10-12-2005 06:36:43
Who has seen it so far? We saw it and loved it. Even my nitpicky husband, who said he was pleased that the movie was about 98% accurate to the books ) Our skeptical inlaws came with us and afterwards liked it a lot, saying it was visually spectacular and very captivating. Your reviews?
10-12-2005 06:44:20
I heard it got 5 stars which is excellent, I might go see it this weekend. I know the technical director, he is a very smart guy. Extremely talented.
10-12-2005 06:46:08
ive read the books they were my favorite books for a while im gonna go see the movie later this week probabaly
10-12-2005 06:59:40
it looks dumb to me. i would rather go see king kong. it got a higher rating anyway.
10-12-2005 08:07:31
dont base it on ratings, I usually disagree with them when I see movies.
That said, I'm a little scared to see it. I watched an old version of it ages ago and oh boy....
10-12-2005 09:20:22
Hmmm.... I'm still debating with myself if I should go see it or just wait until it comes out on video.
10-12-2005 09:31:12
What's "video"?
[quoteb06a1ca4d6="J4320"]Hmmm.... I'm still debating with myself if I should go see it or just wait until it comes out on video.[/quoteb06a1ca4d6]
10-12-2005 09:33:06
10-12-2005 11:00:04
I haven't seen it yet but I'd love to.
I grew up with those books and loved the show the BBC made in the 80's.
Maybe it'll be somewhere to download already D
10-12-2005 12:05:17
its probabaly been availible to download since like a week ago, jsut better quality starting now this movie had a ton of advertising teh mall by me had a full display on ti and signs everywhere
10-12-2005 12:51:53
it was pretty good
10-12-2005 13:00:23
I look forward to seeing it, just I don't know when.
10-12-2005 13:48:56
screw it. ill download it and i know that people are going to be talking about it. just doesnt seem like paying 9.50 to see.
10-12-2005 15:07:05
I liked it, i thought they did a really good job, there was only a couple things I thought they could do better
10-12-2005 19:12:34
Yeah i saw it last night and thought it was really good.
10-12-2005 21:01:34
Loved it. ) Although, I had to explain some things to the fiance. He hasn't read any of the books yet. )
11-12-2005 00:14:41
I saw it last night. I loved it, it was very well done. It's interesting, I haven't read these books since I was little so I never noticed this but this movie follows the story of Jesus Christ fairly accurately.
11-12-2005 00:23:15
[quote9bec1cb9d0="ConfusedPigeon"]I saw it last night. I loved it, it was very well done. It's interesting, I haven't read these books since I was little so I never noticed this but this movie follows the story of Jesus Christ fairly accurately.[/quote9bec1cb9d0]
C.S.Lewis and J.R.R Tolkein were very good friends and each influenced the other, mainly Lewis' influence of Christianity on Tolkien which is present in both novels/books/films quite a bit.
11-12-2005 13:27:38
[quote2bf0a0a48b="Airkat"]dont base it on ratings, I usually disagree with them when I see movies.
That said, I'm a little scared to see it. I watched an old version of it ages ago and oh boy....[/quote2bf0a0a48b]
ya, the older version was pure crap, nothin like the new one. i saw the new one last friday, and it was pretty good. it reminded me of LOTR, but it wasn't nearly as interesting, well done(what is?), nor did it have nearly as good of a story. it was like a childrens fairy-time version of LOTR, with some minor differences. overall it was ok...but forgetable, nothing special, and i probably won't be seeing it again soon
(p.s. i did notice the resemblence to the life of Jesus Christ, and it was cool that they kept it in there from the book. i think c.s. lewis was a christian, i'm not sure, but the references were sure in his book...)
11-12-2005 15:37:23
i enjoyed the movie, but Peter was such a bitch in the movie (esp in the waterfall scene) and he looked like a puss wielding that double edge sword
the special effects are awesome and it was entertaining
11-12-2005 16:01:54
The horse guy with the two swords was cool.
11-12-2005 16:10:16
I want them to make a movie based on the last book, The Final Battle... )
11-12-2005 20:40:12
were going to watch it for school! dont ask y, but the Lord of the Rings people made it, so that should turn some heads...
12-12-2005 04:09:33
I thought it was pretty good. The book was so short and they added so little content to it that some parts had to draw on way too long to make the movie full length. I also thought that the absence of blood was highly disturbing. It's no harry potter but it was definately worth seeing.
On a side note, doesn't the lady who played jadis look an awful lot like cate blanchett? she was also gabriel in constantine.
12-12-2005 07:03:44
Wow. Was I the only one that thought this movie was really bad? Maybe it's a case of having heightened expectations, but I thought the acting was horrid and the CG was cheesy.
I admit, I haven't read the book in years, but I was really expecting a much better movie...
12-12-2005 07:16:50
what? no blood? how can a movie with war not have blood. thats like having a FPS wihtout blood. definitely going to the recycle bin now.
5 Stars.
P.S; For those who live near the Hollywood area, I [b1055ecc7c1]strongly[/b1055ecc7c1] suggest you go see it at El Capitan. They do a whole light show with fake snow and flashing lights and all. Very awesome, and totally worth the money.
18-12-2005 22:01:22
I saw it and I really liked it. It was definatly a made with younger people in mind but still was entertaining. I know I read this book but I can't remember any of the other ones. I know there are 7 and this was the 2nd in the series. Do the others have to do with this one or are they just seperate stories about Narnia? I hear the next one will be Prince Caspian, the 4th in the series...
20-12-2005 14:00:01
20-12-2005 14:08:23
20-12-2005 14:23:51
Yeah, I thought it was hilarious, it's so well done too.
For those who don't wanna download the video..