Custom Titles

Live forum:


31-10-2005 11:15:37

Okay guys. You may have noticed that I ditched the text ads at the top of the forums. Now the link where you could buy a text ad points instead to a new section custom titles.

For $5 you can have your very own custom title, saying anything you want (within reason).

Here's the kicker for $7 you can change ANYONE's custom title to whatever you want (within reason). Think someone's a jerk? Let the world know!

If you're interested, click the "Titles" link above or just visit

I'm using Amazon Honor System for these donations since PayPal sucks all kinds of balls.


31-10-2005 11:23:35


change other members titles...

not cool -/


31-10-2005 11:24:24

haha i like it.


31-10-2005 11:25:24


change other members titles...

not cool -/[/quote4d82009892]

Hey, you can always change it back )


31-10-2005 11:27:56

Admin, could you put my title below the ipods? TSJ did mine a while back, and i don't think he knew how to do it yet.


31-10-2005 11:29:01

lol can we all donate and change like woods (eventhough hes banned) to like im a fuliker


31-10-2005 11:34:17

You can if you want!

edit done, peinecone.


31-10-2005 12:07:44

[quotef89fa87647="Peinecone"]Admin, could you put my title below the ipods? TSJ did mine a while back, and i don't think he knew how to do it yet.[/quotef89fa87647]

It's not that I didn't know, I just don't have the rights/access to wink

Anyway, I think this is a great idea lol

Should be interesteing D


31-10-2005 12:09:23

I would pay $5 to change someone else's, but not $7.


31-10-2005 12:30:37

are you serious?


31-10-2005 12:31:26

can i change yours admin? P


31-10-2005 12:34:55

[quote7b276d8b95="Admin"]are you serious?[/quote7b276d8b95]

Yeah... oops


31-10-2005 12:39:04

Is there some kind of screening process that we have to do before a custom title is allowed?

Will you be able to know which person changed your title?


31-10-2005 12:41:16

What if I want to change a mod's title. Will that cost me extra?


31-10-2005 15:36:42

haha oh the possibilities.


31-10-2005 15:43:33

someone change mine..


31-10-2005 15:46:56

Heres my changes to come
Bspence will be "canadian douchebag"


31-10-2005 16:32:29

Great way for the site to make money...U post urs(they get money)...someone changes it(they get money)..u change it back(They get more money)) good thinkin Admin...but i dont really like that other ppl can change it (


31-10-2005 16:40:05

damm $5 for that? common........


31-10-2005 16:48:31

Okay fine. $4 and $6 sound good?


31-10-2005 16:48:55

I bet you'd make more money if you offered $2 to change it, and $5 to change a mods


31-10-2005 17:17:20

i think its a bad move to charge users for making/changing custom titles...
why cant it be free? charging for Ads makes a lot more sense than charging for a custom title... its not fair (
lets have a community vote on the issue! D


31-10-2005 17:26:07

$4 and $6 are plenty reasonable.


31-10-2005 17:43:04

If I paid six bucks Id want some assurance that my money was going to go to something that somebody couldnt change in five minutes...just a thought.


31-10-2005 17:45:47

Wow, six bucks. Thats what, minimum wage in mexico?
Cry me a river =(


31-10-2005 17:47:58

Minimum wage here is $5.25.


31-10-2005 17:54:33

Make it so that people have to pay $$ to change theirs back cool


31-10-2005 18:03:15

Minimum wage here is $7.35 )
Yay for WA state.


31-10-2005 18:06:36

Correction, PA is $5.15.

Washington is the highest.

Kansas is the lowest with $2.65.


31-10-2005 18:08:31

look, this is just a little idea for some extra money. i don't think anyone has a right to complain since

a) its in addition to your normal title, not instead
b) i removed the ads completely. this is now the only major ad-free freebie forum.
c) i'm charging for a feature i just added, not one you've already had. everyone's been using the forum for over a year with no title changing ability and it's been just fine. if you dont like it or need it, dont touch it.


31-10-2005 18:11:05

I hope no one is complaining...


31-10-2005 18:11:07

I'm signing up. Who cares, its five bucks.


31-10-2005 18:11:29

So what's the deal with changing a mods? I want to change Stroids to something about Michael Vick sucking...


31-10-2005 18:15:21

Heh, buy it and give it a go =P
Its automatic, doesn't require any human interaction.


31-10-2005 18:16:26

Someone one change mine.


31-10-2005 18:19:16

What'du like?


31-10-2005 18:23:48

You can change a mod's, but there's no guarantee he'll leave it like that )


31-10-2005 18:42:27

There should be some timer that does not allow the title to be changed back too soon after it was originally changed. Something like 24 hours.... twisted


31-10-2005 19:20:59

Mods have already given some members custom titles for free
should those members who have custom titles now (without paying)
have their titles taken away till they pay? Should mods really have the ability to create and change titles? If a member(person A) is friends with a mod he could technically get free custom titles without paying which would make paying to change Person A's title almost useless. If only
Admin could change/make the titles i think that would be in the best interests of EVERYONE


31-10-2005 19:21:45

They are newage, snazzy titles.


