Pacers vs Pistons Fight! NBA

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19-11-2004 23:55:48

[quote8834d59e3b]Pacers 97, Pistons 82
Big Win Marred by Ugly Brawl

On the cusp of their biggest victory of the season, the Pacers may have suffered a major loss. In the closing seconds of a solid 97-82 victory over the rival Pistons, a brawl broke out that spread into the stands and likely will lead to suspensions for All-Star forward Ron Artest and others on both teams.
Pistons center Ben Wallace, upset that Artest fouled him from behind on a dunk attempt in the final minute, walked up to the reigning Defensive Player of the Year, shoved him in the face, then stalked him to the sidelines. The Pacers closed ranks around the retreating Artest, who appeared to be willing to ride out the incident lying on the scorer's table. But when fans got involved, dousing Artest with beverages and hitting him in the chest with a full cup, he bolted into the stands and engaged several fans before he could be restrained.

The scene devolved from there as fans and players, including Jermaine O'Neal and Stephen Jackson, became entangled as the Pacers were showered with cups, bottles, food and even a chair. The game was called before time expired and the building was cleared.[/quote8834d59e3b]


20-11-2004 08:21:09

fuck ron artest.... he's a piece of shit.
and fuck steven a. smith for calling detroit fans lowly.
and one more thing..
dont mess with ben wallace he will rip your leg off and then eat it for the protein.


20-11-2004 11:07:51

you pay for a seat... not for immunity from the law and standard etiquette.
first of all, Artest didn't even fould Wallace hard. it wasn't an intentional/flagrant foul. Wallace, maybe due to the fact that they were losing...or the fact that he may not like Artest, took it upon himself to to give Artest a violent push to the throat/chest. Artest didn't say anything or react to this and backed away. he lay on the scorers bench as Wallace needed a team to restrain him.
A gutless, piece of scum..."fan" decided to throw a cut of beer on Artest as he lay on the bench. Artest reacted the way any other human being would.
What would u do if your walking down the street and someone throws a cut of beer to yout face? keep walking and shake it off? .... right.
I have nothing but respect for the Pacers team. They stood up for each other in a hostile environment. Everyone in the stadium was going after them.
The fans have no right to get physical or assault a player in any way.
Everyone is creating Artest to be some monster. Watch the tape again... what did he actually do wrong?? that's right, nothing.

People to blame Ben Wallace, the Detroit Pistons fans ....

i will be highly upset if they come down hard on Artest. what message does that convey? professional athletes are not human? fans have the right to do whatever they want? forget about sports for a sec - no person should assault another...period. if assaulted, you can act in self defense.


20-11-2004 14:45:02

This is the only time I'm going to say this

NattyDreadz is right.


21-11-2004 10:29:59

first of all, watch the tape again it was a flagrent foul, and yes BW was pissed they were losing, but artest cant push the limit by flagrent fouling to showboat and not expect some retaliation.

secondly, you are right the guy shouldnt have thrown the cup, but artest definetally should not have started throwing punches, especially when he didnt know who threw the cup and just started hitting the first guy he saw(the man who threw the cup was wearing a hat about 2 rows below the guy artest was beating on). NBA players all realize that fan mockary is a part of the game. Its unacceptable that a player should do that, if he cant have self control to take the verbal abuse (the cup was farther than verbal abuse but still, same concept) then he shouldnt be in the NBA. It comes with job, every player knows to accept that... the main thing that pissed me off was artest pushed down a large man when he was walking passed the sideline, and AS HE WAS STANDING UP jermaine oneal whaled him in the face with a few steps to warm up his punch. thats bullshit.

you are right fans dont have imunity to the law, they should be punished but so should the players, just because they get harassed while they are on the court, that doesnt justify them retaliating like they did. They dont have imunity from the law either. Like i said if they cant take the abuse of being an NBA player then they shouldnt play, simple as that.


21-11-2004 10:32:03

and btw that probably was a cup of water (who puts ice in a beer?)


