Dreamweaver Clone

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=34705


06-03-2006 21:11:37

So I was wondering if there's any program out there that is similar to it.

I don't want the WYSIWYG editor, I want the feature where you can work on your page directly off the server.

I need the program for Mac OS X too, because I already have Dreamweaver on my WinXP machine.



06-03-2006 21:41:35

dreamweaver is that html program right? i think microsoft office has one exactly like it. or is dreamweaver the flash one, kuz if it is, then google kuz there's a bunch


06-03-2006 21:47:04

why not just use vim on the server?


06-03-2006 22:31:22

[quote0262c1e956="kyks17"]why not just use vim on the server?[/quote0262c1e956]

what's vim?

I just resorted to www.tacosw.com 's HTML Editor, and am constantly saving the file, uploading it to the server to get a look at it. P

I'd still appreciate it if someone can find a program that can edit HTML directly off the server.


06-03-2006 22:33:36

Dude, I don't know about Dreamweaver, but Frontpage lets me do remote editing straight off the server. Hit save and it is saved straight to the server without a separate upload. Done... and done.


06-03-2006 22:43:53

[quotea9f83086ae="kyks17"]why not just use vim on the server?[/quotea9f83086ae]
That's hardcore.


06-03-2006 23:27:41

jedit lets me open/save files directly on the server via FTP. ctrl+s saves it. it's also open source, expandable and cross-platform. try it. the syntax highlighting is great.


07-03-2006 00:04:06

[quote0befc2c003="hehehhehe"][quote0befc2c003="kyks17"]why not just use vim on the server?[/quote0befc2c003]
That's hardcore.[/quote0befc2c003]

heh not really

so on a mac its pretty easy. just connect to ur server (ssh or however) in terminal, then navigate to the directory the file is in (if ur not sure how to do this, do "cd dir_name" and use "ls" to check the contents of the directory). then say "vim filename" and it'll open the file for editing right in terminal. press "i" to "insert" aka to type anything. if u dunt press i, any key u hit is a possible editing command of sum kind heh. when ur done typing stuff, hit esc then do "wq" to write and quit.

ok so maybe that's sort of complicated for someone who dusnt even know what vim is heh. i love it on macs tho ) not as fun on windows ( although gvim aint bad