Stop being Rude and Antagonistic
14-01-2006 16:17:22
The title says it pretty clearly.
The fact that
liyou've been here a long time,
liyou are pissed about when your (insert free gift here) is going to arrive,
liyou got scammed out a ref,
liyou think you're better than other members,
liyou need to get out of your house more often,
liyou are addicted to this website or the internet in general,
liyou are opposed to somone's viewpoint, sexual orientation, or opinion
does NOT give you the right to be rude or antagonistic to other users. If you have a problem with some other member or user, please PM a mod or use the report post function and a mod will take care of it. i fyou continue to be rude or antagonize, you'll be honored with a 5 day temp ban and have your name added to the list below.
(notable exceptions to this rule include [bcf3163efe0]Admin[/colorcf3163efe0][/bcf3163efe0] and no one else).
[icf3163efe0]Congrats to J4320 and Shamash for making me edit my OP[/icf3163efe0]
List of Folks that have been temp-banned (in case you were trading with them)
[bcf3163efe0]J4320 (1-day - back on the site)
Shamash (1-day - back on the site)
DrunkMonkey (5-day - back on 1/20)
PureHolocaust (5-day - 9/14 to 9/19)
14-01-2006 16:25:45
No's about time someone came out and said it (again).
14-01-2006 16:26:01
You beat me to it.
I was going to make the same thread last night (but forgot) about people and their constant derogatory remarks towards members of a certain sexual preferance. It's getting out of hand and some people need to stop trying to push other people's buttons just to get a reaction.
Personally, if I see anyone acting the way some people did in this thread
Then they will be temp-banned for 5 days. It's getting out of order.
14-01-2006 16:47:42
[quotef9788344c3="Veek"]Thank you.[/quotef9788344c3]
You weren't exactly being an angel yourself. |
14-01-2006 16:48:04
i too am getting tired of all the rudeness here. i am apart of it sometimes and i apologize if i pissed some of you off for whatever reason.
14-01-2006 16:48:27
[quotea037284344="J4320"][quotea037284344="Veek"]Thank you.[/quotea037284344]
You weren't exactly being an angel yourself. |[/quotea037284344]
That isn't the point and that comment isn't helping.
14-01-2006 16:49:37
Veek was saying thank you becuase he was a "victim" of rudeness, and J4320 was pointing out that he was not only a victim. I wopuld say that's fine to post, he doesn't want it to appear that he is the only one who may have been rude to someone.
14-01-2006 16:50:44
lol j is an asshole but some of us know when he is joking or being sarcastic. he always uses that wierd smiling emoticon.
14-01-2006 16:57:15
[quote09ba029283="tracemhunter"]lol j is an asshole but some of us know when he is joking or being sarcastic. he always uses that wierd smiling emoticon.[/quote09ba029283]
14-01-2006 16:57:38
[quote694996f706="J4320"][quote694996f706="Veek"]Thank you.[/quote694996f706]
You weren't exactly being an angel yourself. |[/quote694996f706]
You're making it easy to make an example of the beauty of the temp-ban.
14-01-2006 17:02:52
I think getting an ignore system would work so well, because the people being assholes are doing it for attention, and if everyone blocks them, they cant get that satisfaction...
14-01-2006 17:04:51
[quotea8f8c86688="doylnea"][quotea8f8c86688="J4320"][quotea8f8c86688="Veek"]Thank you.[/quotea8f8c86688]
You weren't exactly being an angel yourself. |[/quotea8f8c86688]
You're making it easy to make an example of the beauty of the temp-ban.[/quotea8f8c86688]
Well unluckily for you I'm not flaming anyone. ;)
14-01-2006 17:14:37
14-01-2006 17:15:41
But, everything you've said in this thread has been, even if subtle, to be opposing and asking for a specific reply.
14-01-2006 17:17:46
[quote9cc8abb18d="shamash"]But, everything you've said in this thread has been, even if subtle, to be opposing and asking for a specific reply.[/quote9cc8abb18d]

http//[" alt=""/img9cc8abb18d]
14-01-2006 17:19:48
Well lately, it seems like certain people have been picking fights with a certain someone... Can't we all just get along?
Otherwise yeah, I hate seeing those posts demanding that their freebies arrive yesterday.
14-01-2006 17:20:35
[quoteb4dd00ca50="hehehhehe"]Well lately, it seems like certain people have been picking fights with a certain someone... Can't we all just get along?
Otherwise yeah, I hate seeing those posts demanding that their freebies arrive yesterday.[/quoteb4dd00ca50]
Why don't you go ahead and clarify who those people are?
14-01-2006 17:20:40
You all beat me to it.
I was going to post it yesterday.
14-01-2006 17:20:46
[quote391a0f3d6a="J4320"][quote391a0f3d6a="shamash"]But, everything you've said in this thread has been, even if subtle, to be opposing and asking for a specific reply.[/quote391a0f3d6a]

http//[" alt=""/img391a0f3d6a][/quote391a0f3d6a]
If you goto http// and hover over that image, it is titled
"Don't be gay", and was uploaded by....
Already breaking the new rule..
14-01-2006 17:21:44
I hosted that thing a LONG TIME back before we had gay problems here.
14-01-2006 17:23:09
[quote04cbba73ea="J4320"]I hosted that thing a LONG TIME back before we had gay problems here.[/quote04cbba73ea]
Does that change the fact that you just insulted someone in a thread about no longer being rude here, saying not to do the very thing you're doing now?
14-01-2006 17:23:16

http//[" alt=""/imga50027babf]
14-01-2006 17:24:42
[quote6b08bdebfa="shamash"][quote6b08bdebfa="J4320"]I hosted that thing a LONG TIME back before we had gay problems here.[/quote6b08bdebfa]
Does that change the fact that you just insulted someone in a thread about no longer being rude here, saying not to do the very thing you're doing now?[/quote6b08bdebfa]
Stop trying to start up trouble. IMO you should be the one getting banned for trying to hack the site or whatever.
