19-01-2006 11:38:01
Yea so I got my braces off today.. after 8 years of torture, i finally get them off! w00t!
I got this water-bottle filled with all the candy i wasn't suppsoed to eat P
19-01-2006 11:49:31
Congrats! You must be pretty happy! I can't imagine wearing them for 8 years!!! I had to wear mine for 3 1/2 years. It was the best feeling to get them off. I couldn't stop smiling in the mirror and rubbing my tongue over my teeth. My dad took me out for pizza too. LOL!
19-01-2006 11:50:04
Did you brush well or do you have calcification around where your braces used to be?
Congratulations though, now you can make trips to the docks.
19-01-2006 12:00:51
so how do you keep your pants up now?
<rim shot>
19-01-2006 12:03:33
I still have mine, I had them 6th through 8th grade (2 years in all) and I've had them for a little over a year now.
Needless to say, I've got some British heritage lol
I want braces, to be honest. I don't need them, but I'd like to have them to fix a really small over bite.
19-01-2006 12:17:46
I used to have a fat overbite, like 110%.
Then they gave me this appliance to wear for about 9 months called a herbst. It sucked.
This is what it looks like

http//www.bentzorthodontics.com/images/herbst01.jpg[" alt=""/img1518999d9e]
19-01-2006 12:44:34
ouch tyler.. that musta sucked
i know before i got braces, i had these twinblock things that were clear and really gross.
One good thing is i never had to wear rubber bands! -D
19-01-2006 12:58:21
8 years? i had mine on for 18 months. and to think that 18 months was an eternity. do you have that crap on your teeth from the braces being on for such a long time? at least i never broke a bracket )
19-01-2006 13:01:30
[quote816004bfad="tracemhunter"]8 years? i had mine on for 18 months. and to think that 18 months was an eternity. do you have that crap on your teeth from the braces being on for such a long time? at least i never broke a bracket )[/quote816004bfad]
no, they cleaned and polished my teeth.
i'm trying to persuade my parents to let me get them bleached haha
19-01-2006 13:03:14
Ahhh, the torture that orthodontists get paid to put their patients through. Loving memories of those days. ;)
Sophomore year of high school, I opted NOT to have four teeth pulled. Let me tell you, I regret that decision. Instead, they used wires and a device (I thought they called it a tandem, but hell if I know) that just twisted one of my teeth into place. At that same time, I had to wear headgear.
Yes, headgear. Did I wear it? Only when my mom got on my case. Did I wear it in public? Fuck no. lol
Just shy of two years after I had then on, I got them removed right before I left for college. They were disappointed they couldn't fix my overbite, but the fiance thinks it's sexy how my bottom lip slightly pouts. lishrugli Men.
19-01-2006 13:54:08
I'm fairly sure if the orthodontist wasn't an orthodontist, he'd be arrested for several acts of perversion.
What other profession lets creepy guys get paid to stick their fingers in the mouths of children both genders and ranging 8-18?
Anyway, I have braces too. Worse is what is ambiguously called an "applicator," which is probably the worst part of my life.
I've lost about ten pounds since I got it because it's so difficult to eat with it.
19-01-2006 14:23:34
[quoteecb23b8973="ilanbg"]What other profession lets creepy guys get paid to stick their fingers in the mouths of children both genders and ranging 8-18?[/quoteecb23b8973]
Ooh, I know, I know! Dentist!
19-01-2006 14:30:55
Damn congrats...8 years! That sucks. I had mine for about a year and a half. Broke a couple brackets and the wire. 8 years is too long, holy shit, you're teeth must've been really crooked.
19-01-2006 15:14:07
It would have been cooler to say that for 8 refs you got them removed for free.
19-01-2006 15:22:08
19-01-2006 15:44:07
19-01-2006 16:22:52
congrats, should this be in the brag-brag
19-01-2006 16:35:17
I had mine for 4 ish years. They made me wear a retainer for another 2 after. I stopped wearing the retainer after 2 years and my teeth shifted back. Ripoff.
19-01-2006 18:57:57
[quoteb4e0e7c0a0="johnjimjones"]I had mine for 4 ish years. They made me wear a retainer for another 2 after. I stopped wearing the retainer after 2 years and my teeth shifted back. Ripoff.[/quoteb4e0e7c0a0]
you are supposed to wear it for the rest of your life..
19-01-2006 19:14:37
That herbst thing wasn't extremely painful, but it made it impossible to eat food.
I had to wear that, AND an expander on top. This time it's just cosmetic to fix everything else that's pretty minute, nothing major.
19-01-2006 19:36:44
I've had my braces off for about 2 years now I think. I'm still wearing my retainer every night.
So that's why you never smiled in your pictures... /me is on to something.
19-01-2006 19:38:07
congrats now u can eat alot more chex ;)
19-01-2006 19:40:09
[quoteedf404b936="EatChex89"][quoteedf404b936="johnjimjones"]I had mine for 4 ish years. They made me wear a retainer for another 2 after. I stopped wearing the retainer after 2 years and my teeth shifted back. Ripoff.[/quoteedf404b936]
you are supposed to wear it for the rest of your life..[/quoteedf404b936]
Rest of my life? yeah right
19-01-2006 19:40:49
Does that stuff make your teeth more sensitive?
