Stop Paying so much for GREENS! Buck the trend
08-02-2006 18:57:39
Ok thought I should throw my 2 cents in here about something that has been getting on my nerves lately.
Why do people insist on trying to continue this horrible trend of raising referral costs.
I joined about 6 months ago and max people were charging for non OOD site was $25 now I see $35 daily.
What is the point of paying $175 for 5 greens for a $300 ipod?
If people would just be more patient and say NO to the price gougers they would be forced to lower the prices.
I totally understand about trying to make extra monies by selling you available greens. However if you pay $35 for one green, when you have one to sell your gonna want $35, then $40 etc etc... Pretty soon people will be paying $60 a green.
Someone new joins this board daily. So greens are always available. People are just impatient to finish sites. Be patient and pay less.
Thats it.
[bc8dc1266f8]What is the point of paying $175 for 5 greens for a $300 iPod?[/bc8dc1266f8]
The point is that you save $125.
08-02-2006 19:10:20
we have one of these discussions every so often, but the fact of the matter is, as less people join, and their are less of us to do offers for one another the price will inevitably go up. We are working our way down a pyramid after all
I totally agree with you, i've been waiting a month to get my last YFVI ref, and I ended up paying $25, my max which I generally try to avoid paying.
Anyhow i'd be lying if I said I didn't take the highest price offered in the trading forum come release day for a new site.
It's also easy to be patient when your TR is 68, or better yet 315, and anybody will jump at the chance to trade with you
Good luck trying to get people to boycott though.
08-02-2006 19:10:41
Just do DIY sites.
And wow your TR grows by 15 every time I look at it.
08-02-2006 19:16:15
[quote9cd85096ac="ajrock2000"]And wow your TR grows by 15 every time I look at it.[/quote9cd85096ac]
Hence the creation of this thread.
I vote no.
08-02-2006 19:18:37
[quote5e0b228a30="MightyMouse"][quote5e0b228a30="ajrock2000"]And wow your TR grows by 15 every time I look at it.[/quote5e0b228a30]
Hence the creation of this thread.
I vote no.[/quote5e0b228a30]What? FGR usually sells refs, not buys. Lowering prices does him no good in respect to making more money.
08-02-2006 19:22:27
i think he buys a fair ammount too
and i've checked his thread from time to time, I think he takes best offer, but doesnt price gouge, he had freeipods refs for under 30 at one time I believe.
I think he is genuine in wanting to lower prices across the board
they could stand to go down $10-15 too
right now theres more money in being a noob than being a member, you can go through the list of sites and demand your price based on who needs what the most
08-02-2006 19:24:57
lol. people are paying $35 a green now? i thought such prices were only for truly hard sites like freeipods and freepsps... This thread reminded me that i havent been to the trading forum in AGES! DIY PWNS ALL D
EDIT I just took a look at the trading forum and i found this
5 bucks for a site that requires 2 offers done for credit? looks like the low price revolution is on its way P
08-02-2006 19:30:18
I've been paying roughly $18 for each of my greens, $22 for a Freepay or Trainn site and I don't really have any problems getting them either.
If people just refused to pay that much, they'd eventually get them for cheaper.
when i first came to this site.. the going rate was 10-15 bucks
08-02-2006 19:39:18
ive only done sites for frank because hes sexy
08-02-2006 19:41:38
yeah there were also like 12,000 networks back then
i remember greening on a ton of sites that didng pay me out anything, the phree sites, coobro, old school OC, gusto. Back then it seemed like we could pay 10 per ref cause there were so many sites to trade it just made more sense to trade.
now there are far less networks, and people are far more impatient with the small ones, so the effect is less people doing less sites, less to trade, more people paying and demanding payment. Something has to give, and its been the price
08-02-2006 19:44:04
I voted "No" for this scenario
A newb comes and sees two forums, X and Fig. He is new to this entire scene so he wants to get started on a site. He decides he wants to start on Free iPods. So, he decides to make a quick buck by selling a refferal for Free iPods. On this forum, if the overprice rule was instated, he would receive $20 at most. On the other hand, if he goes to X, he receives money as high as $35. Which forum would he choose to go to?
