Rom Suggestions?

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28-10-2005 09:51:22

Im running 2.0 on my psp and i finally got a homebrew on there that works. I have a nes and snes emulator on there. I have all the marios for both systems. For NES i have battletoads, bart simpson v. the world, skate or die, Contra, Double Dragon 2, Techmo Superbowl, and Tetris. On SNES i have Ken Griffey Jr baseball, NBA Jam, Monopoly, Super Mario Kart, and few others. What are some good games that i dont have mentioned that i can get and play there are other games i can think of from my childhood but those that i have seem to be some of my favorites. And i dont like RPGs but i do like Zelda.


28-10-2005 10:04:10

Dump the entire NES Full Set on a stick with emu and go.. I have it if you licoughli need it licoughli


28-10-2005 10:04:19

nes dr mario, bouble bobble

snes street fighter 2, dr mario vs tetris (if you cant find dr mario for nes)


28-10-2005 10:07:34

Well, there are of course the Mario World games for SNES. Others would be...

Donkey Kong Country (and the others from the series)
Kirby All-Star
Street Figher II
Super Metroid
Mortal Kombat 2
Yoshi's Island
Gradius III

Megaman Series for the NES
Blaster Master
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Double Dragon was fun, but mostly with two people...


28-10-2005 10:09:39

Damn, I keep holding off on downgrading my PSP because I'm afraid of bricking it, but I need to get some emulators...


28-10-2005 10:14:29

I highly suggest people with 2.0 downgrade to 1.5. If you want, I can send you a link by PM to a great PSP site with safe downloads.


28-10-2005 10:14:54

Just put all the games you can find on there if you have like a 1gig card. )

Anyways, is version 2.0 the ony version to play "home brew" stuff, like emulators and "backup" PSP games?

Would one be able to go online if it has a "modified" firmware?


28-10-2005 10:18:39

Don't use 2.0 if at all possible. It is HIGHLY limited with the amount of homebrew software that works. If you have a 2.0 or lower, use a downgrader to get 1.5. If you do a downgrade, your PSP will actually be that version, not just look like it. The only thing you will be missing is the web browser, which there are some homebrewed versions now....


28-10-2005 10:19:12

[quotee5a6d4dc80]Just put all the games you can find on there if you have like a 1gig card. Smile

Anyways, is version 2.0 the ony version to play "home brew" stuff, like emulators and "backup" PSP games?

Would one be able to go online if it has a "modified" firmware?[/quotee5a6d4dc80]

Thats exactly what I'm saying... You can dump every NES game made in existence (10,779) and the emu on a single 1gig stick.. I would do that if I had a PSP (and I don't ( )


28-10-2005 10:22:03

I have Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on my psp for snes, I liked the show when I was smaller and the game is pretty good


28-10-2005 10:24:36

yea when i had my psp i played super mario world on it all the time (i had 1.5 )). on nes, i liked the ninja turtle games and some wrestling game. i never had snes so i dont know many games on that except for the mortal kombat series, but those are better for genesis anyway wink.


28-10-2005 10:24:42

[quotec0d3cf71c5]I have Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on my psp for snes, I liked the show when I was smaller and the game is pretty good[/quotec0d3cf71c5]

I think you should have kept that to yourself... lol

[quotec0d3cf71c5]yea when i had my psp i played super mario world on it all the time (i had 1.5 Smile). on nes, i liked the ninja turtle games and some wrestling game. i never had snes so i dont know many games on that except for the mortal kombat series, but those are better for genesis anyway Wink.[/quotec0d3cf71c5]

I grew up on Later NES and SNES.. I still have my old NES in my room twisted


28-10-2005 10:28:40

[quotea63279f870="x323smostwantedx"]I have Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on my psp for snes, I liked the show when I was smaller and the game is pretty good[/quotea63279f870]

oooh, i actually played that game before like over 10years ago
, send it to me, i wanna play! P


28-10-2005 10:35:20

The Mighty Morphin Power trangers game is on


28-10-2005 13:46:20

i am happy with the emus on 2.0 and i dont wanna go through the trouble to downgrade eventually people will get everything working for 2.0 so there wont be a need to downgrade.


28-10-2005 13:54:22

if you were to give your could find a cd with a bunch of roms in your mailbox in a couple days wink


28-10-2005 13:54:22

snes games you NEED
gradius III
supermario rpg
the ninja turtles game
desert strike


28-10-2005 13:59:39

[quote650dd28a94="turpentinedreams"]snes games you NEED
gradius III
supermario rpg
the ninja turtles game
desert strike[/quote650dd28a94]

DEFINATELY agree with you abotu earthbound, BEST game ever!