Farewell Seattle.. Hello Alaska
21 years, 2 months and 27 days.. Thats how long I have lived in the great state of Washington.. Now its time to pack my bags and move to Alaska. I will be leaving to Alaska in 1 month..
Wish me luck on my journey to the "Last Frontier".
16-01-2006 18:41:31
Why the hell would you move there?
Its the last frontier... that and I have family there (...alongside Missouri and Iceland).
16-01-2006 18:42:51
dont forget to bring a jacket...
I'm moving to Southern Alaska.. The weather is very similar to Seattle.. In fact, we get most of their weather as the winds push the jet stream towards us.
why would u move to a colder place lol
are u being forced or cuz u wanna
anyways good luck and enjoy the crazy solstices and such
Where I'm moving to is no colder than it is here in Seattle.. There isn't snow, igloos and huskies.. Its a beautiful island.
and its not by force.. I [bde215ebac8]WANT[/bde215ebac8] to go.
16-01-2006 19:05:47
lucky you, cant you have up to 4oz in your home?
edit just checked, you can, nice.
No comment wink
[quote2b8e67df73]Less than 4 oz in your residence or home no penalty[/quote2b8e67df73]
[quote2b8e67df73]Possession of less than 25 plants is protected under the Alaska Constitution’s right to privacy (See Ravin v. Alaska). Possession of 25 or more marijuana plants is “Misconduct involving a controlled substance in the fourth degree” and is punishable by a fine of up to $50,000 or five years in prison.[/quote2b8e67df73]
Source NORML.org
16-01-2006 19:07:15
[quote463f3a4cf7="Kidd"]thats bc not alaska[/quote463f3a4cf7]
Thats Alaska.. Did you read the details? and the first column?
id grow that purple haze type shit

http//i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/hex01A4/3e46c92b.png[" alt=""/img91d2ddcf99]
16-01-2006 19:15:04
My sister lived in Alaska for a while. Needless to say she moved to St. Thomas after, and then to Florida. Stay away from the bears...
16-01-2006 19:18:50
h3x, where can i get that XP style?
16-01-2006 19:20:13
it is the media center theme.
16-01-2006 19:25:38
for anyone that wants it on XP.
16-01-2006 20:04:29
dude were i used to live snow was a fuckin miracle
16-01-2006 23:20:59
I couldn't see myself relocating simply because I had a habit of smoking dope and wanted immunity, however at least you have family up there. I assume they're fine with said tokage of chronic?
family first.
and yes, they know D
17-01-2006 02:01:44
[quote11a98a1cb4="RoBsTaMaCk"]I couldn't see myself relocating simply because I had a habit of smoking dope and wanted immunity, however at least you have family up there. I assume they're fine with said tokage of chronic?[/quote11a98a1cb4]
its not dope...its weed which is DOPE but cool dope not dope dope...ya dope P
17-01-2006 03:00:29
[quote14ce1afb23="RoBsTaMaCk"]I couldn't see myself relocating simply because I had a habit of smoking dope and wanted immunity, however at least you have family up there. I assume they're fine with said tokage of chronic?[/quote14ce1afb23]
LOL @ Dope. Thanks Starsky )
17-01-2006 04:53:27
That's teriffic. If we keep having this faux-winter in Chicago I'm going to be tempted to move to alaska, where it does snow.
17-01-2006 05:22:28
damn....i never knew it was that way in Alaska......i might move there one day lol ....but i dont see how you can have up to 25 plants but can only have less than 4 oz.....one plant will have more than that......
17-01-2006 08:29:37
stop your complainin' fugger. it has only gotten into the 30's for like a week this winter here. the high tomorrow is like 76. i bought a bunch of winter clothes and haven't been able to wear them. i am still wearing t-shirts.
