My Ideas for a conga Here
03-12-2005 20:00:41
/me puts on anti-flame shield
I seriously think we should have congas here. [b7a01643384]But unlike most congas which try to get a user all their refs We should have a 2 ref conga[/b7a01643384] for all the freepay sites so it will move fast as hell.......
1 selected mod will have the top spot one lucky regular member will get the second spot and then we can just go from there.... Of course might wanna code an automated system to manage the list. Maybe Green Reporter could be incorprated into the system in a way that allows the conga line to be automatically updated so that if 2 people green an hour apart the right person gets the higher spot.
Im such a dreamer.... but common Admin you know it would rock cheer
I have to admit when the idea came to mind I thought "lol thats gayer than gay" but after really thinking about it it sounds awesome. So please at least giveit consideration.
03-12-2005 20:02:26
I like it, but I'd rather not have a moderator get on top every time. I like the conga system on A4Scam.
03-12-2005 20:05:42
I was on the Fence about that as well but i figure since every conga will only be for 2 refs its not a huge deal to give up 1 spot to an unpaid mod
A4Scam should be looking into automating their conga systems.....
03-12-2005 20:07:33
Yes, they should be looking into automating them.
I know that Mods do alot of work, but I just don't like the fact that a random mod gets ontop of every conga that is made. I mean, if they did that, it is a free 2 refs for every site without working.
03-12-2005 20:12:23
I think there's more chance of Mike Richardson becoming Admin here than there is of Congas being allowed.
I like Congas as a regular user, but not from a Mod/Admin point of view.
I do like your idea of the 2 ref conga though since that way there would be shitloads of people getting refs as opposed to only a select few. Also, in regards to the Mod/Admin being on top, I don't see why that is such a bad thing if it was using a 2 ref conga since it would have to be us that would take care of it, so not only would we have to do all the work with it, but we wouldn't be allowed to join it either. Kinda unfair don't you think?
The shit thing about Congas on A4F is the fact they allow people to get lots of refs, so by the time one person at the top has 8 refs or so, there are less people available for the guys further down the line.
03-12-2005 20:15:59
Yes, A4F has a bad way of congas. For example, on their laptops conga, people can get 20 refs before they are taken off.
Look, as far as I will go with refs to Moderator is that if the Moderator is specifically designated to handling that site specific conga, they should get two refs. I really do not like the idea of people getting two free refs, regardless of your status.
03-12-2005 20:18:01
[quotea1cacdd0ea="theysayjump"]I think there's more chance of Mike Richardson becoming Admin here than there is of Congas being allowed.
I like Congas as a regular user, but not from a Mod/Admin point of view.
I do like your idea of the 2 ref conga though since that way there would be shitloads of people getting refs as opposed to only a select few. Also, in regards to the Mod/Admin being on top, I don't see why that is such a bad thing if it was using a 2 ref conga since it would have to be us that would take care of it, so not only would we have to do all the work with it, but we wouldn't be allowed to join it either. Kinda unfair don't you think?
The shit thing about Congas on A4F is the fact they allow people to get lots of refs, so by the time one person at the top has 8 refs or so, there are less people available for the guys further down the line.[/quotea1cacdd0ea]
No, I am 100% agaisn't mods/admin been on top just because you are updating and taking care of everything, thats just stupid, thats why CongaBlast congas [ba1cacdd0ea]SUCK ASS[/ba1cacdd0ea], the 1st to post get stop #1 - that is fair for everything, if mods/admin posts 1st then he/she gets 1st spot (FAIR FOR EVERY SINGLE USER)
- Mods/Admin have to take control/update congas, because is basically the same as editing/creating posts on the forum.
- I like the idea but I don't think that mods/admin will create congas.
03-12-2005 20:20:35
Well, without giving moderators first pick, it seems somewhat loses an incentive, but I agree with you 100% on it. The problem is, the only way to have Admin/Moderators agree with adding Congas is to give them some type incentive. It kinda like getting paid for nothing. A4F are kind enough to do it.