14-01-2006 17:25:42
[quoted273f4091f="J4320"][quoted273f4091f="shamash"][quoted273f4091f="J4320"]I hosted that thing a LONG TIME back before we had gay problems here.[/quoted273f4091f]
Does that change the fact that you just insulted someone in a thread about no longer being rude here, saying not to do the very thing you're doing now?[/quoted273f4091f]
Stop trying to start up trouble. IMO you should be the one getting banned for trying to hack the site or whatever.[/quoted273f4091f]
Um.. I never tried to hack the site.. and I don't see how I'm the one starting the trouble... you're the one throwing around the insults... I'm just pointing them out.
14-01-2006 17:28:47
yeah umm its you, J4320, that started this trouble...and lock
14-01-2006 17:29:06
[quote1d6ca779d5="shamash"][quote1d6ca779d5="J4320"][quote1d6ca779d5="shamash"][quote1d6ca779d5="J4320"]I hosted that thing a LONG TIME back before we had gay problems here.[/quote1d6ca779d5]
Does that change the fact that you just insulted someone in a thread about no longer being rude here, saying not to do the very thing you're doing now?[/quote1d6ca779d5]
Stop trying to start up trouble. IMO you should be the one getting banned for trying to hack the site or whatever.[/quote1d6ca779d5]
Um.. I never tried to hack the site.. and I don't see how I'm the one starting the trouble... you're the one throwing around the insults... I'm just pointing them out.[/quote1d6ca779d5]
If you think that I'm throwing insults, you are [b1d6ca779d5]very[/b1d6ca779d5] sensitive.
[quote1d6ca779d5="shamash"][quote1d6ca779d5="J4320"]I keep hearing this from someone -
- goofy told shamash the password he found
- Darth Kiwi Bird i didn't really get into that whole situation
- and then shamash hacked the site
That's part of an AIM conversation. What's up with that, shamash?[/quote1d6ca779d5]
Yeah, I hacked the site, made Jan an admin, and Jan made me a mod. Goofygarber provided us with all of the passwords to do it.
Admin is currently taking disciplinary action.[/quote1d6ca779d5]
You're the one who said it. wink
14-01-2006 17:32:47
Wow, that was a long time ago, and it was a joke started in the FiPG chat. I claimed that TSJ was Jan, Admin made Jan and I April Fools Version mods. I claimed I hacked the site as a joke, and made a fake FiPG.
Using the fact that I "hacked the site" against me is really silly. Very very silly.
14-01-2006 17:34:17
Shamash and J4320, welcome to the land of 1 day temp bans. I'm tired of you guys picking on each other.
14-01-2006 17:35:37
[quote1f16b807c5="shamash"]Wow, that was a long time ago, and it was a joke started in the FiPG chat. I claimed that TSJ was Jan, Admin made Jan and I April Fools Version mods. I claimed I hacked the site as a joke, and made a fake FiPG.
Using the fact that I "hacked the site" against me is really silly. Very very silly.[/quote1f16b807c5]
I'm not using it against you. I was just telling you where I got that idea from. That was the only info I knew, from that quote. I thought you were serious when you said that because you made no indication that you were joking.
It's not just me who starts the trouble. It's shamash and veek who start sparks with me and trouble brews. If it was just me, there wouldn't be trouble. If it was just them, there wouldn't be trouble.
Most of the time they nitpick at little things I say that are not even a big deal and they start bitching about it and they start a big fire.
14-01-2006 17:36:14
I find it quite rediculous that I'm getting banned for this... But what can I say?
14-01-2006 17:38:45
[quote80d534123d="doylnea"]Shamash and J4320, welcome to the land of 1 day temp bans. I'm tired of you guys picking on each other.[/quote80d534123d]
All I did was point out that J4320 was already breaking the new rule, but alright, if that warrants a ban, so be it.
14-01-2006 17:43:35
[quote2148c0e341="shamash"][quote2148c0e341="doylnea"]Shamash and J4320, welcome to the land of 1 day temp bans. I'm tired of you guys picking on each other.[/quote2148c0e341]
All I did was point out that J4320 was already breaking the new rule, but alright, if that warrants a ban, so be it.[/quote2148c0e341]
WTF - thats so weird
You're just offended (or something) because you are gay ("Don't be gay" <-- it doesn't mean, DON'T be like shamash)
thats and OLD picture, so who cares?
14-01-2006 17:43:44
both J4320 and Shamash are banned by username only, so they can still see the forum, just not post.
14-01-2006 18:09:40
What do you people not get? This thread wasn't started so you could bicker about who the fuck started what and when.
Just stop. Seriously, it's not hard.
Nobody gives a fuck who started what, it's the fact that it started is the problem.
I think doylnea is/was being about 20% too lenient. If I was online it would've been 5 day temp-ban.
14-01-2006 18:28:35
There is a new member on teh forum ([b4e2d1995a8]J4[/size4e2d1995a8][/b4e2d1995a8] something) - that person is not [b4e2d1995a8]J4320[/b4e2d1995a8], just letting you guys know
14-01-2006 18:30:35
i wonder if it is shamash trying to get J4 permanently banned. Anyways, thanks for that msn invite TSJ )
14-01-2006 18:31:30
[quote56202fd968="Powerbook"]i wonder if it is shamash trying to get J4 permanently banned. Anyways, thanks for that msn invite TSJ )[/quote56202fd968]
No problem.
