12 of 13 WV Miners said alive, then dead "Miscommunicat

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04-01-2006 07:35:40

Story on CNN[=http//www.cnn.com/2006/US/01/04/mine.explosion.wed/index.html?section=cnn_latest]Story on CNN

What a horrible ending to this saga. Can you imagine being one of the relatives waiting there for days for a sign of your loved one and to be told they are alive, only to later hear of this [i8f88793bae]miscommunication[/i8f88793bae]?! Tragic.


04-01-2006 07:39:45

Yeah I hear about it this morning, but apparently they interuppted the Orange Bowl to show this. Really sad. Those miners should have never been in that mine. It had over 300 safety violations, one of them being really high carbon monoxide levels.


04-01-2006 07:43:33

I heard about this last night. It's rather sad.


04-01-2006 12:29:48

How do you mess that up?


04-01-2006 12:34:50

Apparently a miner who was trapped or a member of the rescue team said that there were 12 alive. Someone then got a hold of a mobile phone and started calling people saying that 12 were alive.

Even though the "people in charge" knew after 20 minutes that there weren't 12 alive, they didn't say anything for 3 hours and let their families and friend believe that their loved ones would be OK.

Is it wrong for me to think that maybe they were left to die because if anyone got out alive, then they could tell the story of what really happened and what caused it in the first place?

I mean for what reason would you wait 3 hours to tell the friends and families who were waiting outside, believing that their husbands, sons, dads were going to be OK, that they were in fact all dead besides one?

Something just isn't right.


04-01-2006 14:10:43

please tell me you are not suprised that they died. there is a risk going into the mine, just like the risk of being and underwater welder or a contractor in iraq.


04-01-2006 18:37:36

[quoted77711c3f0="tracemhunter"]please tell me you are not suprised that they died. there is a risk going into the mine, just like the risk of being and underwater welder or a contractor in iraq.[/quoted77711c3f0]

Or driving your car, or crossing the road or walking up, downward heading escalators.

Yes there is a risk, but some mines are safer than others because the people in charge of them, keep them up to date and take care of the problems. If this mine had fixed all the problems that they were being cited for, then maybe this hadn't happened.

Just because there is a risk involved in a job or occupation, doesn't mean you can't be surprised or shocked when something bad happens. Some people risk their lives just so they can put food on the table.


04-01-2006 19:15:34

Is it wrong for me to think that maybe they were left to die because if anyone got out alive, then they could tell the story of what really happened and what caused it in the first place?

This was exactly what I was thinking. I don't think the people in charge wanted [ib2f9aac833]anyone[/ib2f9aac833] to live. My reasoning for this is that if all of them died, they would have a less chance of a lawsuit coming up.