Mardi Gras

Live forum:


27-02-2006 20:19:49

so mardi gras starts tomorrow.

from a religious standpoint, you would think that the hurricane would have been a big enough sign for those sinners to realize that if they don't stop, they're going straight to hell.


27-02-2006 20:20:57

After 5 days you come back and this is the most meaningful thing you can come up with? C'mon now.


27-02-2006 20:21:10

Carnaval in Brasil started saturday


27-02-2006 20:21:24

i'm just trying to start a good, REAL conversation. some debates can be interesting, as long as you keep them clean.


27-02-2006 20:24:59

[quote84008701e9="shamash"]i'm just trying to start a good, REAL conversation. some debates can be interesting, as long as you keep them clean.[/quote84008701e9]

Any by calling partygoers "sinners" you don't think you're starting things off on the wrong foot?


27-02-2006 20:25:58

Notice how I said, from a religious standpoint. And many people would say that the type of partying that goes on at Mardi Gras is DEFINATELY sinful.


27-02-2006 20:28:56

I don't know about a religious standpoint, but I think it's a worth while debate. I think the arguements have been more because they are spending so much on Mardi Gras when New Orleans could use it else where.


27-02-2006 20:29:55

no i think you are just trying to bait us

talking about new orleans and mardi gras and sinners and religion

then saying those sinners get what they desereved which inevitably leads to someone commenting on you being gay and being a sinner and you are in the middle of another forum fight


nice try


27-02-2006 20:32:50

i think it's good the celebrations will go on. It's a good chance for people in the state to come together and party and just you know let everything go for a few days......
Ash Wednesday is in two days.


27-02-2006 20:35:25

yeah thats the actuall reason for mardi gras

fat tuesday one last day to enduldge before lent and you give up something.


27-02-2006 20:38:13

regardless of the reasons. They should party so to cheer everyone up a little. its a good idea


27-02-2006 21:13:28

I was working tonight at Walgreen's and people came in and gave me beads.


27-02-2006 21:19:13

i wouldnt mind if u posted some pics from the weekend......) but other than that, its bland


27-02-2006 21:31:09

[quotee2cfec0167="kdollar"]i would mind if u posted some pics from the weekend......) but other than that, its bland[/quotee2cfec0167]

Where is J4 and his famous "sence" phrase when you need him?


27-02-2006 22:38:42

"u maek no sence" - J4320