Um, Shamash couldn't see the board after he was banned. Something about having to clear his cookies to be able to even view it. I'm hoping/doubt he's that stupid to pull that kind of stunt.
14-01-2006 18:37:10
hey i like that picture in your sig veek. Are you a professional photographer for a living?
14-01-2006 18:37:49
[quote0d460a6684="Veek"]Um, Shamash couldn't see the board after he was banned. Something about having to clear his cookies to be able to even view it. I'm hoping/doubt he's that stupid to pull that kind of stunt.[/quote0d460a6684]
[b0d460a6684]Shamash[/b0d460a6684] is able to see the board, they were talking about it
[quote9884fd40f1="Powerbook"]hey i like that picture in your sig veek. Are you a professional photographer for a living?[/quote9884fd40f1]
Not a professional. ;) But it makes a good amount of money. wink
[quote41db055281="cartrenroy"][quote41db055281="Veek"]Um, Shamash couldn't see the board after he was banned. Something about having to clear his cookies to be able to even view it. I'm hoping/doubt he's that stupid to pull that kind of stunt.[/quote41db055281]
[b41db055281]Shamash[/b41db055281] is able to see the board, they were talking about it[/quote41db055281]
Well I'm not sure what him not being able to see the board at the beginning is all about, but he did say he couldn't and I had to PM the mod about it.
That is all.
14-01-2006 19:28:57
If you ban their username and they are logged in, they will not be able to view the board until they are logged out (i.e. browse away from the forum, close the browser, or, if they have "Remember Me" enabled, clear their cookies)
I agree with TSJ in that if I was online it would have been a 5 day ban...I'm tired of baby sitting people who have nothing better to do then pick fights on the internet all day.
I always loved this forum becuase u could be an asshole.. without that its no fun
14-01-2006 20:57:15
[quote26fb9bb199="aguy"]I always loved this forum becuase u could be an asshole.. without that its no fun[/quote26fb9bb199]
Now and then, or to a certain extent, it can be fun...but not when you single people out and attack them in every discussion they post in. Specifically, I've noticed that J4320 and shamash are especially critical of other members, and in general, people tend to feel like because this is Off-Topic they can do whatever they please. However, it MUST be understood that "Rules are a little bit looser in this forum. [b26fb9bb199]The chief rule here is the golden one don't be an ass[/b26fb9bb199]. "
J4320, you have 6884 posts since November 2004 [2.42% of total / 15.79 posts per day]; a hefty percentage of which are inflammatory or insulting...yet you fail to realize that with 15.79 posts per day...THE JOKES ON YOU. I'm sure I speak for more than myself when I tell you that there really are more rewarding things to do with your life than pick fights on the internet, and as seriously as you seem to be taking things lately, maybe the best thing for you right now is to take a break from these forums while you grow up a bit.
14-01-2006 21:28:20
Boy Admin leaves and the forum turns into a dramabomb.
14-01-2006 21:39:25
FON can I still make fun of you in jest?
I mean I dunno we have this relationship where we make fun of each other.
14-01-2006 21:50:03
I agree with NOT creating posts about gay people/stupid people (ex. cartrenroy) BUT we can still say something like THATS GAY - right? without being banned
14-01-2006 21:53:45
[quote09e7528f2f="cartrenroy"]I agree with NOT creating posts about gay people/stupid people (ex. cartrenroy) BUT we can still say something like THATS GAY - right? without being banned[/quote09e7528f2f]
Yes. This is still the internet....but please be aware that this discussion isn't exclusive to the sexuality issue; we're talking about everyone here...
14-01-2006 21:54:19
[quote416286ea75="cartrenroy"]I agree with NOT creating posts about gay people/stupid people (ex. cartrenroy) BUT we can still say something like THATS GAY - right? without being banned[/quote416286ea75]
why not? we did it before shamash and veek came to the boards (not trying to be rude here..)
So I think if we do it referring to something that's stupid, gay goes both ways I believe.
It's a homonym. Or whatever...
14-01-2006 21:59:18
[quote1d5af32fce="FreeOffersNow"][quote1d5af32fce="cartrenroy"]I agree with NOT creating posts about gay people/stupid people (ex. cartrenroy) BUT we can still say something like THATS GAY - right? without being banned[/quote1d5af32fce]
Yes. This is still the internet....but please be aware that this discussion isn't exclusive to the sexuality issue; we're talking about everyone here...[/quote1d5af32fce]
okay, sounds good
It's still annoying, but whatever.
Just don't try to push my buttons, because I won't just sit there and take it (as you've seen.) I don't have a problem with defending myself or anyone who gets directly or indirectly insulted.
14-01-2006 22:37:52
[quote42f0ae22ae="Veek"]It's still annoying, but whatever.
Just don't try to push my buttons, because I won't just sit there and take it (as you've seen.) I don't have a problem with defending myself or anyone who gets directly or indirectly insulted.[/quote42f0ae22ae]
insulting you will be breaking the rules = getting banned
BUT like, if someone replies with somthing stupid/dumb/hilarious/etc - I can reply with something like [b42f0ae22ae]"THATS GAY"[/b42f0ae22ae], nothing to do wiht you or anyone else <-- that is what I was trying to ask
14-01-2006 22:42:00
[quote155cb31d11="theysayjump"]You beat me to it.
I was going to make the same thread last night (but forgot) about people and their constant derogatory remarks towards members of a certain sexual preferance. It's getting out of hand and some people need to stop trying to push other people's buttons just to get a reaction.
Personally, if I see anyone acting the way some people did in this thread
Then they will be temp-banned for 5 days. It's getting out of order.[/quote155cb31d11]
...but...but... wink
No, I get what you're trying to say.
My point is that some members try to take it another level by really trying to word their posts to insult people. Sure, throwing around "that's gay" is annoying, but it kinda dumbs down the poster for not being able to understand the true meaning of it and falling back on it's slang.
