Are you an affiliate?

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27-10-2005 15:36:10

I was just doing a little research, and I noticed that some companies that offer affiliate programs actually encourage affiliates to use their own referral links when making persornal purchases. (For example, see Tweeter's page at http//[]http//

Is anyone currently doing this? Signing up as an affiliate for an online retailer for the sole purpose of receiving a comission on his own purchase?

I can see it being worthwhile for someone who plans to buy a big-ticket item (like a laptop or HDTV); a 5-7% commission on a $1000 is $50-$70 back....


27-10-2005 15:49:36

It will always be against that sites terms of service but you can easily get away with it


27-10-2005 15:51:19

[quoted95dd5b00c="tonydanza92"]It will always be against that sites terms of service but you can easily get away with it[/quoted95dd5b00c]

Tweeter specifically encourages it...

[quoted95dd5b00c]WHY JOIN?
Turn your web site into a virtual consumer electronics store
Earn referral fees of up to 5% on thousands of top quality, name-brand consumer electronics products
Be up and running quickly. It's easy.
[bd95dd5b00c]Buy consumer electronics for yourself through your link, and pocket the commissions![/bd95dd5b00c] [/quoted95dd5b00c]


27-10-2005 15:52:27

i do it on amazon


27-10-2005 15:55:12

[quote787aee2fe9="turpentinedreams"]i do it on amazon[/quote787aee2fe9]

What kind of commissions do you get? I can see it being useful for somebody who frequently buys from a given retailer. It's an automatic discount, if they allow it.


27-10-2005 18:06:15's hosting affiliate program encourages you to sign up under yourself, so to speak. Ends up being like -$3 for a year of hosting )


27-10-2005 18:12:15
