Good Books
26-02-2006 10:08:57
So lets say I haven't read a good book in a while... and now I am not too fond of reading.... what are some really good books for people who dont like to read?
26-02-2006 10:17:27
26-02-2006 10:24:54
"The Alchemist" is an easy book to read and it's pretty interesting.
26-02-2006 10:26:07
Playboy, lol! I haven't really read anything lately, but do you like hardcore action books or romance books? I read A Walk to Remember and that was good. And I am a man. It's really sad to.
26-02-2006 10:31:17
i agree with the playboy i also like that Uncle John's Bathroom Reader its just a bunch of random usless facts
26-02-2006 10:33:57
[quoteb8be5448c7="Buster389"]i agree with the playboy i also like that Uncle John's Bathroom Reader its just a bunch of random usless facts[/quoteb8be5448c7]
^^total nub
Read A Million Little Pieces, or The DaVinci Code.
26-02-2006 10:35:09
Dont read the DaVinci Code wait for the movie 2 come out
26-02-2006 10:54:22
roflmao, i already have the da vinci code audiobook on my ipod, i am picking up cells by steven king, i dont want to read a million little peices, and i will look into the alchemist.
and for those of you who think magazines are books, your stupid.
for those of you who think reading books written about a magazine and about that subject are cool, your stupid.
26-02-2006 11:05:23
You shouldnt be callin ppl stupid if u cant even spell you're right it you're not your geeeez
26-02-2006 11:31:46
i read a book was called StormBreaker or sumthing...its about like a 12 or 14yr old spy kid for M16 (British CIA)
26-02-2006 11:42:10
[quote481332d5b7="RocLaFamilia"]i read a book was called StormBreaker or sumthing...its about like a 12 or 14yr old spy kid for M16 (British CIA)[/quote481332d5b7]
Yeah, I loved that book. They also have skeleton key and some other one... I'll try to find it hold on.
Edit found em.
2nd-Point Blank
3rd-Skeleton Key
^something like that
The Fountainhead. It'll take you some time to finish it, lol.
unknown uchiha
26-02-2006 11:48:52
John Grisham's "The Broker" is really good. Oh yeah ilan, The Alchemist's movie rights were purchased a few years back with whatshisface Morpheus from the Matrix... Laurence Fishburne playing the title character (The Alchemist, not that kid whose name I forgot). As for The Da Vinci Code, why the hell would you suggest waiting for the movie to come out, Buster? It's a really good book and if Hollywood prevails again, the movie will leave out a lot of tiny details and such. I've already seen the horrors of Da Vinci Code marketing Theres a freakin video game coming out for it.
26-02-2006 11:50:38
I read The Broker, it's typical John Grisham.
Read Requiem For a Dream by Herbert Selby.
Edit-Read I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max. That book is the greatest book ever written.
unknown uchiha
26-02-2006 12:04:41
Oh! Requem For A Dream by Hubert Selby Jr. OMG. I just got that after watching the Darren Arronofsky (did I spell his first name right?) movie adaptation thing. I love it and all, but it's just that everything is clumped up including dialogue and stuff. ><
26-02-2006 12:05:35
Yeah, I haven't actually read the book yet, I'm reading Deception Point by Dan Brown right now.
26-02-2006 12:09:05
Thank you all for your time, and Buster, I would rather not waste my time making sure everything is spelled correctly.
26-02-2006 12:27:18
Iain Banks ~ The Wasp Factory
Irvine Welsh ~ Trainspotting
26-02-2006 12:52:27
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time Series
Raymond E. Feist - The magician (2 books or 1 depending on version)
Stephen King - Dark Tower Series
Frank Herber - Dune
Ender's Game (excellent book and easy to read)
George Orwell - 1984
unknown uchiha
26-02-2006 13:01:33
America - The Book (Bathroom reader-ish material)
Fight Club
Choke (All four of these by Chuck Palahniuk, hope I spelled his last name correctly)
26-02-2006 13:02:31
anything by Kurt Vonnegut is a quick and funny read
Looking for something a little deeper, check out Herman Hesse.
Something angsty, bitter? Try Bukowski. Again, any title will do.
26-02-2006 13:10:49
i read magazines in the crapper
26-02-2006 13:48:12
[quote4699d8d57a="akalic"]i read magazines in the crapper[/quote4699d8d57a]
Try Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.
26-02-2006 13:50:22
i'm currently reading my drivers in my bathroom
Dr. Doom
26-02-2006 15:21:42
If you want a book for someone who doesn't like to read, I would suggest Anne Rice; she has some of the most beautiful prose in modern literature. She's a pleasure to read.
I think you might want to stay away from books 1984 and Fountainhead if you don't like to read; you should try out Animal Farm and Anthem from the same respective authors first because they are easier reads.
I found Dragonlance Chronicles to be a great read (less boring than Lord of the Rings, though I still loved both fantasy trilogies). One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest may be another choice for a non-reader.
Of course, there are always comic books The Dark Knight Returns, the Sandman series and The Watchmen are all great, highly literary reads. My personal favorite of the critically acclaimed graphic novels is V for Vendetta. Reading that might get you interested in 1984...
26-02-2006 15:22:59
Anthem is a great book.
unknown uchiha
26-02-2006 17:07:33
Oh! Easy fantasy reading Eragon and Eldest, really good fantasy world, kinda LOTR-ish but with a Harry Potter feel to it. By Chris Paolini, Eragon is the first and Eldest the second book in a trilogy called "Inheritance", with a third book currently in works.
26-02-2006 17:28:50
catcher in the rye?
come on fucking awesome
26-02-2006 17:51:16
[quoteafd2e1bcb1="turpentinedreams"]catcher in the rye?
come on fucking awesome[/quoteafd2e1bcb1]
I'll have to agree.
Dr. Doom
27-02-2006 00:02:30
It's been quite a few years since I read it, but I don't have fond memories of the book. Of all the books I had to read in high school, I disliked it more than any other book, besides the Great Gatsby.
Still, I think a reread of both books is in order before I condemn them entirely.
27-02-2006 04:02:25
[quoteb7a3097e58="Dr. Doom"]the Great Gatsby.[/quoteb7a3097e58]
27-02-2006 05:47:48
"Order Out of Chaos"
Can read it online...