06:30:07
Only reason I am for being cut is because...well dickcheese, and so the turtle doesn't go back in the shell,lol
Odd question for anyone who hasn't been you have dickcheese? lol
[quote54987492c1="ghondi"]Only reason I am for being cut is because...well dickcheese, and so the turtle doesn't go back in the shell,lol
Odd question for anyone who hasn't been you have dickcheese? lol[/quote54987492c1]
I keep myself clean. It feels good while doing it too! P
07-03-2006 06:32:38 you get your jollies from washing willie....lmao
And congrats on 1k posts if you reply to
07-03-2006 06:33:35
I didn't realize how many people were circumsized. I didn't think it was all too common.
07-03-2006 06:35:47
JJJ, your not cut either?
I think the majority of the population in the US are cut, but its not too much of a talked about subject....accept for here,lol
[quote5838914775="johnjimjones"]I didn't realize how many people were circumsized. I didn't think it was all too common.[/quote5838914775]
A lot of people in the US are.
Europe, not so much.
07-03-2006 07:02:39
In some strictly orthodox cultures (Jewish, I believe), the circumcision is performed by a Rabbi...using only his mouth.
What's worse - the reason I know this is because a few months back there was an article on CNN that talked about some babies contracting Herpes from the Rabbi.
Ugh...makes me shudder.
PS - I'm circumcised
PSS - With a knife!
07-03-2006 07:04:28
Eww...using his mouth! Thats messed up. Use a damned knife!
07-03-2006 07:10:59
I'm circumsized, I think it should be up to the parents. And once the children turn 18 they always have the option if they choose, and if they have the courage to go through with it. Sure it hurts, but when you're a baby you won't remember anything.
07-03-2006 07:18:25
Wow, I can't believe Jake is posting in here, thats f-ing awesome. Anyways, I'm cut, so is my son. I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't see what the big deal is anyways. Most are done at such a young age that its not painful. And its a choice for the parents. Kind of like choosing to have your daughters ear pierced before she can talk. Stuff like that. Its not that big of a deal.
For people who are not cut, what do you have to do to take a leak? Don't you have to role that extra skin up or something? Sorry someone had to ask.
couple points to set people straight
1. if u are circumsized later in life, you are anesthetized in some way. this carries its own risks, including death however remote.
2. go to the literature instead of talking without proof
lililiMicali, Giuseppe MD a; Nasca, Maria R. MD, PhD a; Innocenzi, Daniele MD b; Schwartz, Robert A. MD, MPH c Penile cancer. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 54(3)369-391, March 2006.
" Penile cancer, while relatively rare in the western world, remains a disease with severe morbidity and mortality, not to mention significant psychological ramifications. Furthermore, the disease is observed with dramatically increased incidence in other parts of the world. A review of the literature has shown that the overwhelming majority of penile cancers are in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinomas, including a well-differentiated variant, verrucous carcinoma. Important predisposing factors are [b7ca102e61f]lack of circumcision[/b7ca102e61f], human papillomavirus infections, and penile lichen sclerosus, although other factors have occasionally been reported as well. Prevention, careful monitoring of patients at risk, and early diagnosis are essential to reduce the incidence of penile carcinoma and to provide a definitive cure. Public health measures, [b7ca102e61f]such as prophylactic use of circumcision[/b7ca102e61f], have proved successful but are controversial."
cost of circumcision just in slightly older babies
Purpose We studied the costs of newborn circumcision in relation to its health benefits later in life.
Materials and Methods We conducted a retrospective database analysis using direct internal cost data from Kaiser Permanente Northern California-a large health maintenance organization-and published cost data (including the cost of medically indicated postneonatal circumcision). The study cohort consisted of 14,893 male infants born in 1996. One-way sensitivity analysis was used to demonstrate the impact of selected variables in the model. Monte Carlo analysis was used to determine the 95% confidence intervals.
