World's ugliest' dog dies at 14

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22-11-2005 15:30:59


Sam, the tiny dog whose hairless body and crooked teeth earned him a reputation as the World’s Ugliest Dog, has died.

The pooch died Friday, just short of his 15th birthday, his owner said.

“I don’t think there’ll ever be another Sam,” Susie Lockheed said, adding “Some people would think that’s a good thing.”


22-11-2005 15:32:16


Sam, the tiny dog whose hairless body and crooked teeth earned him a reputation as the World’s Ugliest Dog, has died.

The pooch died Friday, just short of his 15th birthday, his owner said.

“I don’t think there’ll ever be another Sam,” Susie Lockheed said, adding “Some people would think that’s a good thing.”[/quote1dd6ec9bf5]



22-11-2005 15:33:14

BAAH! Disgusting.


22-11-2005 15:34:28

Eww, wtf that dog is fucking scary,lol, I think its good that there will never be another Sam...cuz damn he's ugly. lol


22-11-2005 15:36:16

Well actually I take that back. I love dogs but when I saw that pic he looked gross then I watched the video. At the end of the video, he licks her hand and looks almost somewhat normal. Poor Sam. You weren't the cutest but dammit, I respect you.


22-11-2005 15:37:32

that dog looks like the crypt keeper.

http//[" alt=""/img4ee388e704][img="4ee388e704]http//[" alt=""/img4ee388e704]


22-11-2005 15:42:42

I bet that dog got some mad pussy.


22-11-2005 15:43:16

guys come on I think that dog was nice and it not the dog fault that it is ugly

Don't judge this book by its cover ..... cry


22-11-2005 15:57:26

I was under the impression that the dog was hideous.

I for one am glad to see that it has been removed from the world.


22-11-2005 15:57:37

Yep, I saw that dog on the web somewhere before and even though he's not a looker, was saddened by his passing... If you've lost a dog or two, you probably know what I'm saying.


22-11-2005 16:04:44

Amen brotha.


22-11-2005 16:07:53

Dog looks like a zombie from RE D


22-11-2005 16:32:55

thats my math teacher!! wait nm wrong gender...