03-12-2005 20:23:04
[quote5805e2868f="Daggoth"]Well, without giving moderators first pick, it seems somewhat loses an incentive, but I agree with you 100% on it. The problem is, the only way to have Admin/Moderators agree with adding Congas is to give them some type incentive. It kinda like getting paid for nothing. A4F are kind enough to do it.[/quote5805e2868f]
IF the FIG mods/admin don't create congas because of the 1st SPOT then that is just GAY (nothing bad agains't you guys, not trying to ) but that is just unfair
03-12-2005 20:24:38
Seeing as they don't have an a reason to, I doubt they will. Only people who are on 24/7 get ontop of Congas.
03-12-2005 20:30:13
[quotecadc39e59b="theysayjump"]I think there's more chance of Mike Richardson becoming Admin here than there is of Congas being allowed.[/quotecadc39e59b]
lol lol lol lol I actually laughed out loud at that one..... I know Admin hates congas (hell there was a time it was a trap word)
But i think he hates congas because in most congas 10 people get all the refs they need leaving tons of people who did offers totally screwed....
With a 2 ref system people will be enticed into joining since they know it will move fast as hell. We'd be the envy of the freebie community D
I know its a long shot, but im hoping the will of the forum is greater than Admin's dislike of congas cheer
03-12-2005 20:31:18
The drunkness of Admin can shut down this forum so I wouldnt count on it.
03-12-2005 20:36:02
lol damn.... i jsut HAD to made the thread when Admin is Hammered x
03-12-2005 20:37:13
[quote13c3af47f7="cartrenroy"][quote13c3af47f7="theysayjump"]I think there's more chance of Mike Richardson becoming Admin here than there is of Congas being allowed.
I like Congas as a regular user, but not from a Mod/Admin point of view.
I do like your idea of the 2 ref conga though since that way there would be shitloads of people getting refs as opposed to only a select few. Also, in regards to the Mod/Admin being on top, I don't see why that is such a bad thing if it was using a 2 ref conga since it would have to be us that would take care of it, so not only would we have to do all the work with it, but we wouldn't be allowed to join it either. Kinda unfair don't you think?
The shit thing about Congas on A4F is the fact they allow people to get lots of refs, so by the time one person at the top has 8 refs or so, there are less people available for the guys further down the line.[/quote13c3af47f7]
No, I am 100% agaisn't mods/admin been on top just because you are updating and taking care of everything, thats just stupid, thats why CongaBlast congas [b13c3af47f7]SUCK ASS[/b13c3af47f7], the 1st to post get stop #1 - that is fair for everything, if mods/admin posts 1st then he/she gets 1st spot (FAIR FOR EVERY SINGLE USER)
- Mods/Admin have to take control/update congas, because is basically the same as editing/creating posts on the forum.
- I like the idea but I don't think that mods/admin will create congas.[/quote13c3af47f7]
It may not seem like there is much to being a Mod/Admin but there is and we don't get anything for it. Look at what the Admin has done with this site, the work he has put into it, don't you think it would be fair for him to at least get something out of it? I know i'm not the only one who can say that if it wasn't for FiPG, I would have received nothing at all in Freebies.
If Junior had suggested a regular Conga, with the top person getting 5 refs and up, then i would not think it fair to have Mods/Admins at the top. As Junior pointed out, a 2 ref conga would move very very fast, especially on this site, so 2 refs to a Mod/Admin wouldn't really be too much to ask.
However, even if Congas ever were allowed, they defeat the "No Ref links" rule which I happen to like.
03-12-2005 20:40:22
Hmm to your argument about Admin not receiving anything from making this forum
He has his ref links on where people sign up and sometimes turn green.
Yes, even though two ref links is not much, it gives the Mods an edge on receiving refs. Refs cost about $20 on avg. You get 2 refs which makes $40. Thus, you are making $40 to regulate a conga.