Results Postneonatal circumcision was 10 times as expensive as neonatal circumcision ($1,921 per infant vs $165 per newborn), and was medically indicated for 9.6% of uncircumcised males. Cost benefits of circumcision resulted from prevention of infant urinary tract infection, balanoposthitis, phimosis, HIV infection and penile cancer. Assuming initial neonatal circumcision cost to be $200, the future health care cost offset (avoided) was calculated as $183 (range $93 to $303 in 95% of simulations).
lililiSchoen, Edgar J. li; Colby, Christopher J.; To, Trinh T. Cost Analysis of Neonatal Circumcision in a Large Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of Urology. 175(3)1111-1115, March 2006.
"Conclusions [b7ca102e61f]Multiple lifetime medical benefits of neonatal circumcision can be achieved at little or no cost. Because postneonatal circumcision is so expensive, its rate is the most important factor determining future cost savings from newborn circumcision.[/b7ca102e61f]"
lililiPros and Cons Hassan, H., Rodger, C., & Siddharath, S. (2005). Male circumcision A review of the evidence. Journal of Men's Health and Gender, 2(1), 21–30.
could find the text for the above article, evidently they review all data on circumcision from 1951-2005
lililiSingh-Grewal, D 1; Macdessi, J 1; Craig, J 2 Circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infection in boys a systematic review of randomised trials and observational studies. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 90(8)853-958, August 2005.
Results Data on 402 908 children were identified from 12 studies (one randomised controlled trial, four cohort studies, and seven case-control studies). Circumcision was associated with a significantly reduced risk of UTI (OR = 0.13; 95% CI, 0.08 to 0.20; p<0.001) with t
the same odds ratio (0.13) for all three types of study design.
Conclusions Circumcision reduces the risk of UTI. Given a risk in normal boys of about 1%, the number-needed-to-treat to prevent one UTI is 111. In boys with recurrent UTI or high grade vesicoureteric reflux, the risk of UTI recurrence is 10% and 30% and the numbers-needed-to-treat are 11 and 4, respectively. Haemorrhage and infection are the commonest complications of circumcision, occurring at rate of about 2%. Assuming equal utility of benefits and harms, net clinical benefit is likely only in boys at high risk of UTI."
07-03-2006 07:19:53
Also, in response to the whole "let the boy choose on his own when he is older" - having a circumcision when you are a new born baby with an eraser tip for a penis and having your fully developed member cut up are two COMPLETELY different things. The pain and permanent scaring are MUCH worse when you wait.
Also on the news not to long ago was a story about an African tradition that requires boys to wait until they are 16 to get a circumcision. In a few recent cases, the doctor performing the "surgery" severely deformed one boy, and actually managed to kill another (there's no bone in penis, friends).
The doctor was actually beaten and killed the next day. You would hope incidents like these will open the eyes of the people.
[quote7511a12649="PokerNerdAA"]I was just looking at some articales, and a bunch of people are saying that like Circumcision is child abuse, and how you're taking away the males "right" to choose...
[quote7511a12649]Whilst 85% of the world's male population enjoy a natural and intact penis, there are many millions of males who have had to suffer the indignity, humiliation, assault and battery on the most sensitive and personal part of their bodies. [/quote7511a12649]
Anyway, what are you thoughts? I'm thinking of writing a research paper on this, seems like a contreversial topic...
maybe I should learn how to spell that word shrug
There's also a company that offers a "fake" foreskin for those of you who wish to feel what it's like to not be circumcised.
ALSO, if you are going to look at "articles" pertaining to human medicine and surgery, look at the studies NOT the common persons take on it. The common person has no true evidence behind their statements...
07-03-2006 09:05:18
I'm uncut and happy for it so is my girlfriend wink
As far as how do I piss?
It's pretty simple I just piss it's not that hard to understand.
07-03-2006 10:07:19
[quote533332d354="MightyMouse"]In some strictly orthodox cultures (Jewish, I believe), the circumcision is performed by a Rabbi...using only his mouth.
What's worse - the reason I know this is because a few months back there was an article on CNN that talked about some babies contracting Herpes from the Rabbi.
Ugh...makes me shudder.
