donating on free Ipods ...
11-12-2005 11:12:12
Honestly -- I will be donating to this site either way because It has been VERY usefull to me and has helped me get several items for free.
Either way -- Im wondering how succesfull people here have been on getting greens with FIG's donator service? Im having trouble with the freexbox360.freepay site and thought this might help.
like always, thanks in advance ...
11-12-2005 12:46:48
[quote736eae1e3b]thanks in advance ...[/quote736eae1e3b]
You're welcome.
11-12-2005 13:06:47
Most people at the most only get yellows from it, just because people can come here and be paiud to do sites, as opposed to sign up for a random person for free.
That shouldn't discourage you from donating though.
11-12-2005 13:09:20
I got two greens from donating at A4F.
11-12-2005 13:31:36
I got one yellow (it's been yellow for about a month) for pcs... and it was the weekend! I imagine there is a lot of signing up on the weekends but that's all I got. No big deal though. I would do it again because they do indeed deserve my money. I'm charging my 30gb (black) video ipod I got from Trainn right now, thanks to them. Get5friends should be sending me a PSP soon too... need three more refs for pcs, though that one is getting tougher! Wouldn't have gotten it without this service. Hell, I'd pay to use this service. So take a stab at it, you may get lucky.
I got 8 yellows on premiumiPods.freepay from them. I personally wouldn't really expect to much in the way of getting greens, but that shouldn't stop you from donating.
11-12-2005 13:36:43
yea like I mentioned -- im going to be donating anyway ... Just curious ...
11-12-2005 13:37:18
I got 1 green back when they had forum ads
11-12-2005 14:32:25
[quote5aa44ac3be="Daggoth"]I got two greens from donating at A4F.[/quote5aa44ac3be]
Same here, the a4f links are very effective.
11-12-2005 17:15:24
[quoteaf5b4ce1a4="Daggoth"]I got two greens from donating at A4F.[/quoteaf5b4ce1a4]
How much did you donate?
11-12-2005 17:32:31
I did a free no-cc offer for twhite. I just wanted 1TR to start trading but got 2 greens on yourfreeflatscreens instead.
12-12-2005 08:33:50
[quote2da5754c9c="shamash"]I got 1 green back when they had forum ads[/quote2da5754c9c]
Was that from that Jesus ad you put up? haha
12-12-2005 13:29:50
[quote163fcc103a="Blink182=Gone"][quote163fcc103a="shamash"]I got 1 green back when they had forum ads[/quote163fcc103a]
Was that from that Jesus ad you put up? haha[/quote163fcc103a]
lol i remember that.
12-12-2005 13:47:06
I just looked at the donating page and it turns out you cant use paypal. awwwwwww, why not?
12-12-2005 14:26:48
I think Admin got banned from paypal or something if i remember correctly....
12-12-2005 14:36:10
[quote2671b925e1="JUNIOR6886"]I think Admin got banned from paypal or something if i remember correctly....[/quote2671b925e1]
awwwwww ill donate this week anyways.
12-12-2005 14:43:05
Cause PayPal is lame.
I donated and got 1 yellow. I was going to donate anyways...
12-12-2005 20:16:56
I'm not allowed to accept PayPal on fipg because their crack team of anti-fraud specialists determined that I was running a giant pyramid scheme. yes, website donations = pyramid scheme.
so yeah, PM me if you can't/don't want to use amazon and we'll work something out.
12-12-2005 21:15:05
[quote3a8f29f73f="Admin"]so yeah, PM me if you can't/don't want to use amazon and we'll work something out.[/quote3a8f29f73f]
Or if you'd really like to donate via PayPal just send it to me...same difference.
13-12-2005 06:00:24
Well the donator links do work, however, they aren't 100% and there isn't any form of guarantee of anything you'd get. I can tell you that I have seen people get a few greens off a single donation but I have also seen people get nothing from it. If you have a couplea bucks to spare and want to give it a shot for a day or two, It's a good shot in the dark.
Just remember, nothing in life is guaranteed in life except death and taxes.
13-12-2005 16:01:56
I just donated!
<----------- donator link