Maybe only a special forum for congas where you can include your ref link?
03-12-2005 20:45:40
[quote0631b1cb7d="Daggoth"]Hmm to your argument about Admin not receiving anything from making this forum
He has his ref links on where people sign up and sometimes turn green.
Yes, even though two ref links is not much, it gives the Mods an edge on receiving refs. Refs cost about $20 on avg. You get 2 refs which makes $40. Thus, you are making $40 to regulate a conga.
Maybe only a special forum for congas where you can include your ref link?[/quote0631b1cb7d]
Those ref links are not his, at least as far as I know. Anyway, i didn't say he didn't receive anything from making this forum, I just said I think if Congas were ever allowed it would be fair that at least he got something from it, considering how much has done for the forum.
Your point about Mods being at the top and getting an edge holds no weight. That's what a Conga is. It makes no difference who is on the top, they will always have an edge over everyone else, Mod/Admin or not.
03-12-2005 20:45:49
Daggoth Im sure Admin has to pay hosting fees and whatnot that kinda shits on the $40 worth of grees he getting (if hes even getting it)
I used to think it was strange when i was a n00b but now I love the no ref link rule. Theres nothing worse than some idiot spamming his link while trying to convince people in the freesite community trading refs with each other that freeipods is legit.... roll
The admin has reflinks on the frontPage shrug haivng a reflink up for legitimate purposes (a conga) is different than some fag spammer posting his link in every thread on the forums..... D
03-12-2005 20:56:19
I have heard rumors, if they are not true, sorry, that when he first created this forum that he put his ref links up on the site. Also, he gets paid to put other people's ref link on his site.
My point about Mods being on top was meant to say, "Mods hold an advantage over regular users when it comes to starting a conga" meaning that even if you discover the site and post your ref link first, you are still not on top which discourages you.
I said before that the ref links should be banned except on one forum where it is regulated.
03-12-2005 21:05:33
While I don't really like traditional congas, a 2 ref limit makes a lot more people profit from it. Sounds good to me.
03-12-2005 21:05:38
I'm neutral on the situation right now, but I think the no ref link can still be enforced if there was a module that the members of the conga accessed, like the trade module, (maybe a conga module?) and all the information and tracking of progress could go there.
03-12-2005 21:10:38
03-12-2005 21:12:00
[quotee1040c9e4d="Admin"]fuck congas[/quotee1040c9e4d]
Might as well lock this thread.
03-12-2005 21:14:47
I think the free site community should do away with trading )
03-12-2005 21:15:59
care to elaborate? I dont mind you being against the idea but just a NO alone isnt right (
03-12-2005 21:17:38
But I mean Admins "Fuck congas" is okay?
03-12-2005 21:20:03
[quote5ea8762c77="Daggoth"][quote5ea8762c77="Admin"]fuck congas[/quote5ea8762c77]
Might as well lock this thread.[/quote5ea8762c77]
Surprised Admin hasn't gotten to it yet. Just a matter of a few hours before he's sober.
03-12-2005 21:23:40
[quote6147adb1d4="Daggoth"]I have heard rumors, if they are not true, sorry, that when he first created this forum that he put his ref links up on the site. Also, he gets paid to put other people's ref link on his site.
My point about Mods being on top was meant to say, "Mods hold an advantage over regular users when it comes to starting a conga" meaning that even if you discover the site and post your ref link first, you are still not on top which discourages you.
I said before that the ref links should be banned except on one forum where it is regulated.[/quote6147adb1d4]
Daggoth...reading through this discussion, you seem to be one of the most ungrateful people I've ever encountered.
A) Any profits Admin has EARNED through the development and maintenance of this site are well deserved.
B) Do you think people are put on this earth to serve you? I've been a moderator here for several months and I put a lot of time and effort into making things run smoothly for our members. I am not paid, and very often our hard work goes unnoticed. You have a trade record of do you think that happened? How about showing a little gratitude?