PS - I'm circumcised
PSS - With a knife![/quote533332d354]
That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my life[/size533332d354] and I feel bad for you if you actually think that is true
Did you actually read this article yourself? perhaps it was one of the fake articles that are made to look like real cnn articles I remember there was one a little while back that said that women who give blow jobs regularly have less chance of developing cancer lol
where I am coming from my dad was raised in an orthodox house I was as well for a couple years my family is now conservative and I am reformed but I know all the facts
1. Circumsions are not perfromed by mouth-- have you ever seen a babys penis this is no even physically possibly without taking off the whole thing roll
2. Rabbis don't even perform circumsions its people who have under gone rigorous training and this is all they do they are called moils
3. they are performed using a sterilized scalpel
4. there is no truth to anything that came out of your mouth and are now responsible for saying the stupidest thing I have heard all year congrats you made my day
Edit on a side note this is right up there with the time I was asked where my horns were because you know all Jews have horns (true story) or the church in Minnesota that takes a mummified girl out every Xmas parades her around and says that this is what Jews will do to you because they are all vampires who suck your blood (again true story) so yall better not piss me off or Ill change into a bat fly to where u are suck your blood and gauge you with my horns wink
i blame history
07-03-2006 10:09:37
i have decided that i do not want any sons that i have to be circumsized. my soon [sometime] to be husband is not circumcized, and he has had no problems. plus, when it comes down to the parents being totally up in the air about it, i think the boy should just look like the father--when he lisees his dadli i think it can be a bit traumatic to look at dad and see such a difference.
i suppose it was never discussed in my boyfriends family of 3 brothers. one night i was just like "you know, honey, i dont think you are circumsized..." and he didnt seem to be aware and he didnt really mind. it was one of those "oh really? nice." things. we have not had sex [personal choice, no big reason, we have been together for almost 3 1/2 years], and we are pretty much each others first partners/significant others/whatever you wish to call us. he wasnt going around looking at other mens naughtybits, so he didnt have much to compare himself to or any reason to really feel the need to compare, and i had never looked at any other men. we just did some research, and realized that he was uncut. he likes it that way, and cant imagine lianythingli feeling better or as good as it does now if he had been circumsized.
i really dont think the argument "youre too young so it doesnt hurt and it doesnt even matter" is really valid. even if it wont be remembered, it will still hurt. youd be in big trouble if you injured your baby in any other way, and youd be laughed at if you said "oh, i dont care if it hurts him, hes too young to remember anyways." now, im not saying circumcision shouldnt happen or people should be punished for it. i just dont think it should be seen as not being painful or not mattering. i think if it is done, it should be done under some type of anesthesia. i dont think its a good idea and i wish it was not allowed, but dont have anything against anyone who wants it done to their child, i just choose to not have it done to mine.
i blame history
07-03-2006 10:15:12
on the whole herpes/rabbi/moil thing i too heard of that story, but i heard it this way it was done with a scalpel, but i guess it was some type of tradition (im sorry, im not jewish, so im not sure on things) for the guy to suck some of the blood out to stop the bleeding. sounds bad, i know, but if you cut your finger, suck on it a bit--the bleeding stops sooner. im not sure of the religious/traditional accuracy, but thats what i heard the herpes was passed when he tried to stop the blood. i never read it as "the circumcision was done by mouth."
That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my life[/size45525ec730] and I feel bad for you if you actually think that is true
Did you actually read this article yourself? perhaps it was one of the fake articles that are made to look like real cnn articles I remember there was one a little while back that said that women who give blow jobs regularly have less chance of developing cancer lol
where I am coming from my dad was raised in an orthodox house I was as well for a couple years my family is now conservative and I am reformed but I know all the facts
1. Circumsions are not perfromed by mouth-- have you ever seen a babys penis this is no even physically possibly without taking off the whole thing roll
2. Rabbis don't even perform circumsions its people who have under gone rigorous training and this is all they do they are called moils
3. they are performed using a sterilized scalpel
4. there is no truth to anything that came out of your mouth and are now responsible for saying the stupidest thing I have heard all year congrats you made my day[/quote45525ec730]
No one is asking for a flame-fest, so there is no reason to attack him. If you don't believe it, you can easily state your point and move on, don't insult people.
