My site.

Live forum:


04-01-2006 19:33:59

I just wanted people to know that I am working on a new site called Freebie Proof, which basically is to rate offers, freebie sites, and their rewards. You guys check it out and leave me with any feedback.



04-01-2006 19:35:36


[quoteab0e5429fe]Users posting from this IP address
YEAHHHHHHH!!!! [ 3 Posts ] Search
FBwebmaster [ 1 Post ] Search [/quoteab0e5429fe]


04-01-2006 19:35:46

shut up spammer

stop advertising ur crap here


04-01-2006 19:39:10

Actually replace the P in spammer for a C to make it scammer (CrazyMan123).


04-01-2006 19:41:07

Spcammer i guess


04-01-2006 19:43:01

funny thats the same site i got IMed by "skewed edge" to write tutorials for earlier.


04-01-2006 19:44:11

Just got an AIM too...


04-01-2006 19:47:55

Hmm, brunstar and Crazyman123 are either fuck buddies, or the same person (or both shrug ).


04-01-2006 19:49:21

He say's he's using a proxy.


04-01-2006 19:51:10



04-01-2006 19:52:11


http//[" alt=""/img66760aca05]


04-01-2006 20:01:16

Here's an AIM log, nothing really exciting though, although he's using a proxy to translate FIG. Sound fishy? [quote613abeaa39][2148] FreebieProofTK yeah im just advertising my site, i had to sign up to fipg via a proxy because i have it translated for me
[2148] FreebieProofTK my english is limited
[2151] compuguru1234 Why did you have to use a proxy?
[2151] FreebieProofTK to translate the website
[2153] compuguru1234 So, your're saying that the IP address just happens to be the same as two scammers on FIG?
[2153] FreebieProofTK the proxy hides the IP i believe
[2153] FreebieProofTK i no sure
[2153] compuguru1234 Correct, put what are the chances of your IP being the same as two scammers?
[2154] FreebieProofTK i no scammer, i just joined today
[2155] compuguru1234 Well, I don't really want to write articles or anything...
[2155] FreebieProofTK no articles
[2156] FreebieProofTK just site reviews
[2156] FreebieProofTK like
[2156] FreebieProofTK i did this site
[2156] FreebieProofTK and it was fast nd easyy
[2156] FreebieProofTK fast and easyli

[2156] compuguru1234 I planning to get out of the freebie scene I am not doing anymore sites
[2156] FreebieProofTK credit fast--shiped fast
[2156] FreebieProofTK thats fine do old site you did before
[2156] FreebieProofTK and comment on those
[2159] compuguru1234 I'd perfer to submit things to a .comurl==http://=http:///url domain with no banner ads in frames. This shows me that someone spent some money to get a site up to help people
[2200] FreebieProofTK yes we will soon have a .comurl==http://=http:///url
[2200] FreebieProofTK it is being processed now.
[2201] compuguru1234 Well, I don't want to write review either. So, basically, I don't want to help you right now, there are many other sites like yours. ;)
[2201] FreebieProofTK ok thkx bi
[2201] compuguru1234 Yep, Cya[/quote613abeaa39]


04-01-2006 20:28:57

The reason he has to use a proxy (if he is) is because his IP is banned. roll

The fact that he and brunstar are spamming the same site on AIM is a dead giveaway.


04-01-2006 20:33:16

[2156] compuguru1234 I planning to get out of the freebie scene I am not doing anymore sites
Unfortunetly, same here. PCs (freepay) is my last site. 6/10 greens, 4 to go.


04-01-2006 20:40:59

[2156] compuguru1234 I planning to get out of the freebie scene I am not doing anymore sites
Unfortunetly, same here. PCs (freepay) is my last site. 6/10 greens, 4 to go.[/quote13d27a754d]


Well there goes FiPG. cry


04-01-2006 20:42:53

I'm actually done with free sites for a little bit, but I have too much fun with my few FiPG friends and homophobes here.


04-01-2006 20:44:40

Ya, I'm gonna stay on FIG, just going to take a break from doing sites. I'll probably do a couple more in a month or two though.


04-01-2006 20:59:48

I'm not going to be doing any sites for a while either, after I finish AnyGift4Four.

I'll still be on here, though ;)