C) Sure, I wouldn't mind getting free referrals from a conga system...but I've not really put any thought into the issue. However, how can you honestly say that putting a random admin/mod on top for 2 referrals is "too much" or "unfair"? I can see where it might be bothersome if it turned into something like CongaBlast...but we do far more work on these forums than Scilynct ever thought about doing. Not only that...there are severval admins/mods here, each with a vital role in the operation of this forum.
D) I've never said anything before, but it gets to you when the only reason people IM you is when they want something. Never once have I received an IM from a forum member for the sole purpose of saying "thank you". I can only imagine that Admin shares this sentiment 10-fold.
That is all, goodnight.
03-12-2005 21:32:40
For starters, I am sorry if I was being ungrateful, I just like comparing sites. When one site offers better benefits than the other, than I would prefer the one with better benefits.
A. I never say they weren't well earned. He is one of the best Admins I have ever seen.
B. They weren't meant to serve me, but you voluntered to become a moderator, not forced. If you wanted to get paid, you should notify Admin about it. Like I said b4, I have complented theysayjump on multiple accounts for being a moderator, I am sorry that I have not seen you.
C. Once again, I like comparing sites so if A4F is offering congas where I if I find the site first, I get to be on top, I would rather do that then here where I am second.
D. The world is a greedy place. I am a greedy person. I only IM people if I need something because I think it is worth more of my time than IMing someone and telling them "thank you"
03-12-2005 23:27:42
Shit idea.
04-12-2005 00:29:31
[quote0965ea1d0f="bballp6699"]Shit idea.[/quote0965ea1d0f]
I agree. Lets not turn this into A4F where the greedy mods received over $10,000 worth of free stuff each by exploting their members.
04-12-2005 01:05:17
I like the idea, but don't think much members will actually join
the conga
04-12-2005 01:55:21
care to elaborate? I dont mind you being against the idea but just a NO alone isnt right ([/quote9a338bede1] Nope i dont care to elaborate just NO is good enough
04-12-2005 02:02:41
[quotec0b0a1a67b="Stroid"]Nope i dont care to elaborate just NO is good enough[/quotec0b0a1a67b]
I remember getting a similar response from my mom as a little kid, when I asked what intercourse meant.....and I haven't asked since. ;)
04-12-2005 05:13:24
[quote505ba8f9c8="climed"][quote505ba8f9c8="bballp6699"]Shit idea.[/quote505ba8f9c8]
I agree. Lets not turn this into A4F where the greedy mods received over $10,000 worth of free stuff each by exploting their members.[/quote505ba8f9c8]
since my idea is for a 2 ref conga for ALL free sites i dont see how our mods would be exploiting us..... this is what I would consider exploiting
Faggy Authority's Free Laptop conga is actually for all 20 refs and one of their Admins is on top.... hes gotten 17 free greens so far roll
04-12-2005 09:30:22
I just think it's funny how it's always been a definate no for congas. Then you bring up how a mod could start it and certain "somebodys" start liking the idea...
Except Stroid, he's my hero.
04-12-2005 10:31:13
a 2 referal conga would get a lot of people 2 referals but it would also limit the amount of people able to sign up for the site. noone would want to just trade referal for referal when tehy can join conga and get 2 referals
with enough thought there can be a good system made. if there was a forum with good congas eveyrone from other forums would join and they woudl be crazy. there are a ton of users who want to join them but there are no good ones that benifit people who dont get the 5-10 spots
04-12-2005 11:13:21
[quote11dc43a18f="climed"][quote11dc43a18f="bballp6699"]Shit idea.[/quote11dc43a18f]
I agree. Lets not turn this into A4F where the greedy mods received over $10,000 worth of free stuff each by exploting their members.[/quote11dc43a18f]
Why don't you show me the proof of this.....
