20 stores, 15 Hours, No sleep and NO XBOX 360.......
22-11-2005 06:31:17
I started hitting up all the local walmarts around 830 PM last night after i got off work and there were already tons of people at all of them...more people than systems available. Then I tried best buys but same thing. Then i waited at a Kmart from 2am-7am with a bunch of guys who heard that kmart had about 15 premiums. The manager comes out around 7am with a confused look on his face and asks what we are all doing in front of his store so we tell him and he kinda laughs and says he has NO systems at all. Then i tried some toys r us stores, targets, and sams clubs but they were all sold out. I underestimated the amount of people that would be at each store. So after 15 hrs and nearly 300 miles of driving from store to store i come home empty handed.
On the bright side, I noticed when i got home that i have been approved on xbox360.freepay and placed my order. Hopefully it gets here soon though. I bought NFS-MW, Madden 06, and an extra wireless controller last night before i realized i wouldnt be getting an actual system.
It could be worse though, there was this one kid who was waiting at one of the walmarts i went to from 8am - midnight and during that whole time nobody told him that they gave away preorder slips for all 15 systems they had available at 7am that morning. He didnt find this out until midnight when people started showing up with the slips. He spent 16 hrs at a walmart and got nothing.
22-11-2005 06:37:32
WTF! I thought they were out the day after thanksgiving?
22-11-2005 06:50:32
That sucks abrock (
22-11-2005 07:03:20
I considered waiting for one for about... 30 seconds last night. I've got way more important things to do than wait in line. I did that for the PS2's for the job I had working at a video game store. No time for such things these days. I was basiclly going to buy it then walk out the door and resell it to some rich idiot (ie a 15 year old with parents that don't care what their kids do so they let them stand outside all night with a fist full of their {parents} money)
Sorry to hear your story though.
22-11-2005 07:19:09
I wouldn't count on FreePay to send you it anytime soon...there is probably a whole ton of people ahead of you...
22-11-2005 07:22:06
Man I feel bad for that kid that waited that long and got nothing. He probably is insane now.
22-11-2005 07:23:57
I was in line at Costco and they kicked me out. They said I have to go back at 10 and enter the world's gayest raffle...
22-11-2005 07:23:58
22-11-2005 07:25:14
[quoteea50ce9e77="phorty"]ME FUCKING TOO! GODDAMN BILL GATES![/quoteea50ce9e77]
lol. I think everyone will be a little extra wired today. No sleep and no xbox = bad combo.
22-11-2005 07:32:30
I haven't seen any riots yet ( I guess MS's plan isn't working yet...
22-11-2005 07:36:16
[quotef07a0c3868="Wolfeman"]I was in line at Costco and they kicked me out. They said I have to go back at 10 and enter the world's gayest raffle...[/quotef07a0c3868]
Did you have to insert your penis in a mans mouth and if he bit down you won the opportunity to buy a 360? Because that sounds like the worlds gayest raffle to me.
22-11-2005 07:37:41
[quote3348fec10d="Fugger"][quote3348fec10d="Wolfeman"]I was in line at Costco and they kicked me out. They said I have to go back at 10 and enter the world's gayest raffle...[/quote3348fec10d]
Did you have to insert your penis in a mans mouth and if he bit down you won the opportunity to buy a 360? Because that sounds like the worlds gayest raffle to me.[/quote3348fec10d]
It felt like the biting part.
22-11-2005 07:41:45
[quote6c481f328f="Wolfeman"]I was in line at Costco and they kicked me out. They said I have to go back at 10 and enter the world's gayest raffle...[/quote6c481f328f]
that sucks...i went to the costco by me in GA, got there at 730 ish and waited til 830, they handed out tickets to the 1st 24..i was 20th and told us to comeback at 10....when i pulled into the parking lot at 945 there was a long line...and i started talking to this guy in front of me and he was like they only have 24 ...your not going to get one...i pulled out my ticket and started laughin...
goog price on games...i got pdz for 45
22-11-2005 07:45:55
I wish my Costco did that cause I was first in line ( Oh well I'm going back soon to get my raffle ticket, I'm bringing family...
22-11-2005 07:54:59
[quotedccd66dbd3="dug1200"][quotedccd66dbd3="Wolfeman"]I was in line at Costco and they kicked me out. They said I have to go back at 10 and enter the world's gayest raffle...[/quotedccd66dbd3]
that sucks...i went to the costco by me in GA, got there at 730 ish and waited til 830, they handed out tickets to the 1st 24..i was 20th and told us to comeback at 10....when i pulled into the parking lot at 945 there was a long line...and i started talking to this guy in front of me and he was like they only have 24 ...your not going to get one...i pulled out my ticket and started laughin...