You do and say what you want. If it insults me or anyone, I will speak up. If "that's gay" gets out of hand, I will speak up. I have nothing to lose.
And I have to be honest to say that homosexuality/religion bashing wasn't as bad until the threads were created and people actually started coming out (no pun) and being straight forward on who they are. What happened next? A lot of people started throwing indirect insults at each other.
Be nice and people will be nice to you. )
14-01-2006 23:02:11
[quote4c883eddc3="bballp6699"][quote4c883eddc3="theysayjump"]You beat me to it.
I was going to make the same thread last night (but forgot) about people and their constant derogatory remarks towards members of a certain sexual preferance. It's getting out of hand and some people need to stop trying to push other people's buttons just to get a reaction.
Personally, if I see anyone acting the way some people did in this thread
Then they will be temp-banned for 5 days. It's getting out of order.[/quote4c883eddc3]
...but...but... wink[/quote4c883eddc3]
No if's or but's monkey, you've been warned.
14-01-2006 23:08:26
No if's or but's monkey, you've been warned.
Hey, that wasn't my fault. I was just saying what everyone else was, just with a little style... 8)
14-01-2006 23:18:26
Why cant we just be civilized people, your like a bunch of 10 year olds [childish whine]"can we still say gay??"[/whining]...seriously....just shutup and there wouldnt be any problems in the first place......if you want a forums where all they do is insult each other, go to http//
14-01-2006 23:22:10
[quote7c561ba1ff="theysayjump"][quote7c561ba1ff="bballp6699"][quote7c561ba1ff="theysayjump"]You beat me to it.
I was going to make the same thread last night (but forgot) about people and their constant derogatory remarks towards members of a certain sexual preferance. It's getting out of hand and some people need to stop trying to push other people's buttons just to get a reaction.
Personally, if I see anyone acting the way some people did in this thread
Then they will be temp-banned for 5 days. It's getting out of order.[/quote7c561ba1ff]
...but...but... wink[/quote7c561ba1ff]
No if's or but's monkey, you've been warned.
hahahha he said butt lol
Wanna fight FON? twisted
wow this is stupid
14-01-2006 23:23:00
Your custom title makes me giggle like a little school girl.
14-01-2006 23:25:34

http//[" alt=""/imgf281e86be5]Thanks so much for saying it because I'm so sick of people starting threads and about half way down its a fight between 2 established members and they are just bickering and being idiots. Also, just because someone is new doesn't mean you [if281e86be5]have[/if281e86be5] to be a total asshole when they ask a dumb question. If its a simple answer, just tell them and remind them to read threads and use the search feature. New people is what keeps the trading alive and keeps the boards fun. If you are dicks to everyone new, they won't stick around. Keep in mind not everyone is a computer person and not everyone is familiar with how these forum societies work. Cut people some slack. +Karma doylnea...[img="f281e86be5]http//[" alt=""/imgf281e86be5]
14-01-2006 23:47:33
[quote3c69a02fdf]Whatever happened to civility?[/quote3c69a02fdf]
Im waiting fro drunk admin to come tell u all to shut up
15-01-2006 00:40:12
everyones trying to impress others by being assholes
there IS no winner in the internet world, thats the reality of it guys haha
15-01-2006 18:57:48
Anyone know what the word BUMP means?
15-01-2006 19:12:35
not drunk, but shut up anyway aguy
15-01-2006 20:41:24

http//[" alt=""/img99a6cc056f]Thanks so much for saying it because I'm so sick of people starting threads and about half way down its a fight between 2 established members and they are just bickering and being idiots. Also, just because someone is new doesn't mean you [i99a6cc056f]have[/i99a6cc056f] to be a total asshole when they ask a dumb question. If its a simple answer, just tell them and remind them to read threads and use the search feature. New people is what keeps the trading alive and keeps the boards fun. If you are dicks to everyone new, they won't stick around. Keep in mind not everyone is a computer person and not everyone is familiar with how these forum societies work. Cut people some slack. -Karma doylnea...[img="99a6cc056f]http//[" alt=""/img99a6cc056f][/quote99a6cc056f]
You made a few very good points there. +Kma to you.
15-01-2006 20:44:57
Sure it's easy to tell others to stop arguing but when you have people picking through your posts trying to start shit up than that's another story.
But anyway, I'm back. And I liked that cute little puppy.
15-01-2006 20:48:01
[quote64437c00bf="J4320"]Sure it's easy to tell others to stop arguing but when you have people picking through your posts trying to start shit up than that's another story.
But anyway, I'm back. And I liked that cute little puppy.[/quote64437c00bf]
I know its tough but just talk to a mod and have them warn the user and/or lock the thread. There are a few users that just seem to be instigators...
16-01-2006 12:31:37
thanks for saying this (first post)
But now this post is starting to look like another whine fest .... I normally just close the post when it starts to get whinny -- but latley it seems almost all the posts turn out like this.
There is no reason I should have to go thru 7 pages of 10yo bickering about how they have no like and they cant begin to get one till there Xbox comes in just to see if there is any new info. I myself blew up on the "locked" post and inadvertintly added to ie.
Admin -- what about creating a "post" or section for official Freepay release comments where only Jake can post? This would save me and others from the crap ...
16-01-2006 13:26:59
[quote22ee3210c5="MiamiTJ"]Admin -- what about creating a "post" or section for official Freepay release comments where only Jake can post? This would save me and others from the crap ...[/quote22ee3210c5]
This is what "Sticky" and "Announcement" posts are for in the FreePay forum.