31-10-2005 20:18:28

i dont like the chaniging others to well but nice idea for some cash!!


31-10-2005 20:30:44

[quotedc7420b168="JUNIOR6886"]Mods have already given some members custom titles for free
should those members who have custom titles now (without paying)
have their titles taken away till they pay? Should mods really have the ability to create and change titles? If a member(person A) is friends with a mod he could technically get free custom titles without paying which would make paying to change Person A's title almost useless. If only
Admin could change/make the titles i think that would be in the best interests of EVERYONE[/quotedc7420b168]

I won't be changing anyones titles unless it's offensive or I'm told to, and that includes mine if anyone changes it. It's not really something to get pissed about it shrug

The way I see it is, if you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't be laughing at others.

So go ahead and change me bitches! D


31-10-2005 20:34:10

I'm leet. tsj can you edit mine ( I don't want to be out another $5.
I've spent $12 on the new system and $10 on old donations )
Yay for fipg.


31-10-2005 20:38:14

[quote39fd470dff="goofygarber"]I'm leet. tsj can you edit mine ( I don't want to be out another $5.
I've spent $12 on the new system and $10 on old donations )
Yay for fipg.[/quote39fd470dff]

cry cry

I'm not changing anyones unless I'm told to by a higher power or it's offensive.

I think yours fits quite well wink


31-10-2005 20:39:54

That was the admin dicking around becuase I figured out how to edit it without paying after I paid the first time.


31-10-2005 20:40:54

$3.50 of your second one was paid by someone else you damned liar.


31-10-2005 20:43:29

I don't believe it for a second >=(


31-10-2005 20:43:49

[quote962a6472c0="goofygarber"]That was the admin dicking around becuase I figured out how to edit it without paying after I paid the first time.[/quote962a6472c0]



31-10-2005 20:44:30

btw, did you know that WAMU doesn't verify social security? I mistyped my birthdate and it processed; as well as authorized me for platinum chequing.
Yay for passport + credit card and SS getting me a full bank account and a line of credit


31-10-2005 20:45:13

[quote5dfc79e6af="Admin"]$3.50 of your second one was paid by someone else you damned liar.[/quote5dfc79e6af]

He should keep that title permanently as a punishment. ;) He seems to really dislike it.

Sorry Goofy, you're funny sometimes but when you have too much fun with the word "fag," then I guess you're just screaming to be let out of the closet. I just gave you a little push.


31-10-2005 20:46:16

I'll never come clean.


31-10-2005 20:46:29

I think it would be cool to change someone else's username for a fee too, I know of another forum that does it and it can be a $50+ fee or something.


31-10-2005 20:47:37

Who is that much of a nerd to blow $50 on something so dumb? I'd be honored if someone paid $50 to change my username.


31-10-2005 20:50:37

Do people who do this also get donator status? I already have 1 bar, but do I get another for doing this now?

O Nevermind, I lost my donator status! Can I get that back?


31-10-2005 20:51:14

Min. Wage = $8


31-10-2005 20:51:50

At you can pay to change people's usernames and sticky whatever threads you want, some guy spent $20k doing that last night.


31-10-2005 20:53:43

Well, he's a dumb fuck.


31-10-2005 21:07:21

[quoteda5221a565="Bill"]At you can pay to change people's usernames and sticky whatever threads you want, some guy spent $20k doing that last night.[/quoteda5221a565]

Are you taking the piss??


31-10-2005 21:14:41

[quotec4532e571a="goofygarber"]btw, did you know that WAMU doesn't verify social security? I mistyped my birthdate and it processed; as well as authorized me for platinum chequing.
Yay for passport + credit card and SS getting me a full bank account and a line of credit[/quotec4532e571a]

where did this come from?


31-10-2005 21:21:24

[quotef6bac9bbff="shamash"]Do people who do this also get donator status? I already have 1 bar, but do I get another for doing this now?

O Nevermind, I lost my donator status! Can I get that back?[/quotef6bac9bbff]

Talk to admin and he'll get it back )


31-10-2005 21:21:55

[quote6493f1a996="shamash"]Do people who do this also get donator status? I already have 1 bar, but do I get another for doing this now?

O Nevermind, I lost my donator status! Can I get that back?[/quote6493f1a996]

Talk to admin, he can get it back for you )


31-10-2005 21:44:20

[quote5e3d01eaf7="Strike"]Min. Wage = $8[/quote5e3d01eaf7]

Unless you're Wal-Mart. wink


31-10-2005 21:52:13

$5 for a custom title, christ whats this world coming too, thats robbery...


31-10-2005 22:01:27

hahahaha minimum wage here for a part time 40 hour week is $4.85


01-11-2005 05:45:22

Dude its only 5 dollars.


01-11-2005 06:31:08

$7.10 In Connecticut w00t!


01-11-2005 17:05:24

Meads - is anyone forcing you to pay for it?!?

P.S. Nice option Admin )


01-11-2005 17:44:36

$6.75 (or so) here