07-03-2006 10:25:07
That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my life[/size190c245511] and I feel bad for you if you actually think that is true
Did you actually read this article yourself? perhaps it was one of the fake articles that are made to look like real cnn articles I remember there was one a little while back that said that women who give blow jobs regularly have less chance of developing cancer lol
where I am coming from my dad was raised in an orthodox house I was as well for a couple years my family is now conservative and I am reformed but I know all the facts
1. Circumsions are not perfromed by mouth-- have you ever seen a babys penis this is no even physically possibly without taking off the whole thing roll
2. Rabbis don't even perform circumsions its people who have under gone rigorous training and this is all they do they are called moils
3. they are performed using a sterilized scalpel
4. there is no truth to anything that came out of your mouth and are now responsible for saying the stupidest thing I have heard all year congrats you made my day[/quote190c245511]
No one is asking for a flame-fest, so there is no reason to attack him. If you don't believe it, you can easily state your point and move on, don't insult people.[/quote190c245511]
okay I apologize it wasn't neccesary , but you cant tell me you wouldnt say I was being stupid if I said something like I hear that all gay people cut up their butt holes so that they stretch easier and thats how come only gay people get stds
or that in order to become a nun you have to have your clit circumsized by the head priest
07-03-2006 10:29:03
[quotef34e7f66a5="i blame history"]on the whole herpes/rabbi/moil thing i too heard of that story, but i heard it this way it was done with a scalpel, but i guess it was some type of tradition (im sorry, im not jewish, so im not sure on things) for the guy to suck some of the blood out to stop the bleeding. sounds bad, i know, but if you cut your finger, suck on it a bit--the bleeding stops sooner. im not sure of the religious/traditional accuracy, but thats what i heard the herpes was passed when he tried to stop the blood. i never read it as "the circumcision was done by mouth."[/quotef34e7f66a5]
been to a ton of circumsicions never seen that happen they have always used sterile cotton swabs like the kind you use after getting a shot
...I dunno maybe there some freak rabbi out there that did it but it is definently not a common thing....maybe its like priests and child molestors but if thats the case it has to be only 1 or 2 or I would have heard about it because thats not something that doesn't get told around the community
i blame history
07-03-2006 10:30:57
okay I apologize it wasn't neccesary , but you cant tell me you wouldnt say I was being stupid if I said something like I hear that all gay people cut up there butt holes so that they stretch easier and thats how come only gay people get stds
or that in order to become a nun you have to have your clit circumsized by the head priest[/quote58d6b99e33]
shock shock there are some things you just dont ever feel like reading.
these are two of them.
07-03-2006 11:13:42
I'm with Jake on this one. If I ever have kids they'll be uncut too (unless they're female of course).
Knob (cock, dick) Cheese = Tastes just like Wensleydale (so my wife says).
07-03-2006 11:29:42
[quote63cc448f1c="theysayjump"]Knob (cock, dick) Cheese = Tastes just like Wensleydale (so my wife says).[/quote63cc448f1c]
By far one of the top 10 funniest things i have read here at FiPG
07-03-2006 12:19:32
[quote19f4430b86="Shaggy135"]Wow, I can't believe Jake is posting in here, thats f-ing awesome. Anyways, I'm cut, so is my son. I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't see what the big deal is anyways. Most are done at such a young age that its not painful. And its a choice for the parents. Kind of like choosing to have your daughters ear pierced before she can talk. Stuff like that. Its not that big of a deal.
For people who are not cut, what do you have to do to take a leak? Don't you have to role that extra skin up or something? Sorry someone had to ask.[/quote19f4430b86]
theres 900 things wrong with this post. I'm not flaming, but seriously. Getting extra skin on your sons dick cut off is nothing like getting your daughter her ear peirced. If the girl grows up and doesn't want the earing, then she can just take it out. She reaches up, pulls out the earings. This isn't like taking out earings, this is like trying to grow a turtle neck. (along the lines of some Friends's a funny episode, Joey is auditioning for movie with nudity and he has to be uncirumcised but he is, so like Monica makes him a "foreskin" out of lunchen meat...then at his audition if falls off lol it's funny...., but BOT..) Bottom line, it can't be reversed, and really if you decide not to have your son chopped up, he really can't reverse that when he's older unles he wants to go through a shit load of pain.
