Ebay Idea...
06-01-2006 10:46:41
Long story here, but stay with me...
Ok, my roomate I ended up with this year was kind of a space case. He's one of those skinny guitar kids, that hates all jocks and thinks his way is the only way to do things. I was a suitemate with him last year, but he was more quiet and played video games a lot, so I thought he'd be a good roomate.
Anyways, we go to leave our dorm this year and my roomate decides that instead of moving everything out, he'll just leave his worthless shit in the room. We have to pay for the shit left in the room, so I was pretty pissed. Then I go into his closet and see that he left a full bag of clothing in there. I call him up and ask if he did it on purpose. He starts yelling and bitching and asking if I could, "please grab his stuff, so that he could pick it up from my house." (My dad lives about 20 minutes from him, the school is like 2 hours away). I say sure and grab it.
-Back Track- Earlier in the symester my roomate lends this kid my San Andreas game. I didn't mind, I figured I'd get it back. I just realized two weeks ago that I never got it back. So, I call up my roomate to tell him that he could get his bag, but I needed my game back. I have yet to hear a response after several calls and messages online. I have also found, that the son of a bitch stole my Gamecube console.
Lucky for me, I knew this kid would try some shit, so I took 5 DVDs out of the cases of his precious Anime collection, which he treasures with his life.
Ok, I'm going to give this kid like a month to respond to me and get my game(s) back. If he does not, I'm going to post an ebay auction, with his bag, and anime. Everyday I will send him a link to the auction and update the auction with his response, or lack there of... Then I'll sell that shit away...
So what do you think?
06-01-2006 10:52:12
You think ebay's gonna like you saying right in your listing "this stuff is stolen! And look at what the owner has to say about it"
06-01-2006 10:53:42
It's not stolen. He left it there, therefore it's mine. Well, the DVDs are, but I consider them a trade.
06-01-2006 10:53:55
06-01-2006 10:54:18
PWNED lol That story was fuckin hilarious. I would do the same shit. I hate it when people borrow your stuff and they never return it x Good luck w/ that
06-01-2006 10:58:08
that is why i never let anyone borrow anything of mine. some call me bitter and selfish, but i prefer to be thought of as smart and logical P
06-01-2006 11:26:35
pwnedddddd ill bid on it.
06-01-2006 11:30:40
Make sure you put it up for a rediculous price on eBay. Then have one of us here "buy" it. Then refund us the money later on. He'll freak thinking you sold it to someone.
06-01-2006 11:36:11
i think you should actually sell it
get some money back from that bitch, then use the money to buy a revolution to replace your GC
06-01-2006 11:42:06
Maybe Golden Palace casino will buy it for $15,000.
06-01-2006 13:31:00
What a bitch.
Sell that motherfucker.
06-01-2006 14:05:26
I usually don't let people borrow stuff unless I have some collateral.
For example, they have to either give me something of theirs for me to keep as security or they agree to pay me if they lose it/don't return it.
06-01-2006 14:48:15
People do vengence auctions all the time on eBay.
What is the anime you have now? D I might be interested
06-01-2006 14:53:29
One time this kid came over and played paintball and left his mask here.
I sold it with a gun I was selling on eBay at the time.
06-01-2006 15:34:51
I took a dump in somebodies shoes cause he pissed me off, so he left them at my house and I sold em on ebay. Got $40 for his $200 shoes
06-01-2006 15:42:43
Did you leave the turd in the shoes when you sold them? P
06-01-2006 15:44:39
[quoteaadbe5cab2="tonydanza92"]I took a dump in somebodies shoes cause he pissed me off, so he left them at my house and I sold em on ebay. Got $40 for his $200 shoes[/quoteaadbe5cab2]
What did he do when he found out you took a dump in his shoes. I would probaly have broken something of yours.
06-01-2006 16:17:42
[quote1deeada584="Allen626"][quote1deeada584="tonydanza92"]I took a dump in somebodies shoes cause he pissed me off, so he left them at my house and I sold em on ebay. Got $40 for his $200 shoes[/quote1deeada584]
What did he do when he found out you took a dump in his shoes. I would probaly have broken something of yours.[/quote1deeada584]
I would have pinned him down and shoved all of his poop from my shoes into his mouth.
06-01-2006 16:52:05
[quoteff6bbcd5f5="Godrockdj"]People do vengence auctions all the time on eBay.
What is the anime you have now? D I might be interested[/quoteff6bbcd5f5]
Evangelion shrug
It's disc 4 of a box set...
06-01-2006 16:57:51
I'd say go for it! D
06-01-2006 17:02:00
Oh yeah, and some newish Metal Gear Solid game.
06-01-2006 17:41:29
lmao. talking about stealing.
my friend stole 2 CDs from wal-mart today, ahahaha.
06-01-2006 18:20:50
[quote57bdd084bd="EatChex89"]lmao. talking about stealing.
my friend stole 2 CDs from wal-mart today, ahahaha.[/quote57bdd084bd]
my cousin works at the walmart ur friend stole from
06-01-2006 18:22:34
[quotefd609938e3="mr_black"][quotefd609938e3="EatChex89"]lmao. talking about stealing.
my friend stole 2 CDs from wal-mart today, ahahaha.[/quotefd609938e3]
my cousin works at the walmart ur friend stole from[/quotefd609938e3]
your cousin didn't even know P
06-01-2006 21:20:04
[quote0fa064be9f="bballp6699"][quote0fa064be9f="Godrockdj"]People do vengence auctions all the time on eBay.
What is the anime you have now? D I might be interested[/quote0fa064be9f]
Evangelion shrug
It's disc 4 of a box set...[/quote0fa064be9f]
OMG. I hate that god damn Anime. Infact I hate almost every single Anime. Cowboy Bepop and The Boondocks are the only ones I actually like. And Ghost in the Shell when I saw it for the first time a couple of weeks ago seemed ok.
06-01-2006 22:12:46
His favorite was some Hellsing one, but I thought he might cut his wrists if I took that one.
06-01-2006 22:28:53
stick it to him dude, this guy should have to pay you to get his shit back
the idiot left it there for you to haul away, make him pay!
don't forget to post the ebay link so everyone can check it out
06-01-2006 22:48:35
Do it, and make sure he knows!
07-01-2006 22:48:55
Make him do offers for you to get his stuff back..
07-01-2006 22:51:57
do ittttttttttttt
07-01-2006 23:10:39
[quote15dc329cf7="tylerc"]I usually don't let people borrow stuff unless I have some collateral.
For example, they have to either give me something of theirs for me to keep as security or they agree to pay me if they lose it/don't return it.[/quote15dc329cf7]
smart fucking idea...i usually do that too....unless i know the guy really well.....but anyway i say do it man.....seriously if that guy stole your gamecube and game then he deserves it every bit.....
[quote15dc329cf7="tonydanza92"]I took a dump in somebodies shoes cause he pissed me off, so he left them at my house and I sold em on ebay. Got $40 for his $200 shoes.[/quote15dc329cf7]
lmao.....thats fucked up tony....how u gonna sell SOMEBODY ELSES shoes that you TOOK A DUMP in.....did ya at least clean them out before you sold it or even told the buyer the situation????
07-01-2006 23:28:02
It made me laugh -d