Anyone ever buy cigarettes online and have no problem im over 18 so i have no problem signing for delivery name good sites that have quality stuff not repackaged garbage and also post sites to avoid if u got any.
27-11-2005 15:10:13
What do ya know, first we got alcohol, now cigarettes. What's next condoms or drugs?
I get mine at the 76 for $4 a pack. Cheapest place.
27-11-2005 15:24:27
Anyone ever order a hooker off the internet? I'm looking into it right now...
russian brides lol
here cigs are like 5.50-6 its horrible i see on some sites like 25 a carton i was just askin
27-11-2005 15:53:28
you can hookers of the net. look them up and call the number.
condoms, you can get anywhere
drugs Im not telling.
27-11-2005 15:57:30
yeah I have before
it was some place like I forget. We got itallian cigs like a carton for $15. It was a good deal.
27-11-2005 16:16:10
Don't smoke. I don't want to breathe it. x
27-11-2005 16:18:55
Omgsh, what the heck is FIG coming to? A sex palace and smoking kingdom?
cybere dont step foot in ny and u wont breathe it.
and yessmoke got shut down by philip morris (
27-11-2005 16:52:40
[quote2acdaad50f="Kidd"]cybere dont step foot in ny and u wont breathe it.
and yessmoke got shut down by philip morris ([/quote2acdaad50f]
lol don't plan on it.
cuz i would blow the smoke right in ur face
anyways any responses would be cool.
indian reservation... otherwise.. suck it up.
28-11-2005 21:55:52
[quote8997c76ad6="cyberpunk243"]Don't smoke. I don't want to breathe it. x[/quote8997c76ad6]
I am really happy to have been a non smoker for almost a year now. It was one of the hardest things that I have ever done but it felt great. After 12 years of addiction, I still struggle with cravings sometimes but I feel 1000X better overall.
However I don't blame anyone if they cannot stop. The companies make cigarettes so addictive that quitting feels next to impossible. If the tobacco were natural and unadulterated, I guarantee you that they wouldn't be as addictive or harmful as they are now.
im planning on quitting i really cut down and soon plan on making it just socially
and jake whos ur fav edm(eectronic dance music) artist/