04-12-2005 11:16:23
I don't mind a4f's congas. I think they run them pretty well for the most part. One thing I will say is that when a mod/admin of a4f posts the first link theres a conga made right away, yet if a normal member posts the first link it just sits there until someone gets around to it...
04-12-2005 11:21:18
A4f doesnt have mods first its first person to post which is usualyt the same few people. than mods join cause they know conga is up.
04-12-2005 12:31:42
[quote738113b433="bballp6699"]I just think it's funny how it's always been a definate no for congas. Then you bring up how a mod could start it and certain "somebodys" start liking the idea...
Except Stroid, he's my hero.[/quote738113b433]
Didn't you know that hypocrisy is in now?
04-12-2005 12:48:56
ok, I skipped half the posts because I got tired of reading all of them.. the way I see it is that if you want to make congas, then great, but set it up in a way that its automated only to make sure that people arent running the same links over and over. 2 refs sounds good for a conga although I wouldnt mind maybe 4, or more specifially, half the required refs (2-3 for ipods, 4 for ps3s, etc). It seems that the majority is for congas though. I wouldnt mind mods being first, but I think that they shouldnt be started until a designated time, say 9pm EST or somethign so that everyone has a chance at the next spot instead of people who have access to the internet at all times of day.
Just my $.02
04-12-2005 12:51:24
Well, there should be some sort of prize for discovering the site first.
04-12-2005 12:51:59
[quote17609d47fc="bballp6699"]I just think it's funny how it's always been a definate no for congas. Then you bring up how a mod could start it and certain "somebodys" start liking the idea...
Except Stroid, he's my hero.[/quote17609d47fc]
Hope you're not talking about me (
"Sure, I wouldn't mind getting free referrals from a conga system...but I've not really put any thought into the issue." This just means that I wouldn't say no to free referrals, but at the time I didn't feel like taking the time to consider the idea. It should be clear that there will NEVER be congas here.
04-12-2005 14:33:29
I thought he was talking about me. shrug
But yeah, never gonna happen.
04-12-2005 14:52:55
[quotef265e9348c]It should be clear that there will NEVER be congas here.[/quotef265e9348c]
Thank god.
04-12-2005 15:16:05
I don't think Freepay appreciates congas. Especially the fast moving kind.
04-12-2005 15:18:00
Just curious, why do you say A4Scam?
Anyway, the FreePay laptops conga over there is set to 10, not 20, whoever said it's 20 before you move.
04-12-2005 15:23:14
Well, I used to think that you were not allowed to post A4F, but I guess I was wrong. I don't want to get banned for comparing the two websites here.
04-12-2005 15:30:10
That's on A4F, you can't speak of other forums. On here you can say whatever about other forums.
04-12-2005 15:30:27
couple things...
I don't care for congas, mainly because of what I see happen on A4F and other sites. The problem with A4F's congas are not mods getting on top it's the fact that if someone doesn't get the top conga spot that they think they deserve there's a shitload of whining and conspiracy theories going on and that's annoying.
If you want to discuss a sucky conga let's discuss the ones at Gratis Offers Guide. The admin is always the first person on the congas and those idiots just wait for him to finish his refs so they try and get some which they probably won't because they don't have near as many active member as fipg.
Now, let's think about this 2 refs thing. We know that when a site first opens up congas move very fast because everyone wants to be next. I don't see there being a way that if Person A is at top, Person B & C will green before Person D tries to do an offer for Person A. What I'm tying to say is that the person on the top will end up getting more than 2 refs because of the mass confusion of who has gone green and who is being moved up. This will cause anger and then we'll have a whole bunch of whiners and conspiracy theorists.
04-12-2005 15:45:43
Thats why they proposed it to be linked to GreenReporter. As soon as on person has 2y/1g1y/2g, everyone should know that they have enough refs and it is time to move onto the next guy.