21-11-2004 11:56:16

Here's a nice un-edited video of it all



21-11-2004 12:12:24

are you serious? Let's get real here....if you tolerate any type of are a punk....and have probably been abused your whole life....or are too weak to stand up for yourself. Let some dude walk up and spit in your face. I want to see you to shake it off and walk away.
show me where in any profession it states in your contract/employee guidelines that you are subject to and must tolerate extreme verbal & physical abuse?? You are probably the same type of "Fan" that feels they have the right to do what they want because they have a ticket stub.
it's society that has made it "o.k." for fans to feel they can do and say as they wish... this is entertainment...SPORTS. You can can cheer.... taking it beyond that and attacking ones character and existence should never be tolerated.
the fan that threw the beverage stood there like an innocent bystander as Artest charged the crowd. Secondly, Artest didnt throw any punches...he simply grabbed and ruffed the dude. Stephen Jackson threw the first punch at the dude that threw another beverage in Artest's face for the second time. Then some stupid dude started punching Artest from behind...while some fat ass started punching Fred Jones from behind.
Those two fat asses that stormed the court...they were asking for it. That one dude walked up like "whats up...talking ish" Artest layed him out. The dude's obese friend decided to be a hero and attempt to tackle Artest....he couldn't maintain his balance (due to his body fat %) and stumbled....still talking ish on his way up. He needed some help closing his Jermaine ONeil layed him out.
the commish, David Stern, is more concerned about ticket sales....and will therefore punish Artest & Jackson. I just cant get over how the whole stadium would act like animals throwing chairs, food and beverages. I understand maybe 1 person doing it....but for an entire stadium to act like that.... there are some serious problems with the Detroit community.


22-11-2004 08:08:21

if there is something wrong with the detroit community then there is something wrong with the pacers team (there isnt shit head). Why did steven jackson throw the first punch...? he was defending artest. Why did everybody else jump in when artest and jackson were beating on people? because they were protecting thier fellow detroit citizens. You cant expect 1 person to act that way, then everybody else just sit and watch while the pacers beat the shit out of him.

secondly, have you ever played a sport in your life? You obviously dont know what its like, verbal and physical abuse by fans happens man, you have to accept it as a player. Last year in basketball i had an away game and the other fans wouldnt stop talking and during warmups i got hit in the face with a battery and it gave me a bloody nose. What did i do? brushed the battery of the court and kept going, because i knew what would happen if i jumped into the crowd to beat that kids ass, their whole student section would defend him, and my whole team would defend me, and we would all be on athletic suspension, and nothing would happen to the fans. Thats how shit works, as wrong as that may be, if you cant accept that as a player you shouldnt be playing. Im not saying its right that it happens that way, but it does... players have to deal with it.


26-11-2004 21:18:03

with and against Artest in high school. I have played with/against the best players in the country throughout high school. shit...I have Ron on my damn AIM.'s that serious.
I don't know what level you play on....but we had to set the record straight. don't even talk to me about ball.... no offense
i dont agree with your comments.
the media has really corrupted minds. if you actually watch the footage from all angles. you will clearly see that Artest never threw 1 punch...until he had been covered with beverages twice and took numerous punches to the back of the head. Stephen Jackson hit the one dude first because he threw a drink in Ron's face for the second time. Ron didn't do anything to that guy.....instead, the biotch who threw the drink...started taking shots from behind and acted as an innocent bystander as Ron rushed the guy next to him. the hell are you gonna take a battery to the face and walk off? ouch! you were too damn scared to stand up for yourself. that is honestly pathetic. the person that threw that could get arrested. it could have been a lot worse had it hit you somewhere else. what right did they have to throw that at you? because they don't like your team?!
professional athlete's get paid to play...not to take abuse.
just like the media has twisted your mind about Ron, you have been led to believe that its "ok" for a spectator to do whatever they feel like to an athlete.

go get some balls...better yet.... get some heart. i know girls with bigger tickers.....


28-11-2004 08:31:05

did you even read what i said above, of course its not okay for fans to do that, but I wasnt willing to get on athletic suspension just to kick some kids ass... do you think ron would have wanted to take that all back after he got suspended for a full year? i have scholarships on the line here, going in the stands would have ruined all of it...

going in the stands and trying to be a hardass wouldnt give me big balls, it would have been the stupidest move of my life. No basketball for the season would mean no scholarships which would mean i would pay for college (which i cant), which would ruin my whole future... its not pathetic its smart.


02-12-2004 16:42:34

first of all none of you people can say anything. as a big pistons fan growing up minutes away from Detroit living there for 10 years and going to plenty of pistons games i can say something. Ron Artest flagrant fouled him clearly no doubt. Ben Wallace thought that it was something that was very uncalled for when the game was over and there was 50 seconds left. yes he did shove him back hard but he deserved it. and as for the stupid pistons an who threw the cup he should not be the example for how all the pistons fans are he was just some drunk idiot. Ron artest had no reason to go fight the guy being ten times stronger than him. and as for the stupid comment they were looking out for each other they don't have to punch the crap out of people that are smaller than them. they are professional athletes they are supposed to be in perfect shape and they could seriously hurt someone. thats all i have to say about that.