Re-cut Movie Trailers

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27-11-2005 20:00:41

I don't know how many people have seen these but some of them are hilarious. People take movies and re-cut their movie trailers to put them into a completely different genre. The list starts with my favorite on down.

The Shining Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

Titanic Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

Big Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

West Side Story Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

Cabin Fever Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

Psycho Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

Eternal Sunshine Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http//

The Parent Trap Re-cut Trailer - http//[]http// - Then click on Paul Lacalandra and then the thumbnail that has the text "Ordinary Girls" in order to see that mock trailer.



27-11-2005 20:16:05

Wow these are hilarious!


27-11-2005 21:05:48

Yeah I've seen the Shining one before. Freakin' hilarious!


27-11-2005 21:08:31

They are okay I guess, the only problem is that none of them tell a story. So if you didnt know it was a parody, you wouldnt know what the movie was about.


27-11-2005 21:10:15

That's true. The trailers are only really funny if you have seen the movies but then again I have seen all of those. I am a movie nerd. 8)


27-11-2005 21:26:00

I've only seen The Shining and Titanic out of those movies and the Shining one was the funniest. I guess you do have to know what the movie is about in order to get the parody.


27-11-2005 21:50:10

thats what makes them funny


27-11-2005 21:50:31

Even then your not entirely sure what the parody is about


27-11-2005 22:15:22

The one for Big was freaking awesome. That and the Shinning are the best...


27-11-2005 23:11:51

I liked the one for Cabin Fever. It wasn't really funny, but I think it was done the best. It actually seemed like a real trailer.


27-11-2005 23:15:00

Its amazing what music can do to a movie...


27-11-2005 23:17:56

Yeah, if you watch scary movies with no sound, they're never scary. The things that scare you are the music and the sound effects they use when people jump out from behind a door or something.


27-11-2005 23:18:49

[quote37bce0af37="drummer_kew_03"]Yeah, if you watch scary movies with no sound, they're never scary. The things that scare you are the music and the sound effects they use when people jump out from behind a door or something.[/quote37bce0af37]Of course! TV and Movies are 75% audio


27-11-2005 23:20:19

I wonder if they're scary if you just close your eyes and listen to them. I'll have to try that...or not.


27-11-2005 23:24:56

Wow, yeah, the Cabin Fever one is great


28-11-2005 00:00:05

titanic one has the "ghost ship" feeling