Past search results not coming up?
21-02-2006 17:15:19
I reformatted my computer a few weeks ago and ever since then I have noticed that when I go to Google or any other place and am about to enter something in, past results don't pop up like the used to. I used to be able to go to Google and click the search box and my past searches would show up, can't do that anymore and now they won't even show up when I start searching. Anyone know how to fix this? A lot of sites won't bring up past searches such as cdnow, Google, torrentspy, limewire, and others. Help would be appreciated considering this is annoying.
21-02-2006 17:16:48
Did you reformat the entire hard drive? It sounds like you killed your cookies, which is where many sites save search histories.
21-02-2006 17:17:24
when you reformatted your computer, those disappeared.
they are stored on your computer, not google's or other search's servers.
21-02-2006 17:18:02
[quote1cd94354d7="KeithA"]Did you reformat the entire hard drive? It sounds like you killed your cookies, which is where many sites save search histories.[/quote1cd94354d7]
I repartitioned the drives and reformatted. I did it like 3 weeks ago. Any idea how to fix it?
21-02-2006 17:18:42
[quote00f5dead16="cyberpunk243"][quote00f5dead16="KeithA"]Did you reformat the entire hard drive? It sounds like you killed your cookies, which is where many sites save search histories.[/quote00f5dead16]
I repartitioned the drives and reformatted. I did it like 3 weeks ago. Any idea how to fix it?[/quote00f5dead16]
Nope, it's gone.
What I suggest is making sure you are signed in to Google when you do your Google searches... that stuff will be saved for the future.
21-02-2006 17:21:20
[quoted1cd46ef89="EatChex89"]when you reformatted your computer, those disappeared.
they are stored on your computer, not google's or other search's servers.[/quoted1cd46ef89]
No, I am not trying to get back my past searches. I am just talking about from now on. NOW when I search, I can't see any past searches on any site or program (Limewire) when I try to search like I could before. I have signed in and out of Google and tried but it still doesn't work. I used to be able to just click the search box and all my past searches would drop down. I am definitely not trying to get back my past cookies, I know they were erased when I reformatted, I erased them all the time by using disk clean up and deleting them every once in a while anyways. I am just trying to get them to work now.
21-02-2006 17:28:08
You might need to adjust your security settings. Maybe your browser isn't allowing cookies.
You're talking about the "smart search" thing, right? Where the drop down menu shows past things searched for, kinda like the drop down menu on your browser?
21-02-2006 17:32:40
[quoteb121a0d8c0="Veek"]You're talking about the "smart search" thing, right? Where the drop down menu shows past things searched for, kinda like the drop down menu on your browser?[/quoteb121a0d8c0]
Yeah for Google but also for all other search boxes as well. I'll check to see if the cookies are allowed but I am pretty sure they are.
I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about, but I'll give it a try anyway. It's called "auto complete."
On Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > Content Tab > click "Auto Complete" button > check all the boxes > Ok > Ok.
If it's not this, I have no idea.
21-02-2006 17:52:35
[quotee4f78e7838="Veek"]I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about, but I'll give it a try anyway. It's called "auto complete."
On Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > Content Tab > click "Auto Complete" button > check all the boxes > Ok > Ok.
If it's not this, I have no idea.[/quotee4f78e7838]
I use Firefox. shrug
On Firefox
Tools > Options > click on the "Privacy" tab > click on "Saved form information" > check the "Save Information I enter on web page forms..." > Ok.
21-02-2006 18:36:31
this is a user-side setting, cookies have nothing to do with it
21-02-2006 19:36:44
On Firefox
Tools > Options > click on the "Privacy" tab > click on "Saved form information" > check the "Save Information I enter on web page forms..." > Ok.[/quotebbcac99414]
Yeah, it didn't work. Oh well thanks anyways. I guess I will have to get used to this annoying dilemna.