[quotefe98759ef3="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]damn....i never knew it was that way in Alaska......i might move there one day lol ....but i dont see how you can have up to 25 plants but can only have less than 4 oz.....one plant will have more than that......[/quotefe98759ef3]
4 oz. of cured, dried bud.
marijuana plants are considered 'plants' until you harvest and dry them.. the 4 oz. is only going by dry weight. just set up a rig where you'll have neverending quarter-pounders... toast
17-01-2006 11:06:36
[quote68bbb00e6b="h3x"][quote68bbb00e6b="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]damn....i never knew it was that way in Alaska......i might move there one day lol ....but i dont see how you can have up to 25 plants but can only have less than 4 oz.....one plant will have more than that......[/quote68bbb00e6b]
4 oz. of cured, dried bud.
marijuana plants are considered 'plants' until you harvest and dry them.. the 4 oz. is only going by dry weight. just set up a rig where you'll have neverending quarter-pounders... toast[/quote68bbb00e6b]
thats really awesome man....i should get a some kind of place up there to go to every summer or something like that.....are the houses in Alaska expensive??
i doubt real estate is high in alaska cuz not everyone wants to move there
anyways it was a faux winter in ny till yesterday holy shit!
17-01-2006 11:55:25
I hear the government will subsidize you if you move to Alaska. Property is NOT expensive, I think an renting an apartment gets you a acre. Lots of land...
17-01-2006 12:02:15
[quotebcfe608c92="Wolfeman"]I hear the government will subsidize you if you move to Alaska.[/quotebcfe608c92]
what does that mean??
17-01-2006 12:03:55
Like you get money to live there.
17-01-2006 12:19:46
On the topic of weed...I always thought that the U.S. Laws override all state laws? So how does this possesion thing work? Just don't get caught ny the feds?
17-01-2006 12:22:45
Feds don't care. In CA you can have up to an OZ. and as long as its not packaged seperatly or you have it next to a scale and baggies, the cops just take it and you get a ticket. In NV, your ass is going to jail if you have a 1/4 G.
Yes.. the government will PAY you to live there.. approx. $1,200 a year
Alaska Airlines gives deals to Alaska residents (give us your state issued check and you can fly ANYWHERE we fly)..
Real estate is not expensive.. I'm gonna net $500,000 in my pockets when I move there (after a house is purchased)
It is truly God's Country D
(plus if they build that oil refinery in Alaska, the state issued check will increase substantially.. we must stop Kerry and these damn democrats from stopping it s)
if u sell ur current property and u buy something in alaska and u dont spend the full amount within some time the irs will rape u in taxes on the cash
Hey! Now you can do all the freebie sites you've done before again! lol
Well, have fun in Alaska! Take lots of pictures so we can see what we'll be missing out on.
17-01-2006 14:35:43
speaking of alaska, time to watch out cold.
[quotebb78859f46="Psyc"]Hey! Now you can do all the freebie sites you've done before again! lol
Well, have fun in Alaska! Take lots of pictures so we can see what we'll be missing out on.[/quotebb78859f46]
ronaldo is a sick player portugal all the way )
and here isnt much to miss lol
[quote93379c291c="tracemhunter"]speaking of alaska, time to watch out cold.[/quote93379c291c]
where I'm moving to is no colder than Seattle.. its an island in Southern Alaska.. ever heard of Kodiak Bears? thats where i'm moving to.. Kodiak Island.
[quote93379c291c="Psyc"]Now you can do all the freebie sites you've done before again!
Well, have fun in Alaska! Take lots of pictures so we can see what we'll be missing out on.[/quote93379c291c]
thanks.. you should visit kodiak island at least once in your lifetime..
Check back here in 1 month for pictures of kodiak
today in kodiak its 38 which is like 20 degrees hotter than here in new york
17-01-2006 18:27:56
[quote849468b2bd="h3x"]Yes.. the government will PAY you to live there.. approx. $1,200 a year
Alaska Airlines gives deals to Alaska residents (give us your state issued check and you can fly ANYWHERE we fly)..
