26-01-2006 18:15:45
Why hasnt there been a thread on this weeks episode? I just barely downloaded and watched the episode because I missed it last night. So what do you think about the whole Charlie thing?
26-01-2006 19:46:13
it was a filler episode...nothing more
26-01-2006 19:48:56
^^^^ Agreed, but I actually liked Charlie in this episode...
26-01-2006 19:51:52
i didn' part of the show was when locke nailed him one in the face
26-01-2006 20:01:06
Yeah, Im really upset that they havent continued on with the whole story theyve been on about, they didnt even mention Michael once.
26-01-2006 20:03:16
they're gonna do that next week. this was a pause to make people think of life on the island as nice and calm w/ the worst thing going on i a guy that man-or-may-not be doing.
next week they're gonna pick back up and go for the "shocker!" side of things by tryin to send them all into the island and play "rambo" on the others
26-01-2006 21:13:56
I was dissapointed by this episode. How often do you think they need to replace Claire's baby to make you think it isn't growing too fast?
26-01-2006 22:14:13
I think it was an OK episode. I think it will have more meaning in later episodes. Charlie is losing it bad...
27-01-2006 08:32:49
I haven't been enjoying this show very much for several episodes now. (
27-01-2006 20:14:44
Does anyone else think they have an amazing amount of tarps on the island? It seems everyone has one for their little hut. i wouldn't think planes have a large supply of extra tarps on board.
27-01-2006 20:39:03
They probably came from the hatch...
27-01-2006 20:50:11
[quoteb23d13210c="Wolfeman"]They probably came from the hatch...[/quoteb23d13210c]mmhmmm
27-01-2006 20:53:56
Some people are too critical of small mistakes on the show. 1 problem I hear they are going to have to deal with quick is Walt is growing up really fast and has grown like 4 inches since the show started and in Island time its supposed to be 2 months. I wonder how'll they'll deal with this one...
28-01-2006 11:02:37
[quoteea07e1fdbc="Wolfeman"]Some people are too critical of small mistakes on the show. 1 problem I hear they are going to have to deal with quick is Walt is growing up really fast and has grown like 4 inches since the show started and in Island time its supposed to be 2 months. I wonder how'll they'll deal with this one...[/quoteea07e1fdbc]
He's a "special boy" or maybe they can blame it on the electro magnetic properties of the island.
About the tarp thing... I've been wondering that for a long time now. Way before they opened the hatch. My guess There was a tarp salesman on the plane and he had a large tarp inventory with him... No but seriously, maybe they cover the luggage inside the plane with tarps to keep condensation off.