New LOST Episode "The Long Con" *Spoilers*

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08-02-2006 20:19:27

I really really liked this episode, because they fooled me oops.

I went along with the whole Ana Lucia thing... shock

What'd you guys think?


08-02-2006 20:24:52

Sawyer's been planning this power play for a while. it's good to see everyone splitting up and taking sides, it will make for an exciting conclusion at the end of the year.


08-02-2006 20:25:35

I want to see what happens when the timer expires...


08-02-2006 20:26:41

a lot of nothing I bet.

some door will get opened or something will shut off and we'll be left to wonder what effect it will have for the rest of the year


08-02-2006 21:14:32

[quote03839ace2b="bballp6699"]I want to see what happens when the timer expires...[/quote03839ace2b]

Another promo fool I bet like the baby in the water. Maybe just a glitch?

This episode was dissapointing, It was obvious Sawyer was doing something when the backstory was about a grift.

Still no michael either, think we'll have to wait til the finale to see him again?


08-02-2006 21:17:05

maybe close to it,

anyone think locke is up to something we don't know about?


08-02-2006 23:55:20

I thought it was a great episode. Charlie has really turned into an asshole.


09-02-2006 00:59:01

It's good to see sawyer finally use his talents and do something on the island. At the very least he will be taken seriously by everyone else now

I kinda felt bad for Charlie in the last episode. I thought locke kinda crossed the line when he knocked him out. Either way I love the new alliances

Charlie and Sawyer, as much of an alliance as that can be I guess.

Anna Lucia and Jack, they are really getting on my nerves lately

Locke is still kinda on his own wavelength, but he and Jack are seeing eye to eye far less then ever before


09-02-2006 01:02:06

Sawyer can't be happy if people like him because he hates himself so much. You could see since he got back from being shot everyone was his buddy and something was building up inside him. I feel bad for Charlie, poor hobbit...


09-02-2006 02:07:38

[quotea861a980e9="justinag06"]It's good to see sawyer finally use his talents and do something on the island. At the very least he will be taken seriously by everyone else now

Thats like saying it would be good for a serial killer to exploit his mastery of murder on the island. Although what James did builds some excitement and future resentment there's other way to get to the guns. Locke even told James if Doc wanted to get to the guns the combination on the door wouldnt matter. Maybe he just really wanted payback for Doc stealing his meds and ordering everyone around. Def looks like he wants to be head honcho. As far as them now respecting him, Im not sure. From a toughness standpoint theres no question he was already respected. He got tortured by Sayid and took a bullet by the pirates and shot that damn polar bear. I think everyone knew he was a threat and thats why Locke went through those lenghts to try to ensure he doesnt get the guns. If anthing hes just pissing people off more now. If he really wants to get tortured or killed for being a prick then hes just psycho. Maybe hes doing it to get some more play from Kate. Who knows.

I kinda felt bad for Charlie in the last episode. I thought locke kinda crossed the line when he knocked him out. Either way I love the new alliances[/quotea861a980e9]

Ya I dont think Charlie is that bad either. It appears hes off the drugs and is just disturbed by the visions hes having. Its unfortunate though that he chose to deal with the devil(James) and attack Sun. Like I said earlier theres other ways to accomplish a goal. I dont think Claires gonna think worse of Locke because he got fooled by an expert conman. Might be better to make Locke look irresponsible with the baby. Attacking Sun was just evil.


09-02-2006 11:00:13

I loved the episode. The writers truly surprised me.