Good WWII Movies

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17-02-2006 13:47:12

Ok so hear's the deal. I've pretty much seen every WWII movie, from lesser known ones that some of you may not know to more popular ones such as Saving Private Ryan. I'm trying to come up with a master list of most of the famous WWII dramatizations and comedies. Below are only some of the movies I can think of at the moment but I've seen pretty much every movie. What I'm mainly trying to get out of this is maybe a movie I might have missed or not seen because I'm very interested in WWII.

Saving Private Ryan
Stalag 17
Thin Red Line
The Big Red One
The Longest Day
Pearl Harbor
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Wind Talkers
The Greatest Raid
The Great Escape
Sands of Iwo Jima
To Hell and Back
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Shindler's List
The Dirty Dozen

Alright, that's all I can think about right now. Before you go and say "justfuckinggoogleit", I purposely didn't because if there is a movie I'm missing and you know it, I'd like to hear a personal opinion towards it before I go and watch it. Some of these movies can be very long. Thanks and happy film hunting!


17-02-2006 13:49:29

Top Secret!


17-02-2006 14:04:24

i don't think it's about WWII but check out Hot Shots! most retarted movie ever...but every guy has to watch that at least once


17-02-2006 14:06:39

Saints And Soldiers.

Also, I heard that Stalingrad is meant to be good.


17-02-2006 14:16:57

Band of Brothers...

I haven't seen any of them but they are suppose to be good.


17-02-2006 14:19:24

yeah 10 hr miniseries

definatly worth a watch

Much better than a lot of the movies you have thrown up there.

....pearl harbor

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17-02-2006 14:24:32

Band of Brothers isn't a movie although I can see why you would say that. I've seen it. It's a good series to say the least but some of the characters act stupid and can be a turn off. Pearl Harbor sucked, the love plot ruined everything.


17-02-2006 15:04:16

Enemy At The Gates is really good as well as Dark Blue World, The Pianist, A Beautiful Life & Battle Of Britain.


17-02-2006 15:26:23

We Were Soldiers
The Lost Batlion
Cold Mountain
Band Of Brothers
Pearl Harbor
Green Berets
Saving Priate Ryan
Thin Red Line
Gangs Of New York
The Tuskegee Airmen
Cartoons Go To War
Gods And Generals
Dear America
Good Morning Vietnam

I know all those aren't WWII movies, but some of them are. I had a list of movies I've seen in school and I just edited out all the ones that didn't involve wars (like Billy Madison, John Q, The Net, The Grinch, Willy Wonka, etc...Yes I did just want an excuse to brag about the movies I've actaully watched in school) Anyway just watched The Lost Batalion for the second time today in school, it's pretty good.


17-02-2006 15:36:37

I like sub movies )

Destination Tokyo
The Enemy Below
Torpedo Run
Run Silent, Run Deep
Das Boot