Mario Kart and Friend codes

Live forum:


05-02-2006 08:47:38

I recieved my Ds from freepay this past week and i was thinking we should start a friends code post like the xbox live one. To get it started, my code is


mods, delete the post if this is not allowed, i know some places dont allow this becuase nintendo dosnt want it to happen

Edit By the way, my Nickname is CowTipper on MKDS, no dash in it


05-02-2006 13:03:56

what are the codes used for?


05-02-2006 13:26:27

its like a "screen name", but its a number that distinguishes one DS from another, you can change your name associated with the number but not the actually number. (Think ICQ)

Anyways, i play MKDS too ;-) , i'll look at my DS for the friend code later .


05-02-2006 13:28:16

So nintendo DS can go online?


05-02-2006 13:30:10

umm yea....


05-02-2006 13:33:36

Why wouldn't Nintendo want this?


05-02-2006 13:43:37

i dont know, they posted a sticky on their own forum saying its not allowed, the link is http//