What's your favorite Xbox 360 game so far?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=28562


15-12-2005 12:51:19

I have Call of Duty 2, Kameo, and Pefect Dark Zero. I just beat COD2 on Veteran so now I can move onto the other two. I also bought Geomatry Wars.

I must say that so far I like COD2 the best but Kameo is looking really fun with all the vivid colors and lots of things going on in the background.

Also, Geometry Wars is fun as hell. I just wish you could skip through the first few minutes to get to the real action.

I'll be able to give Perfect Dark a good chunk of time now because me wife is leaving town which = more play time. Too bad my Gold membership expires on the 19th and I won't get my new Gold until the 25th.

How about you guys? I hear Condemed is really fun too because it's scary.
What's your favorite? Every time I pop in PDZ I know I can find Stroid in there so I think I know what his favorite is.


15-12-2005 12:58:30

i like PDZ and Madden....project gothem is good too...but most of my time is spent playing PDZ


15-12-2005 12:59:17

COD2...I'm in regular cause I'm a noob shrug