22-11-2005 13:42:47
Well, sit around and listen to this great story. Yesterday night, I asked my father to transfer my cash from the account that I have under my mother name (im 17) to my new account under my name. He said he did so, and showed me the receipt with my total funds. So off I went with my friends to camp in best buy, and so we did from 8pm. After 13 ultimately boring hours in front of the best buy, we eagerly rushed into bestbuy and were told that only 60 xbox premiums were in stock. Happily to be number 40, I waited in line with my friends. After they checked out, I continued to do the same, but tradegy stroke. The card was declined, and after trying every way possible of using cheking and debit and all the good stuff I was stunned. I asked my friends if I could borrow their credit cards to buy the console, but they could not help because they were over their limits. After that, the cashier told that there were 4 premium systems left as the line dwindled and angry people yelled for me to hurry up. The cashier then told me that they would only hold the xbox for 5 more minutes. Thrown in panic in confusion, I ran to the mutual washington to attempt to withdraw by cash. However tradegy stroke once more, and I recieved nothing. After this, I attempted to contact my dad with no luck, and likewise for my mom. Having all my friends at school, I was forced to give up the xbox360. When I got home, I checked my bank statement, and as it turns out my dad transfered the money into the account under my moms name, not the one I needed (the credit card for my moms account I already shreded since I was never gona use it again). Now here I sit, and after checking ebay I see that the latest 5 unopened xbox-360s all sold for over $1775.
22-11-2005 13:48:28
hopefully one of mine reaches that.
22-11-2005 13:50:29
thats not funny that just sucks sorry dude
22-11-2005 13:53:31
dammm + karma for not exploding after those series of unfortunate events
22-11-2005 13:56:38
++karma indeed. That's one hell of an attitude to have.
However, I wonder how this guy feels?
[quote0f7324a407]XBOX 360S STOLEN AT GUNPOINT
Fears over shortages lead robber to thieve consoles from store while waving a gun in employees' faces. Er, or something
1307 An armed thief has stuck a gun in the face of a US store manager and forced them to hand over two Xbox 360 consoles.
According to a report on GameSpot, the robbery occurred yesterday morning at an Electronics Boutique branch in Stafford, Virginia, but ultimately for the perpetrator proved unsuccessful. Police were quick to respond, catching the thief not long after he or she made a getaway from the shop. Sorry mate, but you'll just have to buy one like everyone else.
Happily, no one was injured during the event.
Further reports that the two Xbox 360s stolen are currently undergoing counselling following the traumatic ordeal remain unconfirmed.[/quote0f7324a407]
22-11-2005 14:08:39
lol, I am glad you can find humor in that. That blows.
22-11-2005 14:22:42
Haha thanks, but as I say life goes on no use in crying over spilled milk.
22-11-2005 16:36:35
dang that sucks... wow... 13 hours for nothing that you "could" have got... geez
22-11-2005 21:21:24
and i thought i had it bad. you are the fucking man! +karma