i know the xbox 360 kiosk lady

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=25309


29-10-2005 11:32:31

ok, i think i have mentioned on these forums before that a lady that works for microsoft is a patient at my moms dentist office. a few weeks ago she showed my mom a trunk full of xbox 360's. well i found out today that she is actually the person that installs them in all of the local wal-marts (most of dallas-ft. worth area). she said that she could hold one at each of the stores around here or however many i needed. so i figured i would get 5 and sell them on ebay. i preordered one at gamestop but i wont be getting it until the second shipment which is like the first week in december. did any of you preorder an xbox 360?


29-10-2005 12:08:28

no, i didn't preorder one but it looks like youve got a sweet deal.


29-10-2005 12:15:55

yeah that sounds like a sweet deal, congrats.


29-10-2005 12:23:35

i might not be able to get 5 but i know i can get at least one )


29-10-2005 12:32:59

You're really lucky. D


29-10-2005 12:58:38

like for free or do you have to pay.

either way it's good because people will probably pay more on ebay for them when they sell out


29-10-2005 13:02:55

well i will still have to pay but since she knows the managers and stuff she will just have to call and talk to the manager and meet me up there and she will get me one.


29-10-2005 13:03:30

wait sooo you get the 360's that the walmarts are suppose to get? so do the walmarts around you get the 360 kiosks at all before it's release date?