Tis so sad.....
29-01-2006 14:10:45
Hey dare friends....So im going through my mid-teenage life crisis finding myself without any sort of sexual akt chee own for the last couple weeks and figured out my problem....MY PANTS SUCK....
So now im look'n into it and really i just need new pants in general. Anyone know a good place online that sells top brand (abercrombie, ezra, hollister) for good prices besides ebay??
Thanks ya muuch!!
i blame history
29-01-2006 14:19:27
whatever you do, dont buy those jeans with the paint all over them and holes ripped in them. ever. i dont care what everyone else is wearing.... one day, you will look back on it, and you will realize that it was a BIG mistake.
i dont buy clothes online, because i need to try them on first. however, if you do resort to going to a store, old navy has suprisingly good jeans for $20-25. i am fond of the 'mechanic' fit, personally. mens jeans. in fact they count for 2/3 of my jean wardrobe... the other one is an old dickies pair that i scored for about $3 from as thrift store... best pants i have ever had!
i dont know if old navy is considered 'top brand'.... i dont pay attention to brands. i buy some tshirts at threadless.com and in thrift stores, and thats about the extent of it. old navy does have a webstie, though, so i guess that counts for being online.
29-01-2006 14:22:04
Guess is having some good sales.. I went to Guess in the mall and got $150 dollar jeans for $130 a couple days ago )
29-01-2006 14:23:02
I feel so much more stupider for reading this.
29-01-2006 14:23:28
[quotec6aa4bf91e="shamash"]Guess is having some good sales.. I went to Guess in the mall and got $150 dollar jeans for $130 a couple days ago )[/quotec6aa4bf91e]
I'm so glad I'm straight. I could get 6 or 7 pairs of jeans for that. roll
29-01-2006 14:27:04
yeah I buy from express some, american eagle, and local vintage shops. I dunno jeans are jeans.
go to old navy get a pair for $10. It isn't going to make that big a difference in your sex life trust me.
29-01-2006 14:27:41
1 pair of good jeans > 6 or 7 pairs of shitty jeans
29-01-2006 14:29:22
You have to pay like $50 more for the jeans that have all the shit on them and all the holes in them.
Anyway, I get a lot of jeans from Hollister, those are really comfortable for me (usually $40ish a pair), and Aeropostale has some good deals on jeans usually.
29-01-2006 14:32:09
Oh man. I used to think like all you guys. My pants were killing my sex life. So what I did was I stopped wearing pants, dropped a cuecumber in a sock and let it hang out of my boxes. Then i'd tell women that the county judge told me I had to put it in a sock or go to jail. It only takes me about 15 seconds to get a girl in the sack with that!
Then when it comes time, I take the sock of, bludgeon her with the cuecumber and take her purse.
Anyone want to buy a purse?
29-01-2006 14:42:14
[quote1da2884188="shamash"]1 pair of good jeans > 6 or 7 pairs of shitty jeans[/quote1da2884188]
Yeah I guess you're right. Paying $100 more for stylish holes and fades and that "worn in" look > buying reasonably priced, quality jeans that you can wear in yourself and having $100 left over to buy something useful. shrug
Anyway, I dunno why the hell I'm arguing about jeans, so i'm gonna back away from this thread now...
29-01-2006 14:47:53
[quote23a1217118="kevxross"][quote23a1217118="shamash"]1 pair of good jeans > 6 or 7 pairs of shitty jeans[/quote23a1217118]
Yeah I guess you're right. Paying $100 more for stylish holes and fades and that "worn in" look > buying reasonably priced, quality jeans that you can wear in yourself and having $100 left over to buy something useful. shrug
Anyway, I dunno why the hell I'm arguing about jeans, so i'm gonna back away from this thread now...[/quote23a1217118]
kev wins!
I had some money to burn and went around to some higher end shops looking for some clothing, mostly jeans. Turns out, all the ones that were in the $100 range were terrible (thin, holes, paint crap, etc).
Buying expensive low quality jeans is just wrong, you're buying for the label and that is all. Swallow your selfish pride and buy a $40-50 pair that is basically the same thing.
All my opinion of course.
29-01-2006 15:15:01
Salvation Army is the way to go.
29-01-2006 15:15:44
29-01-2006 15:24:40
abercrombie? ezra? hollister? You prep bitch
29-01-2006 15:26:21
You skater douche?
Who cares, clothes are clothes.
29-01-2006 15:29:28
[quote225e6f76c7="tylerc"]You skater douche?
Who cares, clothes are clothes.[/quote225e6f76c7]
It's more or less the life style that goes along with those brands.
29-01-2006 15:30:53
So you steoretype people?
Buy some Polo shirts and don't forget to pop your collar