goog price on games...i got pdz for 45[/quotedccd66dbd3]
that guy musta shat his pants when you pulled your ticket out stun , either that or you shoulda been like (in very deep voice) Ohhhhhhhhh Yeahhh! dance
22-11-2005 07:56:55
Stupid Costco, I should've gotten a ticket (
22-11-2005 08:10:36
[quote2d8886748d="Fugger"][quote2d8886748d="Wolfeman"]I was in line at Costco and they kicked me out. They said I have to go back at 10 and enter the world's gayest raffle...[/quote2d8886748d]
Did you have to insert your penis in a mans mouth and if he bit down you won the opportunity to buy a 360? Because that sounds like the worlds gayest raffle to me.[/quote2d8886748d]
LMAO lol
[quote2d8886748d="Iloveipods2"][quote2d8886748d="dug1200"]that sucks...i went to the costco by me in GA, got there at 730 ish and waited til 830, they handed out tickets to the 1st 24..i was 20th and told us to comeback at 10....when i pulled into the parking lot at 945 there was a long line...and i started talking to this guy in front of me and he was like they only have 24 ...your not going to get one...i pulled out my ticket and started laughin...
goog price on games...i got pdz for 45[/quote2d8886748d]
that guy musta shat his pants when you pulled your ticket out stun , either that or you shoulda been like (in very deep voice) Ohhhhhhhhh Yeahhh! dance[/quote2d8886748d]
wish i could have saw the look on his face that would have been a great PWN3D pic
22-11-2005 08:27:04
17hrs and i ended up with 2!
sry btw
22-11-2005 08:54:58
well i had to shell out about an additional 500$ for mine...including 5 games i do not want...fuckers...
but yeah, that is the greatest piece of OWNAGE in human history. Period.
how did that kid not instigate a riot is what im wondering...because i damn sure would've!
22-11-2005 09:26:22
[quote2828f12fed="ajrock2000"]I wouldn't count on FreePay to send you it anytime soon...there is probably a whole ton of people ahead of you...[/quote2828f12fed]
I was told the following yesterday
"my goal is to have everyone in pending w/us fulfilled before x-mas"
I've just sent him a message to see if theres been any developments, I'll keep you all posted. I was one of the first few finished )
22-11-2005 09:30:06
That sucks! I think theres a few stores in my area that still have some in stock... lol
22-11-2005 09:30:29
all i have to say is wow...
22-11-2005 09:38:37
alli have to say is wow...[/quote5d82471ca6]
Just wait a week! ebay is insane... I would give it about a week and people are going to freak out and not be able to find them and they will start going for at least $1,500 wink
At least thats what i'm betting. lol
Edit never mind JUNIOR6886 just posted one thats higher then I thought they would go so in a week or so we should be seeing them going for more... lol
22-11-2005 10:30:55
I just won 2 raffles and got 2 at Costco )
22-11-2005 12:08:09
i went to circuit city at around 1030am today and i was told they jsut sold the last one like 5 minutes before i got there, i didnt see a big line there, its either not a lot of peolpe showed up cause i dont lik ein a big town or they got a lot in, as i was walking in i saw a few people walking out with one so i thought i might be in luck
22-11-2005 13:33:47
My local BestBuy had about 1,000 or more of them. I am waiting for the PS3 before I buy a gaming system.
22-11-2005 13:37:49
i wonder how M$ is planning to sell 3 million units in 90 days if they can't get 3 million units into the market ?
22-11-2005 13:38:27
[quote1bd4761f88="slinky_"]My local BestBuy had about 1,000 or more of them. I am waiting for the PS3 before I buy a gaming system.[/quote1bd4761f88]
What city? Which store number? I really don't think they had over 1,000 when every other store had 24-100...
22-11-2005 14:07:19
[quote77c49ed58d="JUNIOR6886"]i wonder how M$ is planning to sell 3 million units in 90 days if they can't get 3 million units into the market ?[/quote77c49ed58d]
Microsoft is undershipping on purpose. wink
22-11-2005 14:14:53
anybody have any idea when these stores will be getting a second shipment? I wanna buy one now so i can sell the freepay one whenever it gets here.
Microsoft is undershipping on purpose. wink[/quotef0837baf02]
Scarcity to drive up demand. ;)
Good economics.
22-11-2005 14:24:29
The demand goes up, the price goes up X
22-11-2005 14:29:28
m$ isnt planning to raise the price at all a consoles msrp doesnt increase overtime.... Planned scarcity in order to build up hype and drive up sales for the holiday season seems plausaible though...
22-11-2005 14:38:35
unless bill gates sent 100,000 to his house which he will than sell on ebay for money than he can sell them to stores. which i highly doubt
22-11-2005 15:10:04
[quote808b3a5fae="mrwzk"]unless bill gates sent 100,000 to his house which he will than sell on ebay for money than he can sell them to stores. which i highly doubt[/quote808b3a5fae]
good moneymaker though...
22-11-2005 17:18:18
I managed to be #4 in line at Traget in San Diego (at Grossmont Center). I got there @ 7pm and the line quickly expanded after that. I got mine for $392 with PGR3 with my Target discounts. I can't wait to play...!
22-11-2005 17:26:03
22-11-2005 17:39:12
my premium is at 455 and it ends tomorrow at around 11am. i ended up with the 2 premiums and 2 cores. if i can sell one premium and both the cores and be able to get the hdtv i will keep the other premium.
wow man.. i got almost the same story...
2 walmarts, 3 kmarts.. then i went to a target where i was number 20 in line (friend was 19) and guess what.. ONLY 18 SYSTEMS!
so then i drove to a few more places.. nothing.. that was nice
to top it off i slept in my truck at mervyns parking lot