16-01-2006 15:14:23
[quotef2ee44458a="FreeOffersNow"][quotef2ee44458a="MiamiTJ"]Admin -- what about creating a "post" or section for official Freepay release comments where only Jake can post? This would save me and others from the crap ...[/quotef2ee44458a]
This is what "Sticky" and "Announcement" posts are for in the FreePay forum.[/quotef2ee44458a]
so lets get Jake to post there instaed of the other posts ... I may be wrong -- but that is not what he has been doing ...
16-01-2006 15:17:20
Jake can post where he wants.
He has always stickied the most important posts(sites closing etc).
Just look out for posts started by Jake, and not by regular members.
16-01-2006 15:50:28
[quoteecf8aeba98="MiamiTJ"]so lets get Jake to post there instaed of the other posts ... I may be wrong -- but that is not what he has been doing ...[/quoteecf8aeba98]
A) Get back on topic
B) Would you rather Jake not be here to help at all?
C) Post in this discussion about anything other than the topic at hand and you WILL be temp-banned for no less than 5 days.
16-01-2006 15:55:11
[quotecd786bcd34="FreeOffersNow"][quotecd786bcd34="MiamiTJ"]so lets get Jake to post there instaed of the other posts ... I may be wrong -- but that is not what he has been doing ...[/quotecd786bcd34]
A) Get back on topic
B) Would you rather Jake not be here to help at all?
C) Post in this discussion about anything other than the topic at hand and you WILL be temp-banned for no less than 5 days.[/quotecd786bcd34]
Topic was for people to stop being rude -- if you read all my posts you will see that Im just giving ideas on things that might help with this problem ...
so -- a) -- it was
b) im not compaining about Jake -- In fact I get pissed on often here fr standing up for the guy.
c)See a ...
D) I think your reply was unneccesary and RUDE ... -- and that is on topic ...
pssss -- 2/3 of the posts here could easily be considered more off topic than mine ...
16-01-2006 16:02:13
Enjoy your vacation.
16-01-2006 16:02:39
I saw that one coming.
16-01-2006 16:20:41
wow that was uncool.
16-01-2006 16:22:47
[quoteced609578b="Airkat"]wow that was uncool.[/quoteced609578b]
but definately just..
16-01-2006 16:44:37
[quote060e8dd41f="Airkat"]wow that was uncool.[/quote060e8dd41f]
I warned him not to do it and he did...I don't know about you but I'm not one to make empty threats. He was obviously attempting to provoke me...
<!-- Get back on topic -->
07-03-2006 18:27:41
Hey, guess what. You guys have really pushed bickering a BS to a new level.
I'm tired of this. You've already succeeded in driving off a very helpful Moderator like Airkat to another (private) freebie forum. You've convinced another Moderator to consider leaving. And for what? As you all know, Moderators get no special treatment from the sites - NONE. Your "e-penis" doesn't get any bigger when you argue with someone, in fact you look like an ignorant 5 year old when you resort to calling someone names.
There are many ways to have civil and intelligent conversations, discussions, debates and even disagreements. I haven't seen one of those in quite a while. This site is about helping you and OTHERS get (close to) free stuff. Go somewhere else if you want argue all day long.
If I, or any other mod, reads you posting rude, antagonistic or otherwise uncivil crap, you get a [bc5a25294ed]5 Day Ban[/bc5a25294ed]. If you've been banned for this kind of garbage before, you get [bc5a25294ed]2 Week[/bc5a25294ed] vacation. And since the auto-unban function is sticky sometimes, you might be forgotten about. [/sizec5a25294ed]
07-03-2006 20:01:19
I don't care what the mods do, if they're fair and helpful they can be the biggest assholes in the world and I'll still love them.
Luckily, all of them are more or less fair and kind; there's no reason for people to get on their cases like they're getting paid to deal with other people's shit. I'm pissed at others because Airkat and the anonymous mod were stressed out, when everyone should be supporting them and trying to make their jobs as easy as possible.
[quote6896e28184="akalic"]there IS no winner in the internet world, thats the reality of it guys haha[/quote6896e28184]
I've won a couple times. The end guy is hard.
12-03-2006 02:54:08
Just so people don't think we're bullshitting, TylerC just got a 14 day temp ban for saying this to someone who posted their ref link
[quote61de678509="tylerc"]No referral links.
Eat shit and die.[/quote61de678509]
Seriously people, ch-ch-ch-check yourself before you wreck yourself.
12-03-2006 07:48:21
Wasn't even a clever way to go out.... shrug
12-03-2006 07:53:12
i thought u were doing 5 day temp bans not 14
12-03-2006 07:55:38
Jump's badass like that. He pulls out the gun on a two count.
12-03-2006 08:16:48
haha well that sux for tylerc
12-03-2006 14:00:25
[quote6ec4c60511="Buster389"]haha well that sux for tylerc[/quote6ec4c60511]
Yeah it does but at least he has another name to use though right? wink roll
I should probably ban you too just to be on the safe side.
I knew that was someone under cover. Who is it, jumpie?
12-03-2006 14:17:38
It's Buster389 of course!
But he's using the same IP as TylerC. shrug

http//[" alt=""/img07ffec4221]
12-03-2006 19:25:39
hey i was just over at his house hes my friend. you can check the IP address that im normally on its not the same. i dont want to be banned just for logging on at his house while he was banned.
12-03-2006 19:31:42
I'm afraid Rule 15.7a(li)/2 states that anyone who is friends with someone else who uses the words "Eat shit and die" in the same sentence must also be banned.
Sorry. shrug
12-03-2006 19:36:29
dangit ill just make sure that i kill him the next time im at his house and steal his 360 since i have no idea when mines ganna get shipped wink
12-03-2006 19:40:58
If you're getting it from Freepay, what you need to do is complain constantly about it in the Freepay forum.