19-01-2006 19:44:24
[quote98d3881592="J4320"]I've had my braces off for about 2 years now I think. I'm still wearing my retainer every night.
So that's why you never smiled in your pictures... /me is on to something.[/quote98d3881592]

http//www.theaterhopper.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/icon_shifty.gif[" alt=""/img98d3881592]
20-11-2006 18:27:09
Bumping a really old thread, but I got mine off today!
I went and ate buffalo wings, and they also gave me a water bottle full of candy.
20-11-2006 18:34:04
20-11-2006 18:38:32
Congrats to both! Do your teeth feel all weird tyler? Do you have any lady friends that want to give you a big kiss now that they're off?
20-11-2006 18:39:35
Damn, I am getting braces put on in 1 week tomorrow. ( I have to have them for my graduation picture. AWW (
20-11-2006 18:47:21
[quote748c243a48="emoney"]Congrats to both! Do your teeth feel all weird tyler? Do you have any lady friends that want to give you a big kiss now that they're off?[/quote748c243a48]
Yeah, they felt all slimy, but I'd had em before, so I knew what it was like. I kept getting dust from the glue in my eye. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the lady who was taking them off was hitting on me, she was being extremely nice and kept calling me "babe" and "honey". I'm a pimp, what can I say?
My girlfriend was happy for me, but she didn't really care one way or the other. Apparently, she likes to smoosh the cheeks together and kiss, which she couldn't do before because of the brackets digging into my cheek.
20-11-2006 18:52:31
When I got them off there was a cute girl that evidently liked me, and she used my braces coming off as an excuse to kiss me the first time. Considering I was 14 and my experience with the opposite sex was rather limited, it was a pretty good day. I didn't get any candy though. (
20-11-2006 21:33:29
congrats chex, 8 yrs is just dumb but your still young when you get them off, nothing weirder than a 30 yr old wearing braces (better later than never ))
watch out how much you rub your tongue over your teeth for the next month.
20-11-2006 22:13:14
[quote9dae7748fa="tylerc"][quote9dae7748fa="emoney"]Congrats to both! Do your teeth feel all weird tyler? Do you have any lady friends that want to give you a big kiss now that they're off?[/quote9dae7748fa]
Yeah, they felt all slimy, but I'd had em before, so I knew what it was like. I kept getting dust from the glue in my eye. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the lady who was taking them off was hitting on me, she was being extremely nice and kept calling me "babe" and "honey". I'm a pimp, what can I say?
My girlfriend was happy for me, but she didn't really care one way or the other. Apparently, she likes to smoosh the cheeks together and kiss, which she couldn't do before because of the brackets digging into my cheek.[/quote9dae7748fa]
That's what I thought you'd say, slimy. That's what everyone says when they get them off. I said it too. It really is a weird sensation when you're feeling your front teeth with your tongue for a while after you get them off.
Did they make your teeth super white too? When they took mine off they whitened my teeth as well. )
20-11-2006 22:33:41
My teacher got braces in grade 8. She was probably in her 60s. LOL
20-11-2006 22:37:39
I was supposed to have braces for two years, but after about a year they took them off cause I didn't take good care of them, and my gums were starting to swell up around them, pretty gross. My dentist actually said that I didn't really actually need them all that much anymore anyway, but now I could use them again haha...
21-11-2006 13:39:29
[quote0659de15a3="jadem"]Ahhh, the torture that orthodontists get paid to put their patients through. Loving memories of those days. ;)
Sophomore year of high school, I opted NOT to have four teeth pulled.[/quote0659de15a3]
I refused to get four teeth pulled in my sophomore year too, but I'm still young. I'm honestly thinking that you just persuaded me to go through with it and get the braces...
Why don't I ever look at post date... roll
21-11-2006 13:42:56
[quote5729d03470="kdollar"]congrats chex, 8 yrs is just dumb but your still young when you get them off, nothing weirder than a 30 yr old wearing braces (better later than never ))
watch out how much you rub your tongue over your teeth for the next month.[/quote5729d03470]
go look at the date at the top, then find tylerc's Nov 20th post. then make a reply
21-11-2006 13:49:13
I just didn't want to make a new thread.
21-11-2006 14:10:21
ahhaaha, didnt even notice, old thread bumps are great, anyways just insert tylerc in chex's place.
21-11-2006 22:48:37
[quote7243beea65="kdollar"]ahhaaha, didnt even notice, old thread bumps are great, anyways just insert tylerc in chex's place.[/quote7243beea65]
will do.
but i'll also take your post as an late (extremely) congratulations.
@tylerc surprised that you even remembered this thread
22-11-2006 00:14:09
he didnt remember, he used what is called the "search" function.
22-11-2006 04:05:57
Congrats on getting the braces off. I had to wear them for a while and they sucked. When the came off, I had this calcification around the braces... (
22-11-2006 06:45:57
[quote7c1bc1ee81="kdollar"]he didnt remember, he used what is called the "search" function.[/quote7c1bc1ee81]
Since when do we have a search function???
Congrats tyler + chex ) I had braces for I think 2 or 3 years, not sure, got them off halfway through my freshman year. I hated them, and really hated impressions. I'll be damned if I ever get those done again shock
22-11-2006 16:37:00
I've had mine on for a year now...
I should have em off next year hopefully =)