Finally got my XBOX 360 but....

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15-01-2006 20:03:29

Last night i finally got my XBOX 360 at brother went there at 1 a.m. on a hunch and found out that they just got 2 shipped in that and my bro sold them happy as hell but i dont know what game i should get first....what do yall think....


15-01-2006 20:05:02

need for speed


15-01-2006 20:08:42

Any of these

-Perfect Dark Zero

-Call of Duty 2

-Madden 06

-Need For Speed Most Wanted

It's all preference, if you like FPS get COD2 or PDZ, PDZ has better multiplayer but a weak story mode, COD2 is the opposite. NFSMW is incredible, if you like racing games. Madden 06 is good if you like sports games.


15-01-2006 20:26:10

get a 360 exclusive game. COD2 gets old fast as does nfsmw.


15-01-2006 20:26:56

NFSMW has a long story mode, which I like.


15-01-2006 20:29:03

I heard Madden sucked.


15-01-2006 20:30:06

nfsmw wasnt long. i beat it in a weekend. i love my aston martin )


15-01-2006 20:32:45

I've got to beat Earl next. I have a Mitsubishi Evo VIII and a Mitsubishi Eclipse. I don't know what I'll buy next, maybe that yellow Lamborghini, I forget what it's called.


15-01-2006 20:37:22

psshhh. screw the evo. i havent played the game in over a month now but the 3 cars i had (i think) were the porsche cayman, mercedez clk, and the aston martin db9.


15-01-2006 20:38:30

I have it for the PS2 and I'm stuck on Blacklist #2. I can't get the cost to state amount up high enough. After that I'm golden.

The Gallardo is the best, so far anyway.


15-01-2006 20:38:31

[quote1a971bb358="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]Last night i finally got my XBOX 360 at brother went there at 1 a.m. on a hunch and found out that they just got 2 shipped in that and my bro sold them happy as hell but i dont know what game i should get first....what do yall think....[/quote1a971bb358]

Wow, that was one hell of a hunch.


15-01-2006 20:38:40

COD2 and PDZ. I heard Madden dropped mini-camps for the 360 so it could get out in time...


15-01-2006 20:39:56

Call of Duty 2


15-01-2006 20:41:08

I'd just go rent a bunch and see what you like best.


15-01-2006 20:43:42

[quote77a195c6b3="J4320"]I'd just go rent a bunch and see what you like best.[/quote77a195c6b3]

Good idea, I found an online subscription service called inthegame or something like that. They had really good deals.


15-01-2006 20:51:43

Blockbuster doesn't have 360 games (at least the one by me doesn't), they said they won't get them in until July or something.

GameFly is a good choice.

TSJ-I had a pursuit last night that lasted for about 15 minutes, cost the state over 200,000, and I disabled like 15 cop cars. They brought out SUVs and had like a million roadblocks.


15-01-2006 20:54:50

Lol that sounds fun. It looks kind of fake though. I was watching a preview for it and this Mustang when flying through this solid steel trash bin.

One of these things -

http//[" alt=""/imgcd3c6a3587]


15-01-2006 20:57:03

[quotee7e32922b4="Gooogler"][quotee7e32922b4="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]Last night i finally got my XBOX 360 at brother went there at 1 a.m. on a hunch and found out that they just got 2 shipped in that and my bro sold them happy as hell but i dont know what game i should get first....what do yall think....[/quotee7e32922b4]

Wow, that was one hell of a hunch.[/quotee7e32922b4]
yea....he was talking about how much he wanted to get one all just because he was near the Wal-Mart at the time...he decided he might as well check....and we got lucky....

i also heard that madden sucked so i doubt that imma get it.....i liked nfl 2k5 a whole lot bad madden's a dick and bought the license for the nfl.....

but i think that imma get a whole bunch of rentals.....because my brothers a manager at hollywood video and he can get free rentals....problem is that he always has rentals out for his friends or himself ? i was debating over getting COD, PDZ, DOA, PGR just so i can have a game to play online and never have to bring it back to the game store....whats the best online game out of those four.....


15-01-2006 20:58:16

You gotta shirk that sig... 600x30...


15-01-2006 20:59:36

[quote41ab4a0133="tylerc"]Blockbuster doesn't have 360 games (at least the one by me doesn't), they said they won't get them in until July or something.

GameFly is a good choice.

TSJ-I had a pursuit last night that lasted for about 15 minutes, cost the state over 200,000, and I disabled like 15 cop cars. They brought out SUVs and had like a million roadblocks.[/quote41ab4a0133]

I had one for Blacklist 3 I think where I had to get a $600,000 bounty but I got that relatively easy.

