Payment service that supports EFT other than PayPal/Neteller

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06-01-2006 19:19:56

I need to transfer some money to my parents' checking account. It's linked to a frozen PayPal account so I can't add it to mine and transfer that way. Neteller doesn't seem to have a way to add another account. Does anyone know of a secure/reliable online payment service that supports bank transfers? I need to be able to fund it with my PayPal balance, so I need to send the money via PayPal or the debit card.


06-01-2006 19:21:04

Epassporte will let you do that, for a $5 loading fee. / They do support bank transfer though.


06-01-2006 23:50:52

write them a check

or go to your bank and they can do an eft from there, or wire transfer


07-01-2006 00:13:01

I think western union can help =]


07-01-2006 13:22:41

I don't have checks for my checking account. My bank is a local credit union in southern california and doesn't have any branches up here. I'd like to avoid leaving campus if possible since its a pain in the ass.