12-03-2006 19:46:11
haha nope im getting mine from giftfiesta
19-03-2006 13:49:50
Just a reminder...
19-04-2006 06:10:43
B to the U to the M to the P
19-04-2006 07:26:16
[quote25d06923f3="doylnea"]B to the U to the M to the P[/quote25d06923f3]
How come you don't just sticky this thread....
19-04-2006 10:01:54
Because nobody reads stickies.
19-04-2006 10:18:24
Tee hee.

http//[" alt=""/imgfda708402a]
19-04-2006 10:20:02
[quoteaebbbdbd73="theysayjump"]Because nobody reads stickies.[/quoteaebbbdbd73]
Yea, I guess you got a point lol
29-04-2006 14:02:43
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
29-04-2006 14:05:13
[quoted2588fd652="amir89630"]my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.[/quoted2588fd652]
Do you want a temp ban?
29-04-2006 20:05:18
I believe that's a yes.
29-04-2006 20:46:09
29-04-2006 21:06:06
I believe that, too, is a yes.
30-04-2006 20:57:38
lysh, nahna mah kan be irfritna?
30-04-2006 21:00:55
[quotea2e0ba65ec="syriandoode"]lysh, nahna mah kan be irfritna?[/quotea2e0ba65ec]
If you really want to, just make sure you clean up after yourself and hide the Febreeze.
30-04-2006 21:07:03
it means why cant we be friends. ask stroid i think he speaks a bit.
that and i use Downy D
17-06-2006 15:37:40
Incase you think we're bullshitting
And that's after being warned numerous times and already being banned for 14 days.
17-06-2006 16:02:00
So he's permabanned?
17-06-2006 16:04:29
Looks like it.
Can't say it wasn't coming to him.
But hopefully you haven't created a vengeful scammer.
17-06-2006 16:06:23
[quote6bb054c004="ilanbg"]Looks like it.
Can't say it wasn't coming to him.
But hopefully you haven't created a vengeful scammer.[/quote6bb054c004]
Exactly what I thought. ?
17-06-2006 16:42:11
[quotea33742f252="theysayjump"][quotea33742f252="syriandoode"]lysh, nahna mah kan be irfritna?[/quotea33742f252]
If you really want to, just make sure you clean up after yourself and hide the Febreeze.[/quotea33742f252]
lol This is why you should not make posts in a foreign language that nobody knows.
17-06-2006 16:46:58
not neccesariliy nobody.........stroid speaks a bit, n i m pretty sure some o the muslims on this site do too.
ya khamra!!
17-06-2006 16:49:53
What's up with your userbar? What game do you use an AK-47 in? They usually suck.
17-06-2006 16:51:20
[quote1ca66cf9ca="Gooogler"]What's up with your userbar? What [b1ca66cf9ca]game[/b1ca66cf9ca] do you use an AK-47 in? They usually suck.[/quote1ca66cf9ca]
who says i use them in games?
17-06-2006 16:53:32
I though Muslims were peacefull Syrian! You cheater!
17-06-2006 16:57:28
17-06-2006 17:03:41
AK-47's suck in airsoft too. Also, airsoft is not peaceful, it is made to simulate battle. You are shooting at each other.
17-06-2006 17:19:55
AK is the best in CS, I owned fools...
17-06-2006 18:32:47
[quote5903487c70]Stop being Rude and Antagonistic[/quote5903487c70]
17-06-2006 20:01:30
[quote197f2133ef="Wolfeman"]AK is the best in CS, I owned fools...[/quote197f2133ef]
That better be past tense. I pwn shit now.
17-06-2006 21:32:36
I don't play anymore, especially with my new super shitty replacement video card...
17-06-2006 21:38:09
[quote2258c5d926="syriandoode"][quote2258c5d926="Gooogler"]What's up with your userbar? What [b2258c5d926]game[/b2258c5d926] do you use an AK-47 in? They usually suck.[/quote2258c5d926]
who says i use them in games?
AK's Kick Ass --- KRINKS REALLY kick ASS ! pss thx for the new userbar ...
17-06-2006 21:38:48
[quotec32d18b6b0="Wolfeman"]AK is the best in CS, I owned fools...[/quotec32d18b6b0]
M4 Rocked AK in CS ...
17-06-2006 21:53:17
[quote3d4f091eac="MiamiTJ"][quote3d4f091eac="Wolfeman"]AK is the best in CS, I owned fools...[/quote3d4f091eac]
M4 Rocked AK in CS ...[/quote3d4f091eac]
AK has the power, M4 has the accuracy.
17-06-2006 22:05:27
But they do look nice ...

http//[" alt=""/imgdf7293f90f]
18-06-2006 08:16:15
[quote5552dc6b27="MiamiTJ"]But they do look nice ...

http//[" alt=""/img5552dc6b27][/quote5552dc6b27]
18-06-2006 11:51:29
oh boy.. the second time i have been banned for talking shit to a previously PERMA BANNED MEMBER!
maybe if a mod that wasnt such a fucking jackass was here.. then you owuld figure out which members are previously banned ones
18-06-2006 11:55:25
[quotec66540c9c6="OMGbanT"]oh boy.. the second time i have been banned for talking shit to a previously PERMA BANNED MEMBER!
maybe if a mod that wasnt such a fucking jackass was here.. then you owuld figure out which members are previously banned ones[/quotec66540c9c6]
And it doesn't matter whether you're flaming a banned former member or not flaming is not condoned here. Do it and bear the consequences.
And that would certainly include the flaming of mods. Looks like you'll have to create yet another account now, because this one is gone too.
18-06-2006 11:56:26
You could have just told a mod he was a banned member.......
Alias #1 down.