The SUV's suck. They always seem to get me coming over a hill or when I go round a corner. The helicopter gets on my tits when it blows all the dust and shit up in front of you and the I think she spike traps are pretty easy, but as soon as you go through one you're fucked.

If you get your heat up to 5, then you get the Corvette cops after you.


15-01-2006 21:04:41

[quote9611d9adb2="theysayjump"][quote9611d9adb2="tylerc"]Blockbuster doesn't have 360 games (at least the one by me doesn't), they said they won't get them in until July or something.

GameFly is a good choice.

TSJ-I had a pursuit last night that lasted for about 15 minutes, cost the state over 200,000, and I disabled like 15 cop cars. They brought out SUVs and had like a million roadblocks.[/quote9611d9adb2]

I had one for Blacklist 3 I think where I had to get a $600,000 bounty but I got that relatively easy.

The SUV's suck. They always seem to get me coming over a hill or when I go round a corner. The helicopter gets on my tits when it blows all the dust and shit up in front of you and the I think she spike traps are pretty easy, but as soon as you go through one you're fucked.

If you get your heat up to 5, then you get the Corvette cops after you.[/quote9611d9adb2]

Jump has a 360 too? shock

Now I really feel left out. Did you buy a 360?


15-01-2006 21:04:59



15-01-2006 21:07:03


Oh, it's out for the PS2 as well.



15-01-2006 21:10:03

[quote10efc24c52="Wolfeman"]You gotta shirk that sig... 600x30...[/quote10efc24c52]
hows that? )


15-01-2006 21:25:31

[quoteaeea7967f9="J4320"][quoteaeea7967f9="theysayjump"][quoteaeea7967f9="tylerc"]Blockbuster doesn't have 360 games (at least the one by me doesn't), they said they won't get them in until July or something.

GameFly is a good choice.

TSJ-I had a pursuit last night that lasted for about 15 minutes, cost the state over 200,000, and I disabled like 15 cop cars. They brought out SUVs and had like a million roadblocks.[/quoteaeea7967f9]

I had one for Blacklist 3 I think where I had to get a $600,000 bounty but I got that relatively easy.

The SUV's suck. They always seem to get me coming over a hill or when I go round a corner. The helicopter gets on my tits when it blows all the dust and shit up in front of you and the I think she spike traps are pretty easy, but as soon as you go through one you're fucked.

If you get your heat up to 5, then you get the Corvette cops after you.[/quoteaeea7967f9]

Jump has a 360 too? shock

Now I really feel left out. Did you buy a 360?[/quoteaeea7967f9]

lol What does that mean anyway. You saying I'm uncool?

http//[" alt=""/imgaeea7967f9]


15-01-2006 21:25:53

That guy seems pretty hip to me.


15-01-2006 21:32:47

Madden NFL 2006.. sure its features are raped.. but the cg graphics are outstanding P

... and its football!! C'MON!!! that should sell itself lol


15-01-2006 22:16:08

I have unopened Madden 06 and Kameo for the 360. Let me know if anyone wants to trade for PGR3 and PDZ.


15-01-2006 22:17:14

I love games like Nfl Blitz, but madden is so hard to understand...


15-01-2006 22:26:01

I have all the games out for it so far, but have only played Gun mostly. I've played very little of COD2, DOA4, NHL 2K6, Amped 3 and Ridge Racer 6. Gun was a lot of fun. Sort've like GTA but smaller and western. COD2 was nice lookin, but I've only played like 2 missions so far. DOA4 is just DOA3 but a little prettier. NHL 2K6 is ok for a hockey game I guess. Amped 3 was just kinda strange. I didn't really do anything but create a character so far. Ridge Racer 6 was seriously the worst game I've played in a long time. I'd honestly rather play pong. I gave it away with one of the Xbox 360s I sold. I'll let you know about the rest as I open them.


15-01-2006 22:29:02

just a stab in the dark but uhh are you rich?