Supply and demand. There are less people to sign up for sites, but more people who need sites done. So the price goes up so those who need sites done can attract those who haven't done that site. If you're only willing to pay $20 a ref, but I'll pay $25, then I'll get it, because they're aren't that many people. I would hardly call it price-gouging.
08-02-2006 19:50:28
[quoteebdd253cd8]A newb comes and sees two forums, X and Fig. He is new to this entire scene so he wants to get started on a site. He decides he wants to start on Free iPods. So, he decides to make a quick buck by selling a refferal for Free iPods. On this forum, if the overprice rule was instated, he would receive $20 at most. On the other hand, if he goes to X, he receives money as high as $35. Which forum would he choose to go to?
but then he has to pay for refs, right?
so if he's smart he'll take 20 and only pay $100 as opposed to taking $35 and paying 175 for a net of -60 overall
and by price gouging he means noobs that try and up the price they ask for for a ref. Like i'm talking to someone about trading and they keep upping the bid.
whatever you offer and someone accepts is your business. However by bending to people when they try and ask for more, it encourages those people to ask for even more and more often
i think thats FGRs overall point here
08-02-2006 19:51:50
[quote836c34b3c5="justinag06"]but then he has to pay for refs?
so if he's smart he'll take 20 and only pay $100 as opposed to taking $35 and paying 175 for a net of -60 overall[/quote836c34b3c5]
... Or he might go to "X" to sell refferals and Fig to buy refferals, which is what most people would do. Therfore, it would create a shortage of people selling refferals on Fig.
08-02-2006 19:55:40
yeah well everyone will take care of themselves as they see fit I guess. I don't think anyone here is suggesting we add some sort of ceiling on trading prices.
his point is more or less about accepting overpriced trades as it only leads to more people asking for more
08-02-2006 20:02:29
I remember the good ole days when refs and ipods were free!!
08-02-2006 20:09:19
just make it mandatory to pay less P 20+ gets locked D
08-02-2006 20:23:08
[quote7492bc5578="akalic"]just make it mandatory to pay less P 20+ gets locked D[/quote7492bc5578]
Then, people would sell their refs at a different forum.
08-02-2006 20:24:26
See if A4F will collaberate, then the forum problem is mostly eliminated
08-02-2006 20:28:47
In no way do I think admin or anyone else should set a ceiling. This is a Democracy after all.
However why Pay $175 for an ipod when you should max pay $125.
Also I have sold about 200 greens and never price gouged anyone. I also go first still on numerous trades. (ask TSJ, lol)
Also I bought 4 referrals last month for OC for $40 on this forum. So people will sell cheap its just the higher TR people who tend to think they deserve more for doing a $1 offer.
I typically pay more for my last green.
Just saying this isn't rocket science and everyone is just trying to get an ipod or somethign else cheap. So don't be an ass an overcharge for something that only costs on average $6 to do.
Also last lil note for time being.
VALUE = SCAM the higher the value of something the more likely someone will want to scam. Do you think scammers would flock to these boards to do 10 sites for $100 or will they wait till its 10 sites for $350.
I can think of no reason to want $35 for a $6 offer.
Also the point being made about these being pyramid schemes is correct but you failed to mention that more people join the WWW everyday. So there will always be new people. Well at least for me and my kids. Sure these site will be closed long before they run out of people.
08-02-2006 20:30:08
The prices for referrals probably went up because the prices for the offers went up.
08-02-2006 20:33:59
If people are willing to pay $35 a referral, let them pay $35 a referral.
08-02-2006 20:36:56
This thread has been done so many times...
[quotefec0b4dd72="tylerc"]If people are willing to pay $35 a referral, let them pay $35 a referral.[/quotefec0b4dd72]
08-02-2006 20:55:11
I hate how capitalisitc trading refs has become. The reason we all do these sites is to avoid the "system", not play into it. I don't see why its necessary for someone tp pay/get $35 for a ref, when most likely that person would do the site anyway. It would be nice if the only fees that were paid to refs were what the offer cost and if people signed up under others just to help. The trading forums purpose was to make it easier to get free items. but the current trading system is slowly defeating that purpose.
