Please look at this page I created!!!!
14-11-2005 18:33:00
Do you guys think this page is very convincing to the many non-believers out there? http// , Also please help me with my offers and I'll pay what I say, Also if you would like me to set up a page just like this cept with your links I'll do so if you complete just any 2 offers on that page for me. Thanks for the imput!!
14-11-2005 18:35:28
Looks like a good way to get put on hold and yanked from eBay.
14-11-2005 18:36:12
You spelled "Really" wrong wink
we already banned this dude once...
what the fuck.
14-11-2005 18:41:30
[quote72e0301dab="mc123"] Also if you would like me to set up a page just like this cept with your links I'll do so if you complete just any 2 offers on that page for me. Thanks for the imput!![/quote72e0301dab]
What if I just wanted to pay you $50? Would you design it for me if I paid you $50? or maybe $75? fine... $100, but that is my final offer.
14-11-2005 18:43:44
[quote0bc335c339="aguy"]we already banned this dude once...
what the fuck.[/quote0bc335c339]
Different dude.
14-11-2005 18:48:57
[quote8f36ccd490="theysayjump"][quote8f36ccd490="aguy"]we already banned this dude once...
what the fuck.[/quote8f36ccd490]
Different dude.[/quote8f36ccd490]
Are you sure? Do a search of ipodnanoman.
14-11-2005 18:51:10
What I'm new here? What are you guys talking about
14-11-2005 18:51:59
From mc123
To Fugger
Posted Mon Nov 14, 2005 843 pm
Subject personal refferal page Quote message
Give me your links and I'll get working on the page, how do you plan on sending the 100 dollars?
14-11-2005 18:53:24
14-11-2005 18:54:31
[quoteb4818b9622="theysayjump"][quoteb4818b9622="aguy"]we already banned this dude once...
what the fuck.[/quoteb4818b9622]
Different dude.[/quoteb4818b9622]
You're pretty dense. The ebay link is the same...
14-11-2005 19:01:33
[quotec885350291="goofygarber"][quotec885350291="theysayjump"][quotec885350291="aguy"]we already banned this dude once...
what the fuck.[/quotec885350291]
Different dude.[/quotec885350291]
You're pretty dense[bc885350291]. The ebay link is the same[/bc885350291]...[/quotec885350291]
14-11-2005 19:02:28
14-11-2005 19:08:04
Damn it FON! He was going to design a page for me!
14-11-2005 19:10:36
[quote95106cba56="Fugger"]Damn it FON! He was going to design a page for me![/quote95106cba56]
Don't worry, he'll be back with the same link...but have no idea who mc123 or Possessed are.
14-11-2005 19:12:10
Hmmmm.... Not a bad ebay page.... I like how it has the video in it. I also like how he provides us with all of his referral links so we can report them as spam if we wish. ;)
14-11-2005 19:13:53
[quote1b1444b032="J4320"]Hmmmm.... Not a bad ebay page.... I like how it has the video in it. I also like how he provides us with all of his referral links so we can report them as spam if we wish. ;)[/quote1b1444b032]
Additionally, his email address includes his real name.
14-11-2005 19:16:51
Oh the possibilities. D
14-11-2005 19:20:32
What a fool...his auction probably would have went well if he didn't come here to spam... lol
14-11-2005 19:29:22
I grabbed all his links and sending them to Jake )
14-11-2005 19:36:04
[quotebd4d96f2ab="goofygarber"][quotebd4d96f2ab="theysayjump"][quotebd4d96f2ab="aguy"]we already banned this dude once...
what the fuck.[/quotebd4d96f2ab]
Different dude.[/quotebd4d96f2ab]
You're pretty dense. The ebay link is the same...[/quotebd4d96f2ab]
Ouch you got me there. roll
I did an IP search and nothing came up, I don't memorise all the links people post. Let me know if you'd like me to and I'll get right on it, just for you.
14-11-2005 21:14:33
I did an IP search and nothing came up, I don't memorise all the links people post. Let me know if you'd like me to and I'll get right on it, just for you.[/quoteb3ed99783e]
I think you are being awfully generous. I wouldn't go that far.
14-11-2005 21:22:08
I did an IP search and nothing came up, I don't memorise all the links people post. Let me know if you'd like me to and I'll get right on it, just for you.[/quote5b83c79452]
I think you are being awfully generous. I wouldn't go that far.[/quote5b83c79452]
You wouldn't go that far for goofy? You would go further WITH goofy though right? wink