04-12-2005 15:50:53
I really don't think this is going to get anywhere here. A lot of good ideas here but the administration (and by that I mean Admin + Mods, even though just Admin is more than enough to overturn anything) has show overwhelmingly that there won't be congas where. But knock yourselves out with discussion and persuasion.
04-12-2005 16:25:35
[quotee35e5f827a="Daggoth"]Thats why they proposed it to be linked to GreenReporter. As soon as on person has 2y/1g1y/2g, everyone should know that they have enough refs and it is time to move onto the next guy.[/quotee35e5f827a]
Exactly. I wish more people would really pay attention to what im saying insted of just seeing conga and saying "NO" without even hearing me out
Although even with Green Reporter a 2 ref conga would be insane to manage on opening night.... faggy authoritie's servers always crash on their freepay conga's opening night from the load.....
I knew about adminds feeling towards congas but I guesss I wasent clear on WHY he didnt like congas. I assumed he hated congas because of their exploitive nature (10 people finishing a free site and 498093 people left in the cold....) so i thought he might like the idea of a 2 ref conga which isnt at all exploitive. I guess I was wrong shrug
04-12-2005 17:17:14
/me votes no
04-12-2005 17:23:27
/me votes no
And BTW I was the first one to vote no. I was surprised when I was the only one voting no and there were 4 others who said yes.
04-12-2005 18:27:18
[quoted25b7f7c1d="sweeedfish"]That's on A4F, you can't speak of other forums. On here you can say whatever about other forums.[/quoted25b7f7c1d]
Not true, you can talk about other forums, just not link to other forums...
04-12-2005 20:18:15
Why don't you show me the proof of this.....[/quotefa428383c9]
Wasn't that how 2 of your mods and you finished plasmas4free. Or was that freebieauthority? Maybe both you and their site did.
Someone always get screwed and get nothing in return from a conga. Usually it's the normal members that gets scrwed.
04-12-2005 20:34:04
No, and no. I didn't finish plasmas4free, not even close. That's because the conga was rotated, so it would be more fair to the members. The mods didn't finish either from the conga, they traded for their refs like everyone else...
04-12-2005 20:35:15
[quotec4ebe052b5="twhite567"][quotec4ebe052b5="sweeedfish"]That's on A4F, you can't speak of other forums. On here you can say whatever about other forums.[/quotec4ebe052b5]
Not true, you can talk about other forums, just not link to other forums...[/quotec4ebe052b5]
What's the point of this rule anyway?
04-12-2005 20:40:26
Advertising without consent?
04-12-2005 21:04:05
[quotedeba7e0683="theysayjump"][quotedeba7e0683="twhite567"][quotedeba7e0683="sweeedfish"]That's on A4F, you can't speak of other forums. On here you can say whatever about other forums.[/quotedeba7e0683]
Not true, you can talk about other forums, just not link to other forums...[/quotedeba7e0683]
What's the point of this rule anyway?[/quotedeba7e0683]
So that they don't have users going to other forums and use theirs. Can't see any other reason. I mean, who can resist FIPG?
04-12-2005 21:05:54
It's just petty though.
05-12-2005 10:55:58
Mostly because it just invites spam to outside sites, and thus it has to be in the rules. It's not like people can't just do a google search for freeipodguide or know that it's
05-12-2005 10:59:50
Maybe they could google why your forum is down instead of coming here to discuss it...
05-12-2005 17:26:31
[quote945e4f49a2="bballp6699"]Maybe they could google why your forum is down instead of coming here to discuss it...
A4F allowed the same discussion when FreeIpodGuide was down, so no need to be rude about it.
05-12-2005 17:44:49
[quote077469a8a8="twhite567"][quote077469a8a8="bballp6699"]Maybe they could google why your forum is down instead of coming here to discuss it...
A4F allowed the same discussion when FreeIpodGuide was down, so no need to be rude about it.[/quote077469a8a8]
Thats true