Real estate is not expensive.. I'm gonna net $500,000 in my pockets when I move there (after a house is purchased)
It is truly God's Country D
(plus if they build that oil refinery in Alaska, the state issued check will increase substantially.. we must stop Kerry and these damn democrats from stopping it s)[/quote849468b2bd]
are you serious.....ur gonna get $500,000 in profit to JUST live there shock ....and get deals on flight tickets.....why does the government do such an awesome thing ? ??
17-01-2006 18:30:13
[quote408e0c05ef="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"][quote408e0c05ef="h3x"]Yes.. the government will PAY you to live there.. approx. $1,200 a year
Alaska Airlines gives deals to Alaska residents (give us your state issued check and you can fly ANYWHERE we fly)..
Real estate is not expensive.. I'm gonna net $500,000 in my pockets when I move there (after a house is purchased)
It is truly God's Country D
(plus if they build that oil refinery in Alaska, the state issued check will increase substantially.. we must stop Kerry and these damn democrats from stopping it s)[/quote408e0c05ef]
are you serious.....ur gonna get $500,000 in profit to JUST live there shock ....and get deals on flight tickets.....why does the government do such an awesome thing ? ??[/quote408e0c05ef]
To keep a set no. of House Of Reps
17-01-2006 18:30:28
Cause there is a lot of oil up there and no one wants to live there...
you'd be crazy not live there lol
17-01-2006 18:56:41
[quoted354a8d1e7="h3x"]you'd be crazy not live there lol[/quoted354a8d1e7]
seriously...now that i know all of these great things about Alaska....im defintely going up there and giving it a go....do any of you know about just having property up there or do you actually have to be living there all the time.....because my girlfriend has Alaska on the bottom of the list to move to.....so i wanted to just get a place up there to visit from time to time....do you think that they will still subsidize me if i do that......
you must be a legal resident of alaska for 1 year and own property that you will be staying at for at least 3-6 months each year
17-01-2006 19:04:23
[quote37fd1aa4fa="h3x"]you must be a legal resident of alaska for 1 year and own property that you will be staying at for at least 3-6 months each year[/quote37fd1aa4fa]
doesnt sound like that much for some free cash P ....
$1,200 doesn't sound good enough for being a resident of a great state with [bff0319d596]great[/bff0319d596] opportunities?
If you live in Southern Alaska.. You will get weather the same as Washington State (which is perfect for cultivation of your [bff0319d596]tomatoes[/colorff0319d596][/bff0319d596].)
17-01-2006 20:19:50
And that weather is...?
17-01-2006 20:20:27
[quote17e58d440a="h3x"]$1,200 doesn't sound good enough for being a resident of a great state with [b17e58d440a]great[/b17e58d440a] opportunities?
If you live in Southern Alaska.. You will get weather the same as Washington State (which is perfect for cultivation of your [b17e58d440a]tomatoes[/color17e58d440a][/b17e58d440a].)[/quote17e58d440a]
i too love [b17e58d440a]tomatoes[/color17e58d440a][/b17e58d440a]....but can you really get good enough weather for cultivation....because i thought that i would have to get a greenhouse for growing [b17e58d440a]tomatoes[/color17e58d440a][/b17e58d440a]
south alaska has nice weather its hotter there now then new york is.
anyways tomatos grow here in the summer just fine imo
[quote744455890d="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"][quote744455890d="h3x"]$1,200 doesn't sound good enough for being a resident of a great state with [b744455890d]great[/b744455890d] opportunities?
If you live in Southern Alaska.. You will get weather the same as Washington State (which is perfect for cultivation of your [b744455890d]
i too love [b744455890d]tomatoes[/color744455890d][/b744455890d]....but can you really get good enough weather for cultivation....because i thought that i would have to get a greenhouse for growing [b744455890d]tomatoes[/color744455890d][/b744455890d][/quote744455890d]
ever heard of matanuska thunderfuck?
and thats in northern alaska.. the weather is perfect in southern alaska (where is where i am moving)
17-01-2006 22:39:09
good stuff D ....