Next thing wrong with this post, have you ever seen a non-circumcised penis? The foreskin doesn't completely cover the penis hole, you can easily pee.....
Also, I am circumcised
Oh, and it is a huge deal....
been to a ton of circumsicions never seen that happen they have always used sterile cotton swabs like the kind you use after getting a shot[/quote19f4430b86]
Why have you "been to a ton of circumsicions"?
[quote19f4430b86="ghondi"][quote19f4430b86="theysayjump"]Knob (cock, dick) Cheese = Tastes just like Wensleydale (so my wife says).[/quote19f4430b86]
By far one of the top 10 funniest things i have read here at FiPG[/quote19f4430b86]
And disgusting......... /me goes in bathroom and pukes
07-03-2006 12:34:29
Dude, you seriously need to think about maybe doing a research paper on your fascination with the penis, and its accessories.
Foreskin, circumcision, condoms....where does it end. Get a new hobby, try soduko puzzles, or bonzai gardening, anything without a penis involved.
07-03-2006 12:39:25
[quote696c7b323a="hrdfarkr"]Dude, you seriously need to think about maybe doing a research paper on your fascination with the penis, and its accessories.
Foreskin, circumcision, condoms....where does it end. Get a new hobby, try soduko puzzles, or bonzai gardening, anything without a penis involved.[/quote696c7b323a]
lol I was kinda thinking the same thing when i noticed pokernerd started this thread. God poker have you ever heard of pussy? You might like it alittle more than cock if you give it a chance wink
07-03-2006 12:43:04
I felt obligated to make this

http/" alt=""/"313/3567/c8ln.jpg[" alt=""/imge75957dea5]
Anyway, I was trying to find a research paper to do, and on one of the sites there was a link to the place to buy a fake foreskin, then I found links on weather it was child abuse, I'm doing on that. No fasination, just a research paper. I made the poll on here to give some statistics in the paper.......
As to the condoms... I'm buying condoms for 6 cents and selling them for 12, and we're talking about thousands and thousands...making a nice income that way, so thanks for the want to be insult / sarcasmn, but it doesn't work.
FYI, I'm almost sure that 100% of the board members really don't give a damn if you're circumcised.
07-03-2006 12:52:42
Wasn't one of your first posts on FiPG introducing yourself, Explaining how A4F banned you like twice for spamming, And talking about your nickname "condom kid" how you got it for giveing out [bbf39b4acfd]Free[/bbf39b4acfd] condoms at school?
Seems like you've had a passion for condoms and everthing that has to do with penises long befour you started selling them. Or maybe i'm wrong?
07-03-2006 12:57:09
[quotea9f925fb4a="Veek"]FYI, I'm almost sure that 100% of the board members really don't give a damn if you're circumcised.[/quotea9f925fb4a]
I'm damn sure they don't either, but then again I think it's kind of funny
--I don't think any one cares you love owls either shrug
[quotea9f925fb4a="JordanE"]Wasn't one of your first posts on FiPG introducing yourself, Explaining how A4F banned you like twice for spamming, And talking about your nickname "condom kid" how you got it for giveing out [ba9f925fb4a]Free[/ba9f925fb4a] condoms at school?
Seems like you've had a passion for condoms and everthing that has to do with penises long befour you started selling them. Or maybe i'm wrong?[/quotea9f925fb4a]
-One of my first posts here was asking for advice on talking to girls, not talking about condoms. I got 100 free condoms in August with the intent on selling them, but I realized I couldn't get like $15 for them, so I just kept them, and kept getting free ones trying to finally get up enough to sell some, and keep buying some and possible find some wholesale deal I could get hooked up with. Which I did. I was banned from A4F once because I posted about doing three times, and I was banned a second time because they realized I had the same IP. Never was yelled at for spamming even after I made posts like "last person to post wins" "need advice" "CTRL+V game", etc....
shove it
PS - the sig bar is pretty but i'm taking it out
07-03-2006 13:05:56
[quote45b7794725]Why have you "been to a ton of circumsicions"? [/quote45b7794725]
Because its a family thing when a baby is circumsized(much like baptism doesn't the whole family come for that?) the whole family comes(in the Jewish culture much like Italians extended family is very close so your cousins cousins come) and family friends so having a large family I have been to more then I can remember or count
07-03-2006 13:23:39
[quotec39ecad550="PokerNerdAA"]so thanks for the want to be insult / sarcasmn, but it doesn't work.[/quotec39ecad550]
no did, clearly others agree that you are displaying just a little too much interest in cock. I wasn't trying to flame or insult you, you being the guy on FIPG who loves cock is enough, why would I try to add to that. I'm just saying for your own good, focus on something new, or perhaps seek out psychiatric help about your fascination.
