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04-11-2004 20:24:26

how would one pronounce the word gratis. I'm open to suggestions.


04-11-2004 20:27:20

Grah Tis

thats how i do it


04-11-2004 21:12:23

grrrr ah! tiss P


04-11-2004 22:55:47

hehe, you are aware that "gratis" is spanish right? just like in spanish class. a= ah, i=eee
don't forget to roll your R's ;)


04-11-2004 22:57:53

Dang! I almost got it right! I should have put grrrr ah! teees


05-11-2004 05:03:40

Uh, no. Gratis is Latin and since Spanish and many other languages are based on Latin it is a "Spanish word" if you don't know Latin you probably don't really know how to pronounce Gratis. By the way this isn't the first time this has been asked, you may wanna use that friendly search feature.


05-11-2004 06:54:50

[quote50cce48c27="yonatan"]Uh, no. Gratis is Latin and since Spanish and many other languages are based on Latin it is a "Spanish word" if you don't know Latin you probably don't really know how to pronounce Gratis. By the way this isn't the first time this has been asked, you may wanna use that friendly search feature.[/quote50cce48c27]

Although I would pronounce it "Grah-tees," the CEO in the TechTV interview pronounced it "Grat-isss."


05-11-2004 07:19:15

[quote9de283b77c="Blurrz"][quote9de283b77c="yonatan"]Uh, no. Gratis is Latin and since Spanish and many other languages are based on Latin it is a "Spanish word" if you don't know Latin you probably don't really know how to pronounce Gratis. By the way this isn't the first time this has been asked, you may wanna use that friendly search feature.[/quote9de283b77c]

Although I would pronounce it "Grah-tees," the CEO in the TechTV interview pronounced it "Grat-isss."[/quote9de283b77c]
That is true. They did pronounce it like that.


05-11-2004 07:20:50

[quote41bed23abd="yonatan"]Uh, no. Gratis is Latin and since Spanish and many other languages are based on Latin it is a "Spanish word" if you don't know Latin you probably don't really know how to pronounce Gratis. By the way this isn't the first time this has been asked, you may wanna use that friendly search feature.[/quote41bed23abd]

Have you been hiding all this time and suddenly decided to be an unhelpful asshole all over the forums, or were you just drunk last night?


05-11-2004 07:23:10

Use the search function.