08-02-2006 20:56:30
People don't do things "to help".
You think that's how the real world works? Restaurants don't offer food to people "to help them out because they are hungry", they offer food because they know people want it and will give them money for it.
08-02-2006 21:05:32
Well, this isn't exactly how the real world works either, and trading refs is in no way a business.
08-02-2006 22:09:08
[quote64760ddfc1="Shaomoki"]The prices for referrals probably went up because the prices for the offers went up.[/quote64760ddfc1]
Ummm nope, Freepay is the in highest demand site and 90% of the offers are still $1 offers.
On side note. I see lots of people saying "Oh but if prices were lower they would go to A4F"
No the high TR people would go to A4F, since 99% of all noobs that find this site isnt from A4F its from google.
08-02-2006 22:17:26
I came from google
I assume that most of us that joined before June did.
I wouldnt go to A4f either
id have to have TR there
and i dont
so then id have to become a noob again
there just arent sites our there for me to do to work my way out of the trenches
08-02-2006 22:19:31
i say,
if we only go toward the $15 ones or whatever, and only offer $15, then the trend can be stopped.. i mean, i think the price should cover the offer cost and maybe give the person a few extra $$.. this would be TONS better for trading..
08-02-2006 22:33:05
yes the best way to do this is to offer and accept only this much
Trust me we have discussed this many times...
and there was a very large thread about this...
it wont happen.
08-02-2006 22:35:32
[quote2cad48a0e0="aguy"]Trust me we have discussed this many times...
and there was a very large thread about this...
[b2cad48a0e0]it wont happen[/b2cad48a0e0].[/quote2cad48a0e0]
yea, because your mom won't stop charging the extra $15
08-02-2006 23:26:13
It won't happen for the same reasons that nothing can happen that serves to benefit a group rather than individuals.
09-02-2006 00:19:17
[quote6e65cf7e23="EatChex89"][quote6e65cf7e23="aguy"]Trust me we have discussed this many times...
and there was a very large thread about this...
[b6e65cf7e23]it wont happen[/b6e65cf7e23].[/quote6e65cf7e23]
yea, because your mom won't stop charging the extra $15[/quote6e65cf7e23]
09-02-2006 06:05:48
It was a lame attempt to make a "your mom" joke.
09-02-2006 06:49:06
It's an unfortunate side-effect of the whole "freebie" business. Eventually, people see that they can make money (and much quicker than completing a site) and that starts to become the more valuable part of the equation. The only way to really squash it would be to only offer green for green trades, which obviously isn't going to happen. Otherwise, it's a pretty healthy little market system we've got going on. There are sites that are worth more than others and most people know to inquire about offers to maximize they're own profits.
It was kind of funny reading this thread because my boss was making comments like this in regards to the price of riding the subway and gas. Maybe we should have an average price/green tracker mod, we could probably predict inflation months before the fed.
09-02-2006 08:07:30
GREED, that is why the prices become inflated.
GREED from the person needing the green. They get so caught up in wnting to finish as many sites as soon as possible they overpay.
GREED from people selling. They feel they should make more money since it takes all of 5 minutes to join and spend that precious $1.
GREED from scammers. Scammers tend to want to make as much as possible in a quick amount of time.
Also on a side note, I went through the trade board last night and over 50% of all the threads from main page were people sellign referrals. Of those half were noobs.
So if its a noob they dont come to these forums saying Im gonna charge $35. No they look and see what other sellers are selling it for. Which would be the Higher greedy TR people.
If after a week they had no takers they would lower the price. They wouldnt pack up and go to A4F since odds are they have no clue what A4F is.
Now since a majority of the high TR people have taken a page out of my book and started recruiting friends to join through them. Why not sell cheap. It doesnt hurt you to max out at $25, you will still make a profit.
Also remember GREED will end up biting you in the ass in the end.
09-02-2006 08:07:37
i think a system shoudl be made where one person has their link up u pay 15$ to each person who does an offer. than each person who does an offer is added into the line for the site they want. than when its their turn they get paid.
people would do this for cheaper because they know they will be getting own referals for cheaper later on.