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29-11-2005 12:49:21

what ever happened with greenzap did it turn out to be a scam. i actually am looking at a site which takes greenzap.

if its legit im gonna use my money to buy an xbox360, even if i dont get it for a while which i dont care cause it will be basicly free cause greenzap i had tons of referals and got lots of money i think not exactly sure.


29-11-2005 13:14:38

I don't know if i would trust i site that takes greenzap, but if you can pay for it all with GZ, you can't lose.


29-11-2005 13:39:56

yeah thats what i was gonna do its not like i can do anything else wiht the greenzap money. this site has good feedback from froogle wher ei found it.