07-03-2006 13:36:07
Since apparently we can't make it to page 3 without flaming..
EDIT I locked it, then decided that I'd just ban the next person who flamed in here.
07-03-2006 13:48:42
[quoted5f195c41f="hrdfarkr"]Dude, you seriously need to think about maybe doing a research paper on your fascination with the penis, and its accessories.
Foreskin, circumcision, condoms....where does it end. Get a new hobby, try soduko puzzles, or bonzai gardening, anything without a penis involved.[/quoted5f195c41f]
"the penis and its accessories.." haha that made me LMFAO!

http//[" alt=""/imgd5f195c41f]
07-03-2006 14:49:47
PoPoJiJo - I've was lurking on this forum for a while before I joined, and TBH you seem like a great guy. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw your response to my "story".
[quote9f29bd89d6="PoPoJiJo"]That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my life[/size9f29bd89d6] and I feel bad for you if you actually think that is true
Did you actually read this article yourself? perhaps it was one of the fake articles that are made to look like real cnn articles.[/quote9f29bd89d6]
I don't need to use size 18 font [/size9f29bd89d6]to make a point...
Google does it for me!
[quote9f29bd89d6="PoPoJiJo"]where I am coming from my dad was raised in an orthodox house I was as well for a couple years my family is now conservative and I am reformed [b9f29bd89d6]but I know all the facts[/b9f29bd89d6][/quote9f29bd89d6]
What a foolhardy thing to say...
I think someone should let MSNBC know that they are spreading SUCH falacies... roll
[quote9f29bd89d6="PoPoJiJo"]1. Circumsions are not perfromed by mouth-- have you ever seen a babys penis this is no even physically possibly without taking off the whole thing roll [/quote9f29bd89d6]
I never said they removed the actual foreskin with their mouths...
Someone else in this thread was correct in stating that they use their mouths AFTER the baby has been cut.
[quote9f29bd89d6="PoPoJiJo"]4. there is no truth to anything that came out of your mouth and are now responsible for saying the stupidest thing I have heard all year congrats you made my day[/quote9f29bd89d6]
It's a shame you did not spent 0.46 seconds and google this before replying to my post...
I always took you as being open-minded, positive, [b9f29bd89d6]polite[/b9f29bd89d6]...
07-03-2006 14:56:12
07-03-2006 15:19:43
This topic is gonna make me cry.
I have the best idea ever, instead of having conversations about circumcisions(sp), we should discuss female genetalie piercing or tattoos....dunno....but the topic of penis is getting old fast.
07-03-2006 15:33:05
pokernerd still owes me some condoms
07-03-2006 16:14:20
[quote7eee64de87="turpentinedreams"]pokernerd still owes me some condoms[/quote7eee64de87]
haha, once i get in my shipment of 8,000 thursday i might throw 5 your way ;)
this is my very first thread talking about penises, and ONLY because I need stats for a research paper.....and all I've evertalked baout beofre was condoms
I guess that means i love dick shrug
wait wait, no it doesn't, people are just fuliliing idiots
07-03-2006 16:29:49

http//[" alt=""/img606ebfce88]
07-03-2006 16:50:45
well i'll be damned I apologize but I'd also like to add that it is not all orthodox jews that do this and i'd be more inclined to think its some sect of orthdox jews in ny that practice this I mean theres a sect in NY that think this dead rabbi was the messiah and drive around in vans and tell people so I dunno and from your post it did sound to me like you meant with their mouths I beleive the statements
"only with their mouth" and I got mine with a knife were what lead me to that conclusion
07-03-2006 16:52:25
Who would have something about skin on a penis and you get a pretty good debate going
07-03-2006 16:58:43
[quote4532a4caeb="PoPoJiJo"]well i'll be damned I apologize but I'd also like to add that it is not all orthodox jews that do this and i'd be more inclined to think its some sect of orthdox jews in ny that practice this I mean theres a sect in NY that think this dead rabbi was the messiah and drive around in vans and tell people so I dunno and from your post it did sound to me like you meant with their mouths I beleive the statements
"only with their mouth" and I got mine with a knife were what lead me to that conclusion[/quote4532a4caeb]
yeah i know this big old goofy kid Jackie, he's a orthodox Jew, and he always told me about his religion and stuff, and how he had a rabbi eat his foreskin off....
