Kevin Federline

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28-12-2005 09:51:35

http// he fuckin used Britney and his shitty rap album is gonna come out next year cry


28-12-2005 10:05:47

Well, they're both crappy artists, a match made in heaven


28-12-2005 10:34:39

just let him die in peace

dont bother to even mention that name, and in two years it won't exist anymore


28-12-2005 11:38:47

I love Britney since 99. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

However, even though K-Fed looks to be the trashiest man to walk this earth, I can't really judge what goes on in their home. We'll find out, I guess.


28-12-2005 11:39:47

[quote0de01a5b24="justinag06"]just let him die in peace

dont bother to even mention that name, and [b0de01a5b24]in two years it won't exist anymore[/b0de01a5b24][/quote0de01a5b24]

Hopefully. shock


28-12-2005 11:43:09

britney is ... well ... she never really knew what she was doing.

in summary.

she sucks.


28-12-2005 11:45:15

Her 100+ million dollars seem to say otherwise. If that's what you get while "sucking," then count me in.

No pun.


28-12-2005 11:46:28

Yeah, as much as I hate pop, I'd definately be a pop star for 100+ million. I'd even settle for 1 million.


28-12-2005 11:46:36

[quote9b16ce2808="Veek"]Her 100+ million dollars seem to say otherwise. If that's what you get while "sucking," then count me in.

No pun.[/quote9b16ce2808]

well.. its only because she looked good... in all seriousness. I have no clue how she got all her money, but yea people liked weird music back then..

She really has no talent.


28-12-2005 11:47:44

Want to know a pop star who has no talent?

Ashley Simpson.


28-12-2005 12:01:16

[quote80b484c653="J4320"]Want to know a pop star who has no talent?

Ashley Simpson.[/quote80b484c653]

I don't think I've ever agreed to a comment this much before.

And you might think Britney has no talent, but she sure as hell can pull off a lot of songs I'd think other artists could never.

And she's an amazing performer. (even if I didn't like her I'd have to give her this)

http//[" alt=""/img80b484c653]

Que deliciouso!


28-12-2005 12:02:12

[quotede0b77dce5="Veek"][quotede0b77dce5="J4320"]Want to know a pop star who has no talent?

Ashley Simpson.[/quotede0b77dce5]

I don't think I've ever agreed to a comment this much before.

And you might think Britney has no talent, but she sure as hell can pull off a lot of songs I'd think other artists could never.

And she's an amazing performer. (even if I didn't like her I'd have to give her this)

http//[" alt=""/imgde0b77dce5]

Que deliciouso![/quotede0b77dce5]

that dude is ugly


28-12-2005 12:03:10

You're right. But I guess you can't have the best dancers and have them be hot as well. shrug

But I posted that picture so all the guys here can imagine being in his position with her...or others.


28-12-2005 14:29:08

Have you guys heard any of K. Federlines new album? It is seriously the worst thing I've heard in my life. I hope he sells a billion records so I can continute to laugh at him.


28-12-2005 14:43:47

Britney only looks good on stage, she looks like crap when you see her on ET or something in her normal clothes and no makeup.


28-12-2005 14:59:33

[quotecfd28f34bf="J4320"]Want to know a pop star who has no talent?

Ashley Simpson.[/quotecfd28f34bf]

you voiced my thoughts 110% just now. and yeah.... try watching Britney and Kevin (the tv "show", I dont dare call it a show without putting quotes around it). Britney isn't that bad though, some of her songs are aight, and she's quite fucking hot.


30-12-2005 13:52:58


The 30 second clip of his new single. It's bad but not horrible, the best part is that you can't tell it's him.