Last week of my job... Do I.....?

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31-10-2005 09:11:18

Okay, so I'm down to my last week at my current job as a network administrator. We aren't parting on the best conditions and I'm a little pissed at them. Originally I was going to make sure that I gave them my full documentation but I've since decided that their new person can figure a lot of it out, or at least attempt. So I've already decided to leave partial documentation.

But what do I do with my administrative backdoors? Leave them, Remove them or Install more?


31-10-2005 09:38:24

I'd put different kids of cheese in the cases for every computer.

Or this



31-10-2005 09:41:56

The mouse had it coming twisted


31-10-2005 10:45:00

I wouldn't add more, leave it or remove them. Depending on where you work and what you signed, you could get F-ed if you jack up the system before you leave. Most places you would, even if just adding more since it wasn't to help the system.


31-10-2005 12:23:19

just add iroffer and serv-u and give me the passes )


31-10-2005 13:27:46

dont forget netcat!!!!!!!!!!!! D


31-10-2005 14:25:11

I'm under no contracts or anything... I have a feeling I'm going to leave all my backdoors in place and maybe add one or two because I personally know my temporary replacement and he is, for a lack of better words, functionally retarded.


31-10-2005 14:40:55

What do these backdoors give you access to?


31-10-2005 15:51:04

I still have the access info to the website of a company that I formerly worked at. They laid me off about 8 months ago, also not on the best of terms. I was in charge of the website and as such, could wipe it totally today if I pleased. Part of me wants to. But the legal law abiding and moral part does not. Or I could just accidentally leave the logon and pw on some website p


31-10-2005 15:57:10

here's the best thing!
leave the backdoors on, and randomly change files from time to time, so ur replacement will have a damn hard time figuring out wtf is breaking all the time.
your management won't be happy either P and they'll beg for u to come back.


31-10-2005 16:21:29

As a consultant I have backdoors in a few differnet companies...

Backdoors can give you access to anything. I occasionally drop in on a few of my old companies to see how they are evolving my programs...