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31-01-2006 09:54:43

Just saw this over on Basically, you send them X amount of used CDs and after they inspect them you get an Ipod Shuffle/Nano/Video.

No clue if this is legit but here is the link

If you could goto a garage sale and buy like 100 crappy CDs for $15 this would be a really good deal.


31-01-2006 10:54:44

pretty smart business plan

I wonder if it will catch on


31-01-2006 11:15:55

it's got scam written all over it. from buggy web site to jr. high web design...dosn't look good


31-01-2006 13:36:31

Maybe someone in Charlseton on FiPG could check it out?


31-01-2006 13:38:49

People on slickdeals said theyve been to B&M stores


31-01-2006 13:48:27

I think a lot of people would do this

I mean I for one may never use my CD collection again, or never buy another CD.

If I did it would be soley to support the recording artists

I wrote a essay in my tech. writing class about file sharing and it's effects on small independant artists.

Using Wilco and Yankee Foxtrot Hotel as the main point, that file sharing actually helps the artists.

Most independant artists make almost NO money off any CD sales too.

anyhow to my point

eventually one MAJOR artist is going to get smart and leave the labels, front all the costs of recording themselves, and just release the album for download online at a dirt cheap price, like under $5.

The fact that they wouldn't have any production costs to actually make any pysichal product would mean they could sell infinate records at a minimal price and make more money and eliminate the middle man.

This would in turn force many artists to do the same thing, improve the quality of music in the process if you aren't just making an album for the label for you to profit off directly.

Also artists could release their own material whenever they please!

This would open the door for many indie artists to have a better opportunity to succed also. Then it would come back full circle and force the record labels into a corner where they must decide to either deal with the consumers legitimatly or be forced out of the business.

The whole file-sharing debacle is very similar to what happened back in the 20's with the copyright issues during the TPA era.


31-01-2006 14:27:46

what would u do with old cds??


31-01-2006 14:31:16

Thats awesome, nice find. Now if only Junior would send them 45 cd's...

On a second note
[quote117228e975="kdollar"]what would u do with old cds??[/quote117228e975]

I was going to ask the same thing, they probably resell them.


31-01-2006 14:35:15

[quote99b4df2667="kdollar"]what would u do with old cds??[/quote99b4df2667]

put them on my ipod


31-01-2006 14:36:37

seems easier to d/l songs then rip them off old cds, not to mention no one is gonna give u new cds, and sell them, cant be too easy to sell if everyone is sendin u their leftovers.


31-01-2006 14:38:07

They might distribute them to their stores nation-wide. Aren't they associated with B&M?


31-01-2006 14:39:57

oh you are talking about the site, I have no idea what the hell they are thinking

but they could be working two different markets

buying lots of used music in bulk cheaply and then selling it back to a different market.