Help Planning a Referral Circle

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02-12-2005 07:46:08

I'm sure this isn't a new idea at all, but I could use a little help on this plan.

After seeing all the freebies I've gotten from various sites, I've sparked the interest of several coworkers. One of the guys suggested this morning that we create like a circle of refs, so I did some thinking and figured out if we have 6 people and 6 different sites that each require 5 refs a piece, then we could each get a freebie without getting any refs from outside the circle.

So, my question for all of you is, which sites would you recommend? I'd like to avoid any sites with only bingo/casino offers and sites that will stick the last guy with OODs, so it will remain fairly even for everyone.

The other potential problem is the fact that I've already done several sites myself, even though none of the others have done any, so Freepay sites might be out of the question, though I could probably get my sister to sign up for me from her house if it came down to it.

Anyway, any and all comments and advice is appreciated.


02-12-2005 07:52:09

Well, technically, isn't this just a enclosed conga?
heh works a lot better than the real congas cause you know all of the people.
I guess just work on new sites.


02-12-2005 08:02:27

Yeah, pretty much a little conga.

I did OrderIt4Free recently and that guy's got a few other sites, so I think those would be good ones, because he lets you do custom orders.

Which other new sites are legit and have decent offers (free or cheap)?


02-12-2005 08:06:14

getlifriends they have it so you complete (2) $1 offers to get credit, if you haven't done that.


02-12-2005 11:45:08

trainn and any freepay


02-12-2005 12:06:19

with train and freepay you can do this


all are ipods for 5 refs, with only nanos and video ipods limiting you to a choice. You can also do...

ipodshuffle is 3
freegamingsystems is 4

or you can go to one of the outside sites. Lucky4free requires 3 or 4 refs for a nano or video im pretty sure. They have 20 dollar bingo offers, so if its 3 they might pay a little more, but considering its 80/6 it's not too bad really.

Plus factor in the fact you can trade in the forum for each of said sites. This means you could either collect 20 dollars a site, or get someone to be your 5th ref on all sites therefore lowering the number of friends to 5.


02-12-2005 12:08:26

Or if they are all going to do 6 offers anyhow, then they can all do a trainn site point based.

sounds easiest