How to make sure you're not scammed by Paypal

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25-01-2006 07:35:58

So I've been reading about peoples troubles with chargebacks and things happening to their paypal account on here and on Since I sell on ebay a lot I kind of need to use paypal. So I was wondering if there were some precautions that I could take to ensure that I don't let someone scam me.

For instances
confirmed addresses only?
High positive feedback?
Delivery confirmation?

And what about for online items like gift certificates. How can you take proof that the person got them so they can never say you didn't send them?


25-01-2006 07:47:18

Delivery Confirmation will fix your last question. I read always uses it, otherwise the buyer can just say they never received it. If there is no way to track it to see if it's there, paypal will award them the money (I read this on awhile ago).


25-01-2006 07:51:26 in deep with "no proof of it getting there" Tracking number didn't work until they scanned it into the system (AFTER THE DISPUTE PERIOD WAS OVER) Don't send from hartigs or anythingl ike to print your own labels and your already 80% better off then myself...damn mom's house with no printer!


25-01-2006 08:15:56

No matter what you do if someone wants money back they can get it. Since most scammers on ebay use CC to purchase stuff they know they can file CC chargeback. They get item and monies.


25-01-2006 08:44:36

[quoteff0917fec9="Mapik"]Delivery Confirmation will fix your last question. I read always uses it, otherwise the buyer can just say they never received it. If there is no way to track it to see if it's there, paypal will award them the money (I read this on awhile ago).[/quoteff0917fec9]

That happend to me once.


25-01-2006 10:39:40

Just make sure you keep paypal happy, and they'll keep you happy.


25-01-2006 10:58:44

[quote21c970657f="EatChex89"]Just make sure you keep paypal happy, and they'll keep you happy.[/quote21c970657f]

Quit being an idiot in all the Paypal threads like you're some special Paypal member. Unless you're doing "favors" for the CEO or something (actually wouldn't surprise me too much) they give as big of a shit about you as they do any of their other millions of members. You're just lucky. I have yet to be screwed by Paypal either, but I don't pretend I'm special because of it.


25-01-2006 11:10:15

[quote1068c9c442="kevxross"][quote1068c9c442="EatChex89"]Just make sure you keep paypal happy, and they'll keep you happy.[/quote1068c9c442]

Quit being an idiot in all the Paypal threads like you're some special Paypal member. Unless you're doing "favors" for the CEO or something (actually wouldn't surprise me too much) they give as big of a shit about you as they do any of their other millions of members. You're just lucky. I have yet to be screwed by Paypal either, but I don't pretend I'm special because of it.[/quote1068c9c442]

I don't pretend I'm special either.. lmao.

and i'm being sarcastic in these threads too.. anyday paypal could scam me.. i'm just lucky they haven't.


25-01-2006 11:30:40

Never ship to anyone with an unconfirmed address. Any small ammount of protection they give you is gone if you ship to an unconfirmed address. Some people get pissy but I always put in my ads I don't ship to unconfirmed addresses and if they don't want to confirm, they can ship me a money order.

Looking at feedback helps but if someone jacked an eBay account to make bids, a lot of people use the same passwords for everything and they could easily get into their PayPal and add an address.

Never fall for the "my daughter lives in Nigeria" scam...


25-01-2006 12:18:59

My bad paypal experience happened with a +35 user, their accounts got phished and so their credit card was stolen.

If you're dealing with a stolen credit card, you will lose. But stolen credit card addresses are not going to be confirmed, so ship to confirmed addresses only.

On the upside, if you are selling an in demand item you can still sell using money orders only. Nobody can take a money order away from you. Just make sure you cash it before you ship the item to make sure its real.


25-01-2006 12:23:14

This is quoted from paypal

If a transaction is Seller Protection Policy eligible, you will be protected from chargebacks due to fraud when you follow these guidelines

Have a Verified Business or Premier account
Ship to the address on the Transaction Details page
Provide timely shipment
Retain reasonable proof of delivery that can be tracked online
Ship tangible goods

Okay, so guess what guys. Even if you do follow those requirements, you will NOT BE PROTECTED FROM CHARGEBACKS.


Read the link. Basically, paypal uses the info. you provide and sends to the credit card company. The CREDIT CARD COMPANY has the final desicion if funds are returned or not, and almost 100% of the time, they will side with the owner of the credit card. This means paypal doesn't return your funds.

So what do you do to protect yourself? DON'T ACCEPT PAYPAL for items that sell over $100 ( or whatever you want to risk).

On another note, if you are selling the gift certificates online, you could always send them the package slip/reciept you can print out from paypal and mail that with delivery confirmation. Thats what I do, so at least I have some type of tracking number.