PayPal funds transfer

Live forum:


31-01-2006 13:40:21

I transferred $230 out of my PayPal into checking 3 days ago. Now I have $4 in my PayPal and $5 in my checking (Which was there before) Where did my money go? Has anyone experienced this before? |


31-01-2006 13:43:18

[quote3d3b961eed="Gooogler"]I transferred $230 out of my PayPal into checking 3 days ago. Now I have $4 in my PayPal and $5 in my checking (Which was there before) Where did my money go? Has anyone experienced this before? |[/quote3d3b961eed]

It'll probably show up in your checking account by the end of business tomorrow. All it means is that PayPal recorded the transfer sooner than your bank did.

Sometimes I do electronic transfers from different accounts with the same bank (paymen to credit card account from checking account, for example) and it still isn't instantaneous.

If it doesn't show up in 2-3 days, just give them a call.


31-01-2006 13:45:49

I called my bank, they have no record of it. I'll try again in a few days.


31-01-2006 13:46:15

transfers can take like 5 business days sometimes paypal is slowwwwwwwwww


31-01-2006 13:46:55

Yeah... (


31-01-2006 13:50:13

googler, i hate you, shut up.


31-01-2006 13:53:03

Chill out ) My $230 is missing and I'm bummed.


31-01-2006 14:26:21

googler are u a previous fipg user? u talk like someone in the past? had any other names???


31-01-2006 14:55:57



31-01-2006 14:57:32

oops Perhaps...


31-01-2006 15:01:14

When you transfer the money it says it takes 4-5 business days...


31-01-2006 15:02:48

^ right

I also noticed that if you transfer on Saturday or Sunday your money usually shows up faster then if on a weekday, like on Monday or Tuesday.