15-01-2006 22:31:34

[quotee40daa526a="syriandoode"]just a stab in the dark but uhh are you rich?[/quotee40daa526a]

Actually, no! I actually have Dudelovesfinch to thank, but I'll talk about all that in a brag bag thread that I'll toss up soon enough ;)


15-01-2006 22:35:00

Well hurry up! I'm now dying to know. shock


15-01-2006 22:46:00

[quote7ffcdadc46="h3x"]Madden NFL 2006.. sure its features are raped.. but the cg graphics are outstanding P

... and its football!! C'MON!!! that should sell itself lol[/quote7ffcdadc46]

I absolutly love Madden and as long as they get the features back in '07 I'll preorder that sucker. For right now I have it on PS2 and I'll keep playing it there. I'm getting COD2 and PDZ for sure. What should I get as my thrid? NBA Live 06 or Need for Speed Most Wanted?


16-01-2006 04:05:15

If you like racing games, definitely NFSMW. You can download a demo of NBA Live 06 for FREE off the XBOX Live marketplace.


16-01-2006 08:16:08

[quote3cc7848106="theysayjump"][quote3cc7848106="J4320"][quote3cc7848106="theysayjump"][quote3cc7848106="tylerc"]Blockbuster doesn't have 360 games (at least the one by me doesn't), they said they won't get them in until July or something.

GameFly is a good choice.

TSJ-I had a pursuit last night that lasted for about 15 minutes, cost the state over 200,000, and I disabled like 15 cop cars. They brought out SUVs and had like a million roadblocks.[/quote3cc7848106]

I had one for Blacklist 3 I think where I had to get a $600,000 bounty but I got that relatively easy.

The SUV's suck. They always seem to get me coming over a hill or when I go round a corner. The helicopter gets on my tits when it blows all the dust and shit up in front of you and the I think she spike traps are pretty easy, but as soon as you go through one you're fucked.

If you get your heat up to 5, then you get the Corvette cops after you.[/quote3cc7848106]

Jump has a 360 too? shock

Now I really feel left out. Did you buy a 360?[/quote3cc7848106]

lol What does that mean anyway. You saying I'm uncool?

http//[" alt=""/img3cc7848106][/quote3cc7848106]


No, it just seemed to me that everyone and their brother has a 360 now and I want one.


16-01-2006 09:38:03

Doa 4 is a really awesome, madden has cool graphics but lacks franchise mode and all the indepth stuff, nba live is the same way though its way better than the past 4 years it has come out, cod is great- online is best, perfect dark great single player game terrible multiplayer.


16-01-2006 09:54:27

[quote575771b410="kdollar"]cod is great- online is best, perfect dark great single player game terrible multiplayer.[/quote575771b410]

i think that you have the 2 mixed up...IMO PDZ has a great multiplayer/live play and the single player is good at best....COD2 has a great single player...but the live play lags...only 6-8 people...constant lag...ect....where as PDZ you can have up to 32 people


16-01-2006 09:57:37

With WWII games I don't really like multiplayer, I love the missions. I like multiplayer on Halo type games more...


16-01-2006 10:24:01

well with my xbox im looking mainly for should i get PGR, PDZ, or DOA.....what do yall think.....


16-01-2006 10:49:39

[quote76b120f123="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]well with my xbox im looking mainly for should i get PGR, PDZ, or DOA.....what do yall think.....[/quote76b120f123]

Live or on the couch with real friends? I haven't hooked up live yet, because when I bought a year of it for old Xbox I played for like a week and then never touched it again. For that kind of multiplayer I definately prefer PC. But for playin with your friends DOA4 of course, and the sports games like Madden, NHL, (don't care for NBA, but if you do..).

I forgot to mention earlier that I'd also tried Tiger Woods, and King Kong. Tiger Woods would be the same old good golf game, but they've screwed up the controls and as far as I can tell, [b76b120f123]you can't customize it[/b76b120f123]! What kind of bullshit is that, that I can't change the controller layout in a game? So that kinda pissed me off and I haven't played it past creating my character (game face is starting to get a little TOO detailed lol)

King Kong I might put in again. It wasn't bad, but so far VERY repetetive. - Light those bushes on fire, find a stick to put in this door mechanism, light those bushes on fire, find a stick... etc, ect. Assuming I get past this initial repetetiveness VERY soon, it could be a surprisingly (I wasn't expecting anything out of this game) decent game I suppose.


16-01-2006 12:50:05

well....both mainly....pc online is fantastic dont get me was the first to do it afterall.....but i cant get enough of xbox live so...what should i get for it....


16-01-2006 12:50:30

PDZ definitely for Live.


16-01-2006 13:03:19

i heard DOA4 has a pretty good live set up


16-01-2006 13:20:00

i want to get king kong, call of duty 2 looks good but its SO short i beat it in like 2 hours, the first one was much better, its like they rushed it to get it out in time for the 360