How do I get it so a swf file doesnt cache?

Live forum:


04-12-2005 00:07:46

Because im making a website in flash right now, and whenever I update the file, and re-upload it, my browswer still shows the old file. And I dont want that since I update it so often. Thanks (yeah, I know, Flash is a really big pain, geesh)


04-12-2005 07:23:32

What are you using? (Firefox, IE)


04-12-2005 12:59:30

I use both Firefox and IE


04-12-2005 13:21:27

you could put the following in a .htaccessurl==http://=http:///url where the swf file is
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash A0

Which will expire all swf files in your browsers cache if they are 0 seconds old (meaning, no caching for .swfurl==http://=http:///url files).

Or, if you're apache server doesnt have the mod_expires module loaded you could use mod_header to disable caching by tweaking the HTTP response.

put this in your .htaccessurl==http://=http:///url file
Header unset "Expires"
Header unset "Pragma"
Header set "Cache-Control" "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"

Unfortunately this will apply to all files under the current directory tree. So this is probably better used if you isolate your swf files into a directory for just your flash files.


04-12-2005 14:49:23

Well thanks, but Im really confused. That doesnt make much sense to me, haha.