http//www.georgetown.edu/organizations/phantoms/images/fall04gallery/07wooters.jpg[" alt=""/img8ffc60a9ce]
i blame history
29-01-2006 15:40:21
[quote965137ce2b="JordanE"]abercrombie? ezra? hollister? You prep bitch
actually, all four of these brands are equally awful, as i see it. but you know what? i realize that its CLOTHING. it all serves one purpose [attempt] to cover up parts of you that not everyone really wants to see. and when it serves that purpose, i dont really mind.
although, its hard to look clothed when there are holes around your rear and the bottom of your shirt, that shold be at the waist, it a bit closer to your chin than anything else. but eh whatever.
i blame history
29-01-2006 15:41:44
[quote9612ca44e6="Bill"]Buy some Polo shirts and don't forget to pop your collar

http//www.georgetown.edu/organizations/phantoms/images/fall04gallery/07wooters.jpg[" alt=""/img9612ca44e6][/quote9612ca44e6]
hahaha oh wow that trend was all the rage around my college for about 5 weeks. then it stopped. it just stopped. and i thank god every day for this fact.
Give the guy real answers, don't pretend you're the king of fucking fashion.
Because I'm the fashion photographer around here. Muahaha.
29-01-2006 16:12:28
So if we need advice we should come to you?
[quote530c6067bb="tylerc"]So if we need advice we should come to you?[/quote530c6067bb]
Only if you're a hot sexy girl with great legs. Until then, no. wink
29-01-2006 16:16:11
Blah, I meet none of those 3 requirements.
Unless hairy legs are great.
29-01-2006 16:17:08
I say good say to you then sir!
liwalks away with two of his many sexy female models/friendsli
29-01-2006 16:19:22
lithat have no interest in jumping your bonesli
29-01-2006 16:20:11
[quote17bf5ebb78="Veek"]liwalks away with two of his many sexy female models/friendsli
returns to staring at Veek's signature
[quote9232b4b723="tylerc"]lithat have no interest in jumping your bonesli[/quote9232b4b723]
Oh Tyler, you'd be so surprised.
returns to staring at Veek's signature[/quote9232b4b723]
Yesss, yesss. By hypnotized by the sluts.
29-01-2006 16:30:43
[quote064e75659c="Veek"]liwalks away with two of his many sexy female models/friendsli
I thought you said they were all the same girl.
29-01-2006 16:32:52
Veek-aren't you gay? So why would they want to have sex with you? Or why would you want to have sex with them?
29-01-2006 16:33:24
[quote0270aa4601="Gooogler"][quote0270aa4601="Veek"]liwalks away with two of his many sexy female models/friendsli
I thought you said they were all the same girl.[/quote0270aa4601]
Doesn't mean he doesn't have a trailer full of "sexy female models".
29-01-2006 16:34:14
[quotee12908e6fa="tylerc"]Veek-aren't you gay? So why would they want to have sex with you? Or why would you want to have sex with them?[/quotee12908e6fa]
So you wouldn't want to have sex with a hot lesbian?
29-01-2006 16:34:17
29-01-2006 16:35:00
[quote8694b79d8f="tylerc"]Veek-aren't you gay? So why would they want to have sex with you? Or why would you want to have sex with them?[/quote8694b79d8f]
I guess he's bisexual.
[quote2360bcbb39="J4320"][quote2360bcbb39="tylerc"]Veek-aren't you gay? So why would they want to have sex with you? Or why would you want to have sex with them?[/quote2360bcbb39]
I guess he's bisexual.[/quote2360bcbb39]
Yes, I am gay. I don't think it matters what sexuality anyone is. If someone is hot, sexy, and gorgeous, then you'll notice it. No matter what.
P.S Goooooooooogler, find where I said all of my models were the same girl.
29-01-2006 16:47:57
LOL...I just pooped a lil reading all that shit up there!! The funny thing is i was think'n cargo's cuz i haven't worn jeans in prolly like 2 years literally. ANywhome....I know this will not actually spike my sexual attraction but as i thought about how dumb my post was i figured it'd needed somethin to spice it up a battt...
i blame history
29-01-2006 16:49:55
Yes, I am gay. I don't think it matters what sexuality anyone is. If someone is hot, sexy, and gorgeous, then you'll notice it. No matter what.
heh good one!
29-01-2006 16:51:42
P.S Goooooooooogler, find where I said all of my models were the same girl.[/quote0f68a04f1d]
This is what you actually said - Sorry, I forgot exactly what you said. At that point you had only had 2 different sigs, both of which were the same girl. oops
[quote0f68a04f1d="Veek"]Gooogler, she can pull off a lot of looks. The stylists do a good job. And thanks.[/quote0f68a04f1d]
P.S Goooooooooogler, find where I said all of my models were the same girl.[/quote0130f3ac39]
This is what you actually said - Sorry, I forgot exactly what you said. At that point you had only had 2 different sigs, both of which were the same girl. oops
[quote0130f3ac39="Veek"]Gooogler, she can pull off a lot of looks. The stylists do a good job. And thanks.[/quote0130f3ac39][/quote0130f3ac39]
Same girl, different looks. Many different models. There's a difference. wink
29-01-2006 22:32:55
[quotea5e066e9d3="tylerc"]So you steoretype people?[/quotea5e066e9d3]
The people who buy those brands buy theme for a reason. The same can be said for the brands of clothing that i buy.
30-01-2006 12:34:49
[quotefef61eed5d="i blame history"][quotefef61eed5d="Bill"]Buy some Polo shirts and don't forget to pop your collar