18-06-2006 11:59:28
[quotec5bbee2a00="OMGbanT"]oh boy.. the second time i have been banned for talking shit to a previously PERMA BANNED MEMBER!
maybe if a mod that wasnt such a fucking jackass was here.. then you owuld figure out which members are previously banned ones[/quotec5bbee2a00]
I assume you think he's GoofyGarber? roll
18-06-2006 12:55:46
no ryizan=goofygarbor'
18-06-2006 13:56:57
I hate it how when these people come back they act dumb. If you look at all three of those people that amir mentioned first posts, they all act like they got no clue whats flying. Just ban them again and again.
18-06-2006 14:05:17
[quote7696f7a3d8="freedesktoppc"]I hate it how when these people come back they act dumb. If you look at all three of those people that amir mentioned first posts, they all act like they got no clue whats flying. Just ban them again and again.[/quote7696f7a3d8]
i dont act dumb????
18-06-2006 14:14:30
[quote50957406c7="amir89630"]no ryizan=goofygarbor'
your a little piece of lililili your lucky i dont wanna get banned and this user tricked me into going green for him on
i edited but wait till i finish my freebie site and i dont need to use this site anymore evil and i want him to green on one of my sites since he tricked me into greening on his site
18-06-2006 14:16:19
playa, if you dont' want to get banned (again), then refrain from making such posts. It's the sort of thing this very thread is talking about.
I suggest you edit your post before I come back and find it, or another mod does, and bans you yet again...
18-06-2006 14:29:57
[quote148fc881ad="amir89630"]no ryizan=goofygarbor'
We already know who Goofygarber was and it's not Ryizan.
Unless you have some proof other than the eBay auction.
18-06-2006 15:16:40
i expect a green from you amir
18-06-2006 23:25:37
i don't owe u shit ho.
Here's the deal. He was like go buy me a prepaid.... and i was like i will for a compensatory cost like 30 for a 25$ prepaid. So he was like all i have is 20$, and i was like OK, i will go get it if you give me a green on hotstuff w/ it. So i went out and bought him a prepaid 25$ one for 20$, and he gave me my green. At first he was like wait til im done w/ my own stuff, but i was like dude, hold up ur deal, and he did it. Sure i got a free green, but it was our agreement from the beginning.
And TSJ, bout the auction thing.... if you think back, ryizan never denied it.
18-06-2006 23:36:38
BTW OMW/PNAA (acronyms galore) has def in my eyes earned his right to stay on this forum, who would update his samples thread. Plus he is actually a worthy individual now.
But brisk is a tool.
And im not really sure about ryizan, he seems decent i guess.
The only people who really need to be permaperma banned are da scammerz
19-06-2006 00:06:08
See amir, you do exactly what this thread says not to do. He is banned and if you had a problem you should've came to a mod instead of flaming on the boards. 24-hour temp ban...
19-06-2006 00:10:32
Beat me by 3 minutes Wolfey.
Not sure if amir flaming was irony or idiocy.
19-06-2006 00:13:00
I'm bringing in a new world order. People need to start being respectful and we'll all be happier...
19-06-2006 00:35:24
[quoted165bb1c52="Wolfeman"]I'm bringing in a new world order. People need to start being respectful and we'll all be happier...[/quoted165bb1c52]
you hot
lets sex
19-06-2006 00:37:47
Thats such a silly avatar! where did you find it?
19-06-2006 00:39:34
We aren't at liberty to say.
19-06-2006 00:49:00
I bet some guy dedicated it to you since your such a big hunk huh mr wolfe?
19-06-2006 00:50:05
Yeah, hi aguy...
19-06-2006 04:50:18
I never bid on that auction..Just to let you know. I was interested at first but it went over what I wanted to pay. All this time I thought aguy natrually hated me! Nice Welcome ;)
Anymore proof needed? Straight Up..I'm not gooofygarbor.
[quotea669af272c]I hate it how when these people come back they act dumb. If you look at all three of those people that amir mentioned first posts, they all act like they got no clue whats flying. Just ban them again and again.[/quotea669af272c]
I haven't recieved a freebie yet so I can't argue. This is my first and only username here at FiPG. I have never gone by this "GoofyGarbor"
OMFGz! DIYdooder, you wanna trade I'm paying lke $120 PayPal! haha! D
EDIT2 (nm, goofygarbor did not win) I really doubt that goofygarbor also lives in New Orleans.....(I have only seen a few ppl here from New Orleans)
19-06-2006 06:45:59
We're reasonably sure that Ryizan is not GG, and have been for awhile, so you folks can just stop throwing the accusations around unless you know something we don't.
As for you DIYdooder/OMGbanT/aguy, buh-bye again. Perma-banned members will continue to be banned. This letting 'em stay after creating new accounts stops now.
19-06-2006 07:35:03
[quote76eacfca17="dmorris68"]We're reasonably sure that Ryizan is not GG, and have been for awhile, so you folks can just stop throwing the accusations around unless you know something we don't.[/quote76eacfca17]
Wait a minute... only GoofyGarber would say such a thing.
/me shakes fist at dmorris.
19-06-2006 07:41:41
[quote1b2b748ffa="ilanbg"]Wait a minute... only GoofyGarber would say such a thing.[/quote1b2b748ffa]
Darn, I'm busted... oops
[quote2f81fec2c3="dmorris68"]We're reasonably sure that Ryizan is not GG, and have been for awhile, so you folks can just stop throwing the accusations around unless you know something we don't.
As for you DIYdooder/OMGbanT/aguy, buh-bye again. Perma-banned members will continue to be banned. [b2f81fec2c3]This letting 'em stay after creating new accounts stops now.[/b2f81fec2c3][/quote2f81fec2c3]
That's the good stuff.
