Post your ebay auction

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xX TheSiege Xx

28-11-2005 18:30:17

Post links to your ebay auctions (Include a pic. and short description so it isn't just a huge list of links)

[b81ec83ef6c]USE TINYURL'S[/b81ec83ef6c][/size81ec83ef6c]

Here are a few of mine
Random bag of crap- http//
http//[" alt=""/img81ec83ef6c]

Uber energy drink- http//
[img="81ec83ef6c]http//[" alt=""/img81ec83ef6c]

All my other auctions- http//


28-11-2005 18:34:17

Sony PSP Value Pack



28-11-2005 18:37:18

hah! i want that bottle of water! psh.. three dollars shipping is a bit much.. i'll do it for 2.99!


28-11-2005 18:50:40

Uhh.. I made this thread before, and it was locked /


28-11-2005 19:29:24

lmao, water and a random bag of crap

xX TheSiege Xx

28-11-2005 19:31:41

Thats right, lol.


28-11-2005 19:34:01

ill probably put a 360 core up this week. my source at m$ (marketing lady that installed the 360's in the kiosks around here) says the market is about to get saturated / but people will be scrambling around the 10th of december.


28-11-2005 19:41:48

A preamplifer/processor


http/" alt=""/"211/3735/dsc000789jy.jpg[" alt=""/img3d9677239b]

xX TheSiege Xx

28-11-2005 19:44:22

[quote715c81bcd5="tracemhunter"]ill probably put a 360 core up this week. my source at m$ (marketing lady that installed the 360's in the kiosks around here) says the market is about to get saturated / but people will be scrambling around the 10th of december.[/quote715c81bcd5]

Meaning that the 2nd shipment is around the 10th and after that the 3rd shipment will be huge?

li Sweedfish, nice item


28-11-2005 19:46:59

the second shipment is coming this week but it will still sell out pretty quick and if people miss that it will get people a bit uneasy. but a friend of the family said he went to costco in the middle of the day last week and saw the premium bundle there so its really hit or miss. i can still get about 150-200 profit on the core but i think that is as high as its going to go.


28-11-2005 19:50:15

A beautiful bracelet for your wife or girlfriend...


[imgcf14d8b97e]http/" alt=""/"309/6176/[" alt=""/imgcf14d8b97e][=http//img="][imgcf14d8b97e]http/" alt=""/"309/6176/[" alt=""/imgcf14d8b97e]


28-11-2005 19:51:25

how are you "certain" there is an electronic device in the bag of crap?

xX TheSiege Xx

28-11-2005 19:54:24

Becuase it is square, feels like an ipod, has buttons, And 90% of the bags are electronic devices. I will refund the person if it turns out otherwise.


28-11-2005 20:01:03

[quotea7a6ede47b="KeithA"]A beautiful bracelet for your wife or girlfriend...


[imga7a6ede47b]http/" alt=""/"309/6176/[" alt=""/imga7a6ede47b][=http//img="][imga7a6ede47b]http/" alt=""/"309/6176/[" alt=""/imga7a6ede47b][/quotea7a6ede47b]
Oh my that is beautiful.


28-11-2005 20:02:31

Just made a bid for the bag...

LOL, http//[bee3622bd81][/bee3622bd81]/yez


28-11-2005 20:04:02

IT SAYS NIGGR!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111

Big deal.


28-11-2005 20:09:02

[quote820cdda7e1="sweeedfish"][quote820cdda7e1="KeithA"]A beautiful bracelet for your wife or girlfriend...


Oh my that is beautiful.[/quote820cdda7e1]

Thank you. Depending on how you feel about your mom, I suppose it could pass as as gift for her too. D

xX TheSiege Xx

28-11-2005 20:12:39

[quote975d23ea43="Bill"]Just made a bid for the bag...

LOL, http//[/quote975d23ea43]

Thanks for the bids. D


28-11-2005 20:44:36


For you mom, or gf this x-mas D


28-11-2005 20:48:02


For you mom, or gf this x-mas D[/quote7fbd255457]
Thats from silverjewely club isnt it. Yeah, I remember seeing it. Lets see if you actualy make something out of it.

xX TheSiege Xx

28-11-2005 20:59:55

Hey guys, watch my bag of crap. Maybe I will make some crazy sites like weirdebay<--> http//


28-11-2005 21:41:12



28-11-2005 22:09:21

Here is my Gamecube bundle starting at $0.99.


29-11-2005 05:56:02

[quote587ab6eef0="lakersin2025"]Here is my Gamecube bundle starting at $0.99.

Lol you're selling that thing? Weren't you the one who was talking about that awesome steal you got for it? lol

This is what my gamecube bundle went for -



29-11-2005 11:26:15

Yea that was me. Now that I got the 360 the Gamecube is just collecting dust.


29-11-2005 11:30:13

[quotef987d19415="KeithA"]A beautiful bracelet for your wife or girlfriend...


[imgf987d19415]http/" alt=""/"309/6176/[" alt=""/imgf987d19415][=http//img="][imgf987d19415]http/" alt=""/"309/6176/[" alt=""/imgf987d19415][/quotef987d19415]
I got a ring from there.

Talk about a waste of money...