[quotea0d9ddf39f="doylnea"][quotea0d9ddf39f="JUNIOR6886"][quotea0d9ddf39f="doylnea"]my quote[/quotea0d9ddf39f]
LOL at you. ok first off there is a difference between what is TECHNICALLY supposed to be reported and what you atcually must report if you don't wannna end up like this guy lol

http//msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/ap/rism10309081715.vsmall.jpg[" alt=""/imga0d9ddf39f]
Example If you walked your rich neighbors dog and she ws so grateful she just handed you $10,000 would it technically be correct to report it as income on your taxes? Yes. Could you get away with not reporting it? OF COURSE YOU CAN. Without a W-9 form the IRS doesn't have a clue what gifts you earned..... (tell me im not about to hear the fraud speech)
Im pretty sure even though the IRS has bigger fish to fry than a bunch of freebie seekers they STILL go through our taxes pretty carefully. I made a small error in my taxes that made my expected tax return $100 more than it should've been. You'd think $100 doesnt mean shit to the IRS but they sent me 2 letters about the error and when they sent me my tax return it was the ammount I expected minus the $100 error. roll[/quotea0d9ddf39f]
I make it a point to ignore your posts, but you've proved your ignorance enough that I'm going to respond to this one.
First off, the reason Hatch was made a fool was because he attempted to file a return where he got a REFUND in a year when 95% of the US knew that he had earned $1M on Survivor (in addition to his other income) - it was to the IRS's benefit, if only as a deterrant measure, or to make an example of him, to spend a little extra time reviewing his tax return.
Second, I have no idea what your second "paragraph" does, other than further substantiate the points I made in my original post. So thank you I guess?
Your third point is not at all related to the conversation. You reported income to the IRS, therefore they checked your return for errors. The reason the IRS can check everyones tax return and find errors as easily and quickly as they do is because there are check sums built into their forms. (For example (though these line numbers and percentage are not accurate) if lines 23 and 50a have a disparity of 30% then they look more closely at the return and look for errors).
If you were bored enough and looked back at my posts, you'd likely find that 50% or more were telling members and users to follow the law and not fraud <insert entity here>, so you interpreting my original post to suggest that I'm telling people not to report their income is laughable.[/quotea0d9ddf39f]
With your quickness to lock threads and your overall bossy attitude you've quickly become my favorite person on the forums as well roll Oh and thanks for flaming me when i didnt even flame you first. Your're really doing a fine job as a trial moderator D
I posted Hatch's picture simply to show someone who got in trouble with the IRS. I wasn't suggestion that the circumstances of his arrest were related to to the topic at hand. (plus the expression on his face is funny as hell) My example with the rich neighbor shows that you only need to report gifts when the person giving you the gifts askes for a W-9 form
although it would be technically correct to report the income you could easily get away with not doing so. My thrid point was simply showing that the IRS can detect some pretty small disparities in your taxes and that you shouldn't think "well its not like im bill gates so the irs wont go over my tax return with too much care"