19-06-2006 13:12:48
[quotecf168bc234="Veek"][quotecf168bc234="dmorris68"]We're reasonably sure that Ryizan is not GG, and have been for awhile, so you folks can just stop throwing the accusations around unless you know something we don't.
As for you DIYdooder/OMGbanT/aguy, buh-bye again. Perma-banned members will continue to be banned. [bcf168bc234]This letting 'em stay after creating new accounts stops now.[/bcf168bc234][/quotecf168bc234]
That's the good stuff.[/quotecf168bc234]
Ya rly.
Who's idea was it to let them stay anyway? I say we ban whoever it was.
19-06-2006 13:14:49
[quote9cf79ade73="theysayjump"][quote9cf79ade73="Veek"][quote9cf79ade73="dmorris68"]We're reasonably sure that Ryizan is not GG, and have been for awhile, so you folks can just stop throwing the accusations around unless you know something we don't.
As for you DIYdooder/OMGbanT/aguy, buh-bye again. Perma-banned members will continue to be banned. [b9cf79ade73]This letting 'em stay after creating new accounts stops now.[/b9cf79ade73][/quote9cf79ade73]
That's the good stuff.[/quote9cf79ade73]
Ya rly.
[b9cf79ade73]Who's idea was it to let them stay anyway? I say we ban whoever it was.[/b9cf79ade73][/quote9cf79ade73]
19-06-2006 21:00:43
What do you think the record is?
my bro was here for 3 days and SPLAT, hes banned
11-08-2006 17:43:33
Bump /me tries to impress Doylnea so he doesn't get Scarlett take away from him.
14-09-2006 20:24:55
read me or die.
14-09-2006 21:17:12
well i don't want the death so i choose reading
unknown uchiha
14-09-2006 21:32:44
I think this should be stickied.
15-09-2006 04:50:24
[quote664b7fffce="unknown uchiha"]I think this should be stickied.[/quote664b7fffce]
psh, no one ever reads stickies. Manlaw #314
16-09-2006 22:22:11
I just read this whole thread..
16-09-2006 22:22:44
[quote1d48c8ddc0="YourGiftsFree"]I just read this whole thread..[/quote1d48c8ddc0]
Now you will change your ways. Right?
16-09-2006 22:23:46
[quote9204226449="Killer722"][quote9204226449="YourGiftsFree"]I just read this whole thread..[/quote9204226449]
Now you will change your ways. Right?[/quote9204226449]
13-11-2006 10:36:49
and in honor of TTGP...bump
13-11-2006 11:28:28
I don't understand, doylnea. Whatever did he do? o
13-11-2006 20:38:18
Apparently (according to the thread in the Admin forum), he said some shit privately, thinking there would be no repercussions.
14-11-2006 07:10:32
How silly of him. Doesn't he know there is an all-seeing eye on these forums?
It's watching you right now. Yes, you.
28-11-2006 11:25:34
seriously, if you shitbricks don't cut out the threadcrapping and the shitty one word replies i'm going to delete offtopic and you can just go act like 8 year olds somewhere else
28-11-2006 11:50:28
Hm, just found this thread, and I said something privately? DO WHAT? I thought I was banned for hating on OMW and his lover girl.
28-11-2006 12:07:53
[quoteeb43740a7c="TryinToGetPaid"]Hm, just found this thread, and I said something privately? DO WHAT? I thought I was banned for hating on OMW and his lover girl.[/quoteeb43740a7c]
Quite honestly it wasn't [beb43740a7c]that[/beb43740a7c] private. If you PM'd me, that'd be a different story. She's not my lover girl, either.
Then again, it was probably that damned period again, so it's truely no fault of your own
25-02-2007 16:53:49
Would it be inappropiate to bump this? I did my first post incorrectly in another thread and someone used foul language in all caps in the thread instead of PMing me and bringing it too my attention, if the post is not wanted I will delete it ,just let me know-you know?!
25-02-2007 16:55:08
It's always great to have a reminder of this. )
25-02-2007 23:09:09
If someone is rude use the report button and avoid being rude back because you'll both get in trouble then...
26-02-2007 09:04:26
[quoteb9c27a1352="onestepback"]Would it be inappropiate to bump this? I did my first post incorrectly in another thread and someone used foul language in all caps in the thread instead of PMing me and bringing it too my attention, if the post is not wanted I will delete it ,just let me know-you know?![/quoteb9c27a1352]
Wow, you have 10 posts and you know how to use search options

http//[" alt=""/imgb9c27a1352]
26-02-2007 09:21:17
[quote27680ac914="Dave82"][quote27680ac914="onestepback"]Would it be inappropiate to bump this? I did my first post incorrectly in another thread and someone used foul language in all caps in the thread instead of PMing me and bringing it too my attention, if the post is not wanted I will delete it ,just let me know-you know?![/quote27680ac914]
Wow, you have 10 posts and you know how to use search options

http//[" alt=""/img27680ac914][/quote27680ac914]
Must be a previously banned member.....
28-02-2007 10:08:37
Nope lol not a previously banned member. ) just not a tee total idiot, used to be a member of Delphi Forums for years, so eventhough they are different like the terms you use here, like thread crapping, never heard of that one lol but I know now!!!!
01-03-2007 13:48:51
People hate me for some reason.
01-03-2007 16:02:58
[quote232d4a9748="MyJobIsThis"]People hate me for some reason.[/quote232d4a9748]
Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the quality of your posts.
26-06-2007 21:20:33
nothing like a bump for dmorris ;)
26-06-2007 21:36:21
Oops, was that rude?
27-06-2007 02:57:11
Head on over so I can be rude and antagonistic. wink
18-03-2008 08:55:05
ya cool picture thats quality stuff!!!!!!!!!!!