of course i'm kidding
that's all
07-03-2006 19:30:06
[quote4de32b2e9b="Jake"]The whole penile cancer thing is a bit of propaganda. Anything and everything can give you cancer nowadays.[/quote4de32b2e9b]
The increased cancer risk is tied to the increased risk of infection. I've heard from more than one doctor that this is supported.
[quote4de32b2e9b="theysayjump"]Knob (cock, dick) Cheese = Tastes just like Wensleydale (so my wife says).[/quote4de32b2e9b]

http/" alt=""/"460/1981/cheese1kr.jpg[" alt=""/img4de32b2e9b]
Yum. )
[quote4de32b2e9b="PokerNerdAA"]I felt obligated to make this
[img="4de32b2e9b]http/" alt=""/"313/3567/c8ln.jpg[" alt=""/img4de32b2e9b][/quote4de32b2e9b]
I had to laugh. lol
07-03-2006 19:56:22
"Wensleydale Gromit?"
07-03-2006 20:05:55
Cracking toast Gromit! D
07-03-2006 20:42:08
if you've got an anteater and you have dick cheese, then you don't deserve any girls anyway
Dick cheese is the same as smelly's all about poor hygene...(usually). No clean person has dickcheese, and it's not that hard to take care of.
As for cancer, I doubt it. Dick cheese is not a carcinogen (unless maybe a bacterial infection is a problem) and it's stupid that someone would imply that it is.
07-03-2006 20:48:47
[quotee37b66528b="nobody2000"]Dick cheese is not a carcinogen[/quotee37b66528b]
No one said that it was, [ie37b66528b]directly[/ie37b66528b].
[quotee37b66528b="nobody2000"]and it's stupid that someone would imply that it is.[/quotee37b66528b]
I agree.
[quotee37b66528b="nobody2000"](unless maybe a bacterial infection is a problem)[/quotee37b66528b]
Bingo. )
The increased cancer risk is tied to the increased risk of infection. I've heard from more than one doctor that this is supported.
I still think we should pay more attention to the contamination of our air and water supplies and how that can lead to cancer as opposed to some skin at the end of ones member.
08-03-2006 05:54:42
The increased cancer risk is tied to the increased risk of infection. I've heard from more than one doctor that this is supported.
I still think we should pay more attention to the contamination of our air and water supplies and how that can lead the cancer as opposed to some skin at the end of ones member.[/quote058177cd32]
That's an entirely seperate issue, but I agree. ;)
08-03-2006 06:35:54
[quote3cc56199d3="Tholek"][quote3cc56199d3="nobody2000"]Dick cheese is not a carcinogen[/quote3cc56199d3]
No one said that it was, [i3cc56199d3]directly[/i3cc56199d3].
[quote3cc56199d3="nobody2000"]and it's stupid that someone would imply that it is.[/quote3cc56199d3]
I agree.
[quote3cc56199d3="nobody2000"](unless maybe a bacterial infection is a problem)[/quote3cc56199d3]
Bingo. )[/quote3cc56199d3]
My point was that this is the year 2006. Most bacteria aren't resistant to antibacterial soaps (yet) so there's no excuse for someone to have a disgusting dick, and the asshole circumcision proponent who brought up dick cheese and associated it with an uncut wang should be shot.
In other words, if you can't keep your dick clean and you live in a westernized country, then you deserve to get cancer.
Ok, not really, but you see what I mean.