http//www.georgetown.edu/organizations/phantoms/images/fall04gallery/07wooters.jpg[" alt=""/imgfef61eed5d][/quotefef61eed5d]
hahaha oh wow that trend was all the rage around my college for about 5 weeks. then it stopped. it just stopped. and i thank god every day for this fact.[/quotefef61eed5d]
Welcome to my campus. It's a "tradition"...that should've died in the 80's.
30-01-2006 12:48:34
actually ive found aeropostal( i know i didnt spell that right) has cheap jeans. They always seem to have random ass 50% off everything in the store sales. I go there and pick up nice shirts for the clubs and jeans every year or so. Same jeans abercrombie sells with the shit on em for $100 are only $20 at aeropostal.
30-01-2006 13:07:59
[quote690184735f="hyperion479"][quote690184735f="i blame history"][quote690184735f="Bill"]Buy some Polo shirts and don't forget to pop your collar

http//www.georgetown.edu/organizations/phantoms/images/fall04gallery/07wooters.jpg[" alt=""/img690184735f][/quote690184735f]
hahaha oh wow that trend was all the rage around my college for about 5 weeks. then it stopped. it just stopped. and i thank god every day for this fact.[/quote690184735f]
Welcome to my campus. It's a "tradition"...that should've died in the 80's.[/quote690184735f]
Oh god. Die popped collar. Facebook group The Fonz Called, He Wants His Fad Back
30-01-2006 14:29:22
[quotedb020e9e87="kevxross"][quotedb020e9e87="shamash"]Guess is having some good sales.. I went to Guess in the mall and got $150 dollar jeans for $130 a couple days ago )[/quotedb020e9e87]
I'm so glad I'm straight. I could get 6 or 7 pairs of jeans for that. roll[/quotedb020e9e87]
you're straight? i could have sworn you were a poor faggot after reading your post shock
I don't really wear jeans very often. Im used to wearing black dress pants most of the time. I normally tend not to spend more than $60 on a single pair of pants. When I wear jeans i usually just wear cheap black levi jeans. I havent really seen any high end black jeans worth buying.......
Edit According to my latest studies, spending too much time on the internet insted of going outside and hanging out with real people usually tends to hurt your sex life more than a crappy pair of jeans

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/162dbad2331d50717108ad38e0ec7a87.gif[" alt=""/imgdb020e9e87]
30-01-2006 15:08:35
[quotea380911a8d="JUNIOR6886"][quotea380911a8d="kevxross"][quotea380911a8d="shamash"]Guess is having some good sales.. I went to Guess in the mall and got $150 dollar jeans for $130 a couple days ago )[/quotea380911a8d]
I'm so glad I'm straight. I could get 6 or 7 pairs of jeans for that. roll[/quotea380911a8d]
you're straight? i could have sworn you were a poor faggot after reading your post shock [/quotea380911a8d]
Which post? You mean the one you quoted, where I said I'm straight? Well at least you pretty much admit to the fact that you're an idiot.
As for the "poor" part - how much money one has has nothing to do with what one decides to spend that money on. Just because I decide to put my money to things that I find more useful than looking like a paint-stained, fade-washed metrosexual who spends too much time on his knees has nothing to do with whether or not I am poor. I think it's more to do with intelligence, or at least common sense.