security guard sees girl strip and calls for back up ROFL

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03-11-2005 09:16:50

[quote5d68bd7563]Halloween stripper spooks Legislature security staffWhile all the talk on Parliament Hill yesterday was about a coverup, the buzz at the Alberta Legislature was just the opposite.

Building staff were all in a tizzy about "the stripper" after startled security officials discovered a young woman disrobing on the steps of the Legislature early on Halloween.

One security officer monitoring the building's security cameras spotted the lady pulling off her socks on the front steps of the sandstone Dome and went out to confront her.

[u5d68bd7563]But when she peeled off even more clothing he quickly retreated back into the building and called for help.[/u5d68bd7563]

She was naked when additional security officers arrived from the nearby Legislature control centre shortly after 6 p.m., but put on her coat as they approached.

According to security officials, who declined to be named, she refused to provide any explanation for her bizarre behaviour.

The unidentified woman was held in custody until city police arrived to take her away.[/quote5d68bd7563]

no homo


03-11-2005 09:22:56



03-11-2005 09:38:26

Situations like that, if handled improperly...are how a lot of people lose their jobs. He probably just needs a panic button.


03-11-2005 12:19:36

i would have watched.


03-11-2005 12:55:09

I would have called somoene, and then go and bring her under custody. You can get big publicity for something like this, and you need to take care of it. That is your job.

xX TheSiege Xx

03-11-2005 13:03:39

Asking for pics, you retard.


03-11-2005 18:57:31

where was this story actually from (EX. Msn, etc.)


03-11-2005 19:24:51

i woulda wathced...then brought her inside and raped her....

j/k i woulda asked her to come over my